Dragon throne chapter 1&2&3


Feb 6, 2016

Chapter 3 brings some new elements.  Some small correction of chapter 1 and 2 has been made as well.  If you want to see nudity - most likely to have to play through to chapter 3. 

Any support of this project is appreciated. It helps me to make to make a game I always wanted to make.  

Old saves won't work  so you have to use the ones which are in the game.

1- end of chapter 1

2- end of chapter 2


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Mar 8, 2016
Seen that you will do a reboot you want the same some opinions and advices? 

I was trying to write something complete, it's ok if you read and decide that you don't agree with I will write, you are the author, but using a bit of time writing much and you don't need other opinions or at the moment you aren't even reading the forums you posted would be a loss of time. 

In any case i think your game's reboot has a great potential. 


Feb 6, 2016
I've just released reworked chapter 1. It is not much. But there are couple new things. Take a look if you want.


Mar 10, 2016
The renovated game seem decisively better, more dialogues make the story more interesting to follow and you have improved the graphic; even if I found the original dressing Addine scene a bit more erotic with the unsuccessful try to cover herself completely the new scene is surely more graphically better and pleasing to see.
I am very pleased by your models, and I'm not simply saying that are beautiful, but that they are adapt for their role, if all of them were only beautiful how can one be more beautiful, sexy innocent or plain of another, they seem to have personality and I can say that for now you have found the right actors for each roles.
I am only a bit curious on the sex parts of the game, because you say to be creating an adult game (18+), so it's something i'm evaluating.
I have read what you wrote when searching for collaborator, but also that you wanted to create scenes longer and nice.
The story is what drive the game and all that happens has reasons and this can be ok, maybe even great, but how much and how the adult part will be present in the story?
The first episodes is not the best episode for judge, because you are creating the basis for the story and there aren't many opportunities, but can we expect in the future ?
We can expect at least some adult actions in each episodes or we could see some chapters without ?
You will try to depict interesting scene, as far as possible, or the improvement will be only in the graphic part ?
Have you thought of adding some replay possibility to see already played scenes ?


Mar 8, 2016
I think that Natali deserves to be followed, one cannot judge from the remake of the first chapter, the story is only at the beginning, when you wants to tell a story the characters cannot show all their behaviour and secret immediately, they can also grow, also the sex cannot be showed much, because there is the need to show the roots of the story. We can see that she used her contribute to create better graphic, she is trying to do a good game with a story not putting all on sex sex sex, that in any case seem to be present, only it's not what moves the story. Many try to attract with winking name or with a structure in which you play fights or mini game not done very well if not boring only to see the sex part. Maybe the game won't be perfect, but we can aready see how much she wants to improve it and she will try to hire someone to help already at 1000 goal, when others usually wait at least the 2000. I think that we will be much surprised in the incoming months and episodes and what she can create if the support to her grows.


Mar 10, 2016
I didn't want to say that the Natali isn't a good author, the contrary.
I could wait 6 months and see how the story evolves, but I would want to decide before if supporting her and the adult theme is important for me, I could even pay 100 in future if I sees her can write and depict hot scenes.
I don't ask for several mind blowing sex scene with erotic dialogue every episodes, or that the sex is only about the protagonist, but the adult part needs to be well present.
Natali wrote that she wants to put adult themes (18+) and 50 and 100 pledges are for seeing scenes chosen by who pay, so it's natural wanting to know what are you supporting.
Personally If I pledges on Patreon is for a good game with good adult materials, something I don't easily find in commercial game.
I can find game with a good story easily and, even if Natali's images are noteworthy for a game like this I can find author who create only images more capable of her if this is the only thing that she wants to concentrate in sex scenes.
Other people can have different ideas, each of one wants different thing and I don't ask her to change the game for me I'm only trying to understand if this game is my cup of tea, because I like Natali's dedication.
I can accept that the story is first, but only if the sexual elements are well present.
If one girl decides to seduce the protagonist for having a baby and elevate her position an author can show how happen, we can see the girl and hero in bed and a fading or the girl can fuck him more than one time for being sure to be pregnant, maybe finding different ways to keep him interested to her after the first fuck, things like hot bath, lingerie, threesome with a friend, etc...
If the story needs the child the first possibility is sufficient, but in an adult game (18+) I expect at least a good scene and surely don't ruin the story seeing others, the sex scenes can also give more deepness at the story.
Speaking of something that surely some patrons are waiting, meaning sex between family members, the story seems to indicate that could happen situations that bring to this events at lest with someone, for the story this event, if happen, is more than sufficient, but if the experience isn't horrible is credible that this could happen again, and this need to remain a secret open story possibility, for example If the hero is so lucky to fuck either the sisters, that apart the incest taboo, he seems to appreciate their figures, I can imagine funny moments if he have to hide this from each other, and less funny if this secrets is discovered.
I don't expect that all the men and women, relatives or not continue to fuck many times each episodes or a scene like an orgy between all the family members, that in a game like Natali's wouldn't have much sense (maybe if someone drug their lunch for revenge, but it would be a bit strained as motivation) but If one author wants he can put sex in a plot without wrecking it.
For concluding:
If Natali's goal is to create in future a good game that someone will want to buy even without sex i can wish her to be succesful, and I could buy it when finished, but it's not something that I wants to support on Patreon each month.
If Natali wants to write good games in which sex is not the central part of the game, but it's well present and she wants to dedicate effort to create something nice about it, in the same way she want to improve the other elements of the game, like good action gameplay, non adult dialogues and scenes (moving sacrifices, unexpected betrayal,etc..) THIS is something that I could decide to support.
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Feb 6, 2016
The renovated game seem decisively better, more dialogues make the story more interesting to follow and you have improved the graphic; even if I found the original dressing Addine scene a bit more erotic with the unsuccessful try to cover herself completely the new scene is surely more graphically better and pleasing to see.
I am very pleased by your models, and I'm not simply saying that are beautiful, but that they are adapt for their role, if all of them were only beautiful how can one be more beautiful, sexy innocent or plain of another, they seem to have personality and I can say that for now you have found the right actors for each roles.
I am only a bit curious on the sex parts of the game, because you say to be creating an adult game (18+), so it's something i'm evaluating.
I have read what you wrote when searching for collaborator, but also that you wanted to create scenes longer and nice.
The story is what drive the game and all that happens has reasons and this can be ok, maybe even great, but how much and how the adult part will be present in the story?
The first episodes is not the best episode for judge, because you are creating the basis for the story and there aren't many opportunities, but can we expect in the future ?
We can expect at least some adult actions in each episodes or we could see some chapters without ?
You will try to depict interesting scene, as far as possible, or the improvement will be only in the graphic part ?
Have you thought of adding some replay possibility to see already played scenes ?

I understand your confusion. Let me explain what is on my mind right now. How far I will go with xxx elements I am not sure right now. Maybe I need second opinions from you guys. To be frankly I reworked also a massage scene in the first chapter but then I decided not to include it because if felt it is too much. My problem is with adult elements that I want first of all create an interesting story with many characters which take place in fantasy world. So to say medieval fantasy atmosphere. And I don't want to make quests like other adult games do. Their entire story and plot are about how to fuck sister or mother.  

It is not a first time people ask me to make sex scene between sister and borther. Considering famous stuff from TV series, it is a not problem there. So probably it will not be a problem for me to make them. However, people are disappointed because they want to see already in first chapters all characters having sex.

If you are asking will it be some hot stuff each chapter - the answer yes. Will we have scene between  Jonathan and Addine - answer most likely. But first I need to write a script with some ideas how the story will dectate it. You won't get quest like - pick up 10 flowers and bring to sister to have sex.  Not going to happens. Not in this game. There are 100 even 1000 games with such quests.

My game will contain adult elements and it is going to be in every chapter. However, I want them to make really hot. After chapter 2 in sisters&brothers. I reconsidered my approach to graphic. So I will make even better than they were in sisters&brothers. 

We can expect at least some adult actions in each episodes or we could see some chapters without ? -  in each chapter.   Even with that support what I have now, I can create more characters.  So different stuff with different actors. Eventhough it takes time to create them. if you wonder how long it took to make Addine - about 3-4 full working schedule. Trying different shapes and different hair with different faces. Another approach is to buy already made characters. But somehow most of them I don't like. So all of them need some correction more or less.

You will try to depict interesting scene, as far as possible, or the improvement will be only in the graphic part ?  Both. I got it - people don't like walking in the game.  Wait for chapter 2 to see. I have more ambition for it.

Have you thought of adding some replay possibility to see already played scenes ?  Good idea. It is not difficult to make. Most like I will implement it in chapter 3.

If you aren't sure how it will be. Just wait for second chapter. I hope I can satisfy your expectation.
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Mar 10, 2016
Thanks for the ready answer and I like that you at least want to create sex scene that will be hot.

I can begin to express my opinion, other will continue.

Inspiring from famous tv series, like games of thrones you have a advantage respect them, you don't need to submit of big audience moralism and you have complete control over the actors.

Some scenes cannot be filmed or need to be showed with less particular possible, because it's more acceptable violence and torture even between friend and relatives than sex; and some scenes cannot be shoot because actor/actress don't want, the reason because we won't see another nude scene of daenerys.

From what I have read I think that you don't need to accelerate when the sexual encounter happen, you can create the condition and the setting before some characters begin to have sex, at the same time I don't think that you have to fear that too much sexual contents will ruin your game's story, if you prepare the situation and give personality to characters all will go great, even in chapter 1, where sexual part is nearly absent the way you have prepared the blowjob tell me you won't have problem.

If you are prepared to show, when the story will unravel, betrayal also between family and friend, death, etc.. you cannot worry about too much sex at that point.

I said this also because you said game with adult content (18+) so you create some anticipation, it can be good to wait when all the story is ready, but at some point one expect that the "fate" put the characters in some situations, and even if they think to do something wrong better remorse for having done that regret for not having done, otherwise, about the sex part, many will feel how having showed for sometime a beautiful cake without eating it, or maybe to have had the permission only for a bite without the possibility to have a bis, even if liked very much.

Speaking of relatives that are the characters that are more complicated to put in situation to fuck together and those you fear more to depict in cheap way, but at the same times are the first we see, have good images, and it's impossible in an adult game not thinking in sexual way:

Addine: It's for now the better model you have created, if the hero don't fuck her and more than one time I think that many will be unhappy, the good thing is that from what I have seen it's only a matter of time and the occur of the right occasion and neither of them would have great hesitation after.

Valeria: this is more delicate, it's the girlfriend of the best friend and the relationship seems more fraternal that with Addine, at the same time when the same Jonathan comment on her ass in the first encounter is hard not thinking of her in that sense.

Frankly if not for Drak's intrusion I don't think that this could happen, but instead the possibility at this point exist at least for a single fuck, but after having broken the taboo the things can be different, it wouldn't be the first time that someone can do something that think wrong because he likes the feeling very much, the taste of forbidden, and saying to themself that after all if none know none wil be hurt and there will be only the pleasentful part.

Aunt: this cannot think, it's too tied at the story we don't know, some hatefuck maybe in some situation.

Mom: If you don't want that someone asks you have to depict her like a monster, if hot it will happen, but in the case seen how the father treat her I can imagine a cup of wine too much, asking to the son if it has become a so ugly woman now and she is too old and after that something crazy can happen.

Naturally I'm not saying that he has to fuck Addine in chapter 3, 4, 5 , 6, ... or fuck Addine, aunt and Valeria in chapter 4, because this will  be possible only if you put sex in front of the story, but if he has a sex scene with Addine in Chapter 4, one with Valeria in chapter 5 and another with Addine in chapter 8 I think that this can be more than possible.

This are example, but I want to say that if you put this moments in the story, they won't ruin it, but will add some instead, in addition to please some patrons, if you try to cut the sexual part for fear of be cheap it's better not doing an adult game, showing but not too much can obtain something neither flesh nor fowl.

Surely you don't have to exaggerate, prepare the right situation and events, show the character's feelings, but, aside that, the game will be better not worst for the sex part.

One thing that I appreciate on you is that you are really trying to create a good game and you aren't trying to answer in misleading way so to attract more money possible, even if at the end I won't support you I want to wish you all the better for the game.
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Mar 8, 2016
I agree with Sethxxxx that abstaining from some particular sexual happenings will delude some patrons or players, maybe they can wait but if they don’t ever happen is a bit like a gaming “blue ball” respect what a person expect from an adult game.
I don’t want to propose what Natali has to do, but I want to say her that she doesn’t need to obsess on doing first possible a particular sexual event, but at the same way she doesn’t need to think that simply doing that sexual event will make your game cheap.
From what I have seen for now you are doing a good job in arrange the story and the characters, once done this you are an author that can arrange the events to happen in a way that it’s not cheap, with the characters that answer to those in a realistic way.
Actually if you decide to write a good sex scene, and dedicate the right time on her, I cannot imagine you as an author capable to write a cheap scene.In some way it will exactly because you will do in a meaningful way the same thing 100-1000 games do in a cheap way that you could stand out. 

Personally i haven't associated you to them even when the title pointed in that direction.

 This, naturally, if you wants to create those scenes, but from what you have written you aren’t against only worried that can ruin the type of game you want to create.
I can also suggest you to ask to your patrons what they think, seen that they are the people that support you with money, even if I would aspect at least the release of the third  or fourth chapter before asking, so that they would have a better idea to what you are doing.
If you want to do this could be a good idea to communicate this a week before the end of the month you want to ask, so who is uncertain of supporting you can pledge for giving his opinion, and asking at the beginning of the month you can hear only who has really pledged and not who has done a fake one only to comment (and I have seen this happen).
If the patrons are too little you can ask even in the forums, giving more weight to the patrons' opiniond, however don’t be surprised if the majority will say that they like the story much, but want to happen more situations in which the hero will have sex, maybe with family member.
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Mar 8, 2016
I think also that while we can do suppositions, Natali cannot say too much.

If the sex happen concomitant with the story if she confirm if Valeria or Addine will have sex with the hero and in the case in which episodes would be a spoilers, because we can aspect some particular event. 
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Mar 8, 2016
Now after a good night of sleeping I think that I can express better what I think about your indecisions on sex. Your choice needs to depend on what "sub atmosphere" you want to give. I will try to explain better. You want to write a investigative story with horror elements, it's natural that each episodes will happen something horrorful and will be a latent horrorful tension in all the story, the protagonsit will be a jaded investigator or someone obsessed, but this not means that the story cannot be investigative. You want to write an investigative story with funny elements, the protagonist will be clumsy, you will see deaths, sad moments, sacrifice, ect..., but all showed in a funny or parodoxical events. The funny part will be always present in background, the audience expect that, but this doesn't mean that the story is not investigative or that you can show romantic moments or heroic moments. Natali you are writing a fantasy/politic story with adult (18+) elements. This means that the "fate" will do in a way that the characters end or find them in situations that help a carnal knowledge, the characters will be more sensible to some sollecitations, this doesn't mean that can happen sad moments, of betrayal, ect... only that there will be present a sexual tension in the game. The protagonist seems even a brave man, but alsoa bit a scoundrel, sometimes weak to the flesh's temptations, probably the type that he is a bit libertine,because thinks that rules are different for him. It's too early to judge his personality, but he could be a person that wouldn't speak of a secret if threatened, but maybe spilling if duped by a seducent spy. At the end you have to think how much you are comfortable with the adult part. The hero if saves a hot girl he also ready to ask some rewards from the grateful girl or he wouldn't have to take advantadge of her. If the guy from which the hero needs to steal has a hot wife he would think " I cannot be distracted and I don't seduce women already engaged" or " This job has become much more interesting and pleasant" ? If you likes more the sexual subtone you don't need to worry about putting partcular sexual parts, once that they happen in the story, who play the game already excpect them and they won't deprive the other aspects of the story that will be present in any case and who play. If for you each of the possibilities are good at the same way ask your follower what prefers, but if you prefers the non sexual possibilities and background I don't know if putting adult situations in each episodes is something you can do without becoming forced.

Now I have already express too much my ideas, so I will stop and leave to someone other, because I'm only a single oerson and I don't think my opinions are more illuminated than otgers, but the last thing that I want to say to you is:

I don't know if Jonathan will have sex with Valeria or not, but the fact that seeing the blowjob is first thought hasn't been "Now I can blackmail her" already discriminate you from the games you have said you don't want to copy.
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Mar 10, 2016
More screen from upcoming chapter 2.   https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/patreon.posts/14497853614654215934.jpg

There is still left some graphical work to do. Afterwards, writing dialogues and putting everything together. Hopefully everyting is going to be done in the begining of April.

With those and the lake picture, that you have posted on the Patreon page, but not here, we can say that Addine could be put in a dictionary as example of the word "voluptuous".

I have to say that the new cover for the game, the throne, can be appropriate, but result a bit bare, don't attract enough the attention,you need to add something, maybe a figure of jonathan in trasparence, and also the 2 sisters if their role will be important for all the series.
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Mar 8, 2016
When I first saw the pics of Nora i was surprised, I expected a hot bombshell, but more that I observe her more I think Natali did a good job. 


Mar 10, 2016
I have read that you want to add a naughty sidequest in chapter 2, an experience that could be repeated if it's liked.

This can be an interesting choice to add adult parts only for who interested, but the trick behind a good sidequest is to add something extra, when the player complete it he needs to feel to have obtained something more, not feeling to have something less for not doing that.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2016
I am sure why you are saying, but I don't agree. The story is becoming interesting and for who wants there are more spicy moments than in the original. 

oh i love the story don't get me wrong i'm only up to searching for the thief for the market lady and really dont want to hit the end of chapter 2 but i think that his childish irresponsibility holds him back from his potential, he has a strange complex character profile i love it but there are moments when i think he should hurry up with the cloak and dagger tactics his ability could help him manipulate anyone if he just tries to explore it more. (I also really want him to go all Vlad the Impaler on his cousin and leave him rotting in the sun like a sadistic scarecrow)


Mar 8, 2016
oh i love the story don't get me wrong i'm only up to searching for the thief for the market lady and really dont want to hit the end of chapter 2 but i think that his childish irresponsibility holds him back from his potential, he has a strange complex character profile i love it but there are moments when i think he should hurry up with the cloak and dagger tactics his ability could help him manipulate anyone if he just tries to explore it more. (I also really want him to go all Vlad the Impaler on his cousin and leave him rotting in the sun like a sadistic scarecrow)

He is a bit childish, true, but it means that he can improve in the story, I think that all the sister and brother will change for what will happen them, at the same time some part of behaviour will remain in him even after all the experience, probably he will be a bit a scoundrel even at the of the game. 


Active Member
Apr 10, 2016
He is a bit childish, true, but it means that he can improve in the story, I think that all the sister and brother will change for what will happen them, at the same time some part of behaviour will remain in him even after all the experience, probably he will be a bit a scoundrel even at the of the game. 

i can see that yes hahaha and fair point leaves a lot of for character development, cant wait to see how he turns out :'( they grow up so fast it was only yesterday i downloaded the file hahahaha


Mar 10, 2016
I have played the game and I'm a bit challenged, the game is surely better than the original and the story more captivating.
You have also added a bit in the adult zone, the scenes "interrupted" or with "teasing" are well done, but when we arrive at the parts where there is the true action seems that you don't care, that you want to show that it's secondary or tertiary importance.
The combat scenes with images is well done and add something, but you don't think to interrupt the combat with cutscene with other characters speaking, instead the scene with the maid is divided.
And honestly the maid scene can still be ok, it's the Drak-Valeria scene, that it's the main scene of chapter 2, that it's a true disappointment.
When I saw the glimpse of the future I was impressed, a well done animation, and I expected a good scene, but at the end THAT was the scene.
You said that the old scenes were short and little pleasant and you made the scene shorter.
You gives time for savoring the confusion in the scene with the danger sense and it's right; instead the sex scene is missing and when you run to save don't feel the time that pass, because you are already at the end.
Ok one person can guess the events sequence, Drak asked another time Valeria to sign, she refused, Drak asked for sex, Valeria reluctantly agreed, probably after a slow beginning the cousin pretended that she would participate more in the act, and she needed to begin to feign pleasure or fantasize that he was with Joran for passing this moment.
She was so humiliated from all this to say enough, the cousin doesn't accept this because she pretend obedience, maybe he is so full of himself that expected that valeria, after the sex with him will pray for more, now the Valeria's and Drak's reaction at the end can have sense.
Natali, dispassionately, don't you think that in this case all win, there is a better scene, more sense in the last scene, that it's a important moment, even more feeling of passing when you run to save, you could add also a thought different, depending if Valeria knew that Jonathan saw them, and adding another time the animation you would do a good use from something I think you have used time and fatigue to create.
I think that creating an animation of that quality and stop there is a waste, like all the other elements if you want to add adult scene you need to try to show the better possible, like when you add combat or every extra.
I am saying this, because I like you as author, so at least think about my words, if after that you are also sure that the game was better in the way you sorted consider this only as my personal preference otherwise in the future it's always possible to do better.


Feb 6, 2016
I have played the game and I'm a bit challenged, the game is surely better than the original and the story more captivating.
You have also added a bit in the adult zone, the scenes "interrupted" or with "teasing" are well done, but when we arrive at the parts where there is the true action seems that you don't care, that you want to show that it's secondary or tertiary importance.
The combat scenes with images is well done and add something, but you don't think to interrupt the combat with cutscene with other characters speaking, instead the scene with the maid is divided.
And honestly the maid scene can still be ok, it's the Drak-Valeria scene, that it's the main scene of chapter 2, that it's a true disappointment.
When I saw the glimpse of the future I was impressed, a well done animation, and I expected a good scene, but at the end THAT was the scene.
You said that the old scenes were short and little pleasant and you made the scene shorter.
You gives time for savoring the confusion in the scene with the danger sense and it's right; instead the sex scene is missing and when you run to save don't feel the time that pass, because you are already at the end.
Ok one person can guess the events sequence, Drak asked another time Valeria to sign, she refused, Drak asked for sex, Valeria reluctantly agreed, probably after a slow beginning the cousin pretended that she would participate more in the act, and she needed to begin to feign pleasure or fantasize that he was with Joran for passing this moment.
She was so humiliated from all this to say enough, the cousin doesn't accept this because she pretend obedience, maybe he is so full of himself that expected that valeria, after the sex with him will pray for more, now the Valeria's and Drak's reaction at the end can have sense.
Natali, dispassionately, don't you think that in this case all win, there is a better scene, more sense in the last scene, that it's a important moment, even more feeling of passing when you run to save, you could add also a thought different, depending if Valeria knew that Jonathan saw them, and adding another time the animation you would do a good use from something I think you have used time and fatigue to create.
I think that creating an animation of that quality and stop there is a waste, like all the other elements if you want to add adult scene you need to try to show the better possible, like when you add combat or every extra.
I am saying this, because I like you as author, so at least think about my words, if after that you are also sure that the game was better in the way you sorted consider this only as my personal preference otherwise in the future it's always possible to do better.

I got main message. It is not only you who has such opinion.  Next chapter will have extended sex scenes. So to say they will have more background story too.


Feb 6, 2016
I am glad to hear that some people like it.  I haven't decided yet whether next chapter will be released publicly or for patrons only. Since the game is not so popular maybe it is time to finish with public releases.