Tarkus Dragon


Apr 6, 2020
Earth. Unfortunately.
I had a dream last night, in which I was playing TiTs, and I was surprised to find new content.

On Tarkus, Steele encountered a large Tarkus Dragon, about the same size as Frosty. Maybe a little smaller. Yellow eyes, green and rust coloured scales. Smells of diesel, but in a nice way. We will call him Rusty.

Once the player had worked the relationship meter up, the option became open to construct a phasegate from Tarkus to Uveto, connecting the two Dragons. I remember having completed the fetch quests required to do all of it, and Anno and Syri put it together, one on each side.

Unfortunately, the dream never went into any fun areas, but rather a developer update explain the difficulties of having a player move between planets without using a ship, and remedying this by basically making a mini planet with the original planet that updated the real planet once you used your ship. Clever coding, and the developer was rather proud of it.

So. That was a dream. But now I want to write this. I'm going to do some digging defined what formats are required, how much code I need to learn, but I'm going to write this content. What would all of you like to see?

(I also need a bit of an introduction into how to write using pre-existing characters. Is it appropriate to write content using a character somebody else made, how would I go about getting permissions, or is it all considered open source, and non-commercial fair use?)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
basically making a mini planet
"oh my god don't write a planet"

what formats are required
Read this and this.

how much code I need to learn
Zero. Just parsers.

What would all of you like to see?
I'd like to see writers that don't go in over their heads. If it's your first submission, start with something small.

Is it appropriate to write content using a character somebody else made, how would I go about getting permissions, or is it all considered open source, and non-commercial fair use?
Do contact writers before using their characters. You could message them via forum or else.