Remove testacle imobilsation

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
This might just be me, but I have a bit of a ball fetish, so when the PC gets stuck due to excesive testacles it feels like an unwarrented and unwanted restriction. Its kind of like saying "yes you can take dog TFs, but only for your ears and tail. No dog dicks becouse reasons".

I have no problem with the other movement penalties, that is fair enough, but becomeing outright stationary ruins the fun.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Explain to me how you're supposed to walk when your balls are so big your feet don't touch the ground, and then we'll talk.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
This might just be me, but I have a bit of a ball fetish, so when the PC gets stuck due to excesive testacles it feels like an unwarrented and unwanted restriction. Its kind of like saying "yes you can take dog TFs, but only for your ears and tail. No dog dicks becouse reasons".

I have no problem with the other movement penalties, that is fair enough, but becomeing outright stationary ruins the fun.

TBF that also applies to other TFs like Throbb. Maybe don't OD on space drugs.


Aug 26, 2015
I'm not sure I'd advise ODing on either of those either.

Though I'll admit most of the time my Steele shovels Tittyblossom into her mouth like they're Pringles, then uses some Urthra Sap to get back down to the desired bust size.

At the same time, I think that's some other people's fetish, too, right? Immobilization due to macro parts?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm not sure I'd advise ODing on either of those either.

Though I'll admit most of the time my Steele shovels Tittyblossom into her mouth like they're Pringles, then uses some Urthra Sap to get back down to the desired bust size.

Take red venom and have a endless day of fun with Syri!

On point Tanuki balls are hard to get. I Tried cheating them once because i just want the balls,

it doesn't work. Now a pet membrane on your chest alone, works like a charm.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Take red venom and have a endless day of fun with Syri!

gee sounds a whole lot like the rutting/heat buff from CoC. Goto a certain character in a certain bar and you get waylaid for a day rutting or being rutted until you or your partner are packed full of gooey goodness.


Aug 26, 2015
Take red venom and have a endless day of fun with Syri!

I'll pass.

On point Tanuki balls are hard to get. I Tried cheating them once because i just want the balls, it doesn't work. Now a pet membrane on your chest alone, works like a charm.

Nuki Nuts being race-locked has come up before as something strange.  I personally am in favor of removing the race lock and instead tying it to having balls, so that you can get rid of it by genderswapping.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
With Uniballs, Nuki nuts and Ovir testicles,(My creation Lifaun have have 4 balls in one sack.) isn't it time to have a <balls type>.

On the subject of balls. How come when you have Ovir nuts they just disappear, instead of being inside you? It really messes up ejaculation volume, and shouldn't they be subject to blue balls? I should just make a whole new thread about it.
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Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
On the mention of a balls type, can we add the special crotch hugging balls type when you have scales to the mix, if only so I don't have to have them anymore when I play with scales?

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
On the mention of a balls type, can we add the special crotch hugging balls type when you have scales to the mix, if only so I don't have to have them anymore when I play with scales?

I think... that the whole genital slit thing is the thing you want, I never understood how scaled characters should have external gonad when RL mediums of scaled species in fact do not have external gonads at all. As a matter of fact... anything (usually) not a mammal don't have external gonads, correct me if I'm wrong please.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think... that the whole genital slit thing is the thing you want, I never understood how scaled characters should have external gonad when RL mediums of scaled species in fact do not have external gonads at all. As a matter of fact... anything (usually) not a mammal don't have external gonads, correct me if I'm wrong please.

You misunderstand me, I understand how reptiles work with their genitals, but what I want is to keep my external testes when I'm a scale but I want them to be free hanging, not crotch hugging. Sorry for the confusion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nuki Nuts being race-locked has come up before as something strange.  I personally am in favor of removing the race lock and instead tying it to having balls, so that you can get rid of it by genderswapping.

I think unlocking racial perks without their race shouldn't be in the early game either.

Maybe that's one feature you can add to Dr. Lessau? Isolating the genes that make a racial perk and locking it and unlocking it with your nanites.

You misunderstand me, I understand how reptiles work with their genitals, but what I want is to keep my external testes when I'm a scale but I want them to be free hanging, not crotch hugging. Sorry for the confusion.

Yeah I don't like that description either. Kinda awful that you're forced to have Uniballs as a scaley.

EDIT: Also just noticed that Uniballs don't have any furry/scale description. That's also bad.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
The 24 hour withdrawal (for addicts, anyway) on Red Venom is pretty harsh, to be fair. I just cheat and keep a vial on me at all times.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
On the mention of a balls type, can we add the special crotch hugging balls type when you have scales to the mix, if only so I don't have to have them anymore when I play with 
Yeah I don't like that description either. Kinda awful that you're forced to have Uniballs as a scaley.

EDIT: Also just noticed that Uniballs don't have any furry/scale description. That's also bad.

You don't need to have a pouch-sac when scaled. I've got scaled skin and a free-hanging sac. Just gotta know how to manipulate the TFs for your desired outcome.

E: Unless you just mean the "tightly to your body" bit then just ignore that?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You don't need to have a pouch-sac when scaled. I've got scaled skin and a free-hanging sac. Just gotta know how to manipulate the TFs for your desired outcome.

You misunderstand me, I understand how reptiles work with their genitals, but what I want is to keep my external testes when I'm a scale but I want them to be free hanging, not crotch hugging. Sorry for the confusion.

Can you show me your appearance that says that? Because from what I'm reading that's pretty much impossible.

Here is the only possible description for scaleys with balls and cock: if(target.skinType == GLOBAL.SKIN_TYPE_SCALES) output2("A scaley " + target.sackDescript(true,true) + " hugs your " + sTesticleDesc + " tightly against your body.");

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
Yep. That's why it's a thing in the game. And fairly easy to avoid, if it's not your thing.

Well I dont want to impeede on other peoples fetishes, if someome wants to become so well endowed they become stuck then I will let them (I can see how that would be fun...), but a way to bypass this would be very much appreciated. Its not a big request to to have an item or setting that turns of testacle imobalisation, is it?


Aug 26, 2015
Maybe someone should write a hover barrow and/or tractor beam accessory item for the overly endowed....


Aug 26, 2015
Okay, made the hoverboard able to do that in the pull request (#592).