Where's the Short Pregnancy mode toggle?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
If it exists anymore, that is

I started a new character and got her knocked up by a naleen, but I just realized that even with the incubator perk, it's going to take a staggering 176 days to finish... and that's waaaaay too long

I vaguely recall the java version had a short pregnancy toggle, but I can't seem to find it in the menu anymore. Has it been moved, or removed?


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2020
I don't know if there's a setting, but you can wait out a pregnancy in the Tavros nursery, effectively fast forwarding through it. It's the "Maternity" option on the bed tile on the second floor.

CoC2 has a short pregnancy toggle, could be what you're thinking about.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I don't know if there's a setting, but you can wait out a pregnancy in the Tavros nursery, effectively fast forwarding through it. It's the "Maternity" option on the bed tile on the second floor.

CoC2 has a short pregnancy toggle, could be what you're thinking about.
Might've been it... I could've sworn that pregnancies were shorter before though. 176 days is obscenely long


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
If you invest in it, you can get up to 10.5x pregnancy speed, but speed for a given pregnancy is fixed when it starts. Pregnancy speed is (mother's modifier + father's modifier) / 2, so Incubator doesn't do as much as you'd think (just a 50% increase). It does stack with everything, so it's still decent to have.

For comparison, average human is 280 days.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
If you invest in it, you can get up to 10.5x pregnancy speed, but speed for a given pregnancy is fixed when it starts. Pregnancy speed is (mother's modifier + father's modifier) / 2, so Incubator doesn't do as much as you'd think (just a 50% increase). It does stack with everything, so it's still decent to have.

For comparison, average human is 280 days.
Ay ya... I need more pregspeed. Like, right now


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
If you want you can use the console to change the total time remaining on your pregnancy to whatever you want.

You can type pc.pregnancyData[0].pregnancyIncubation = 10; into the console (F12) to make the current pregnancy take only 10 minutes (you will obviously miss the pregnancy content and skip straight to birthing).
  • The 0 in pc.pregnancyData[0] refers to which womb got impregnated. (usually for single vagina Steeles it's womb number '0') for Steeles with multiple wombs you can check which womb got impregnated by just typing: pc.pregnancyData and reading the values in the array.
  • The 10 in .pregnancyIncubation = 10; refers to the amount of minutes left in the pregnancy.

Or, you can just wait it out in the Nursery. I don't think they will be any punishment relating to the total time taken in your adventure despite the "God only knows what your rival’s gotten up to in that time" message.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Ay ya... I need more pregspeed. Like, right now
Ok, to speed up the pregnancy using the console the command is:

pc.pregnancyData[0].pregnancyIncubationMulti = [Insert number here]
This will increase how fast that pregnancy goes (and only that pregnancy).
(I can't really say how fast your pregnancy will be with what multipler but the starting value would be 1 and with the incubator perk the value would be 1.5. I'd say just mess around with the values to see what you'll like to do.)


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Much appreciated! I think I'll do without the commands, but it's neat to know them for the future


Well-Known Member
There are also items that can increase your pregnancy speed multiplier (mother): Motherhusks can boost it up to 700% (4x faster pregnancies), while Laquine Ears can boost it up to 1100% (6x faster); they both affect the same stat, so they don't stack. The Synth-Womb implant gives an extra 800% on top of whatever you get from those two, allowing for up to 1900% (10x faster). And, of course, Incubator gives an extra 100%, giving a total maximum of 2000% (10.5x faster). Personally, I like not having Incubator, so the total preg speed multiplier is a nice, round 10.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
There are also items that can increase your pregnancy speed multiplier (mother): Motherhusks can boost it up to 700% (4x faster pregnancies), while Laquine Ears can boost it up to 1100% (6x faster); they both affect the same stat, so they don't stack.
Laquine Ears go to 1000%. Motherhusks are more reliable, but also give large amounts of Taint (40 if you max out on them).
The Synth-Womb implant gives an extra 800% on top of whatever you get from those two, allowing for up to 1900% (10x faster). And, of course, Incubator gives an extra 100%, giving a total maximum of 2000% (10.5x faster). Personally, I like not having Incubator, so the total preg speed multiplier is a nice, round 10.
Don't forget Breed Hungry. You can get from a few places, but the Doll Maker has the fewest side-effects (2 Taint). It's random, so you might have to save-scum a bit.

Laquine Ears: Available from Jade. If you go back to Tavros after FIRST instead of Mhen'ga, you should be able to afford at least one. Theorectically, you should be able to get the full 1000% with one, but I find it better to let some of the other effects happen, just to get them out of the pool. You can also avoid getting the Ear TF by removing them under Appearance when you have less than 5 minutes remaining.
Motherhusks: Only a Rare Drop on Tarkus. If you want to increase Pregnancy speed as soon as possible, Laquine Ears are better.
Breed Hungry: Doll Maker requires recruiting Yammi from New Texas. Can also get if from Dumb Fuck (Dr. Badger) or Lumi.
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