Azyrran Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2016
Like most pansexual and polyamorous people, that doesn't mean the Champ is necessarily going to date and romance everyone. You can headcanon and RP that the Champ only has monogamous relationships, or a harem, or prefers women/femme presenting folk, but the fact still stays that the Champ is pan and poly, and the text reflects that. There's only so far that Death of the Author can take you when the text is explicitly stating "This character is pan and poly".

Gotta say it's also astounding to watch someone tell the lead developer of a game to their face that their statement of intent is false. Just because you play the Champ as having a harem of heterosexual monogamous relationships does not suddenly make them heterosexual in the game. You can absolutely write fics about them being het, though, just. You know. That's not the canonical depiction.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Oh boy howdy I love it when a thread devolves. Also it's Savin's game. Just because someone may disagree with a decision, doesn't make the creator factually incorrect. Besides, even if he suddenly agreed, it's a little bit too late to change it now.

A little on topic, but why is Azzy so into Lia? And is this just SKoW playing the long game? Sanders isn't sexable, so make a character closely related to him who looks like a gender swapped version of him to potentially sex? If so, well played SKoW. And thank you.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Sanders isn't sexable, so make a character closely related to him who looks like a gender swapped version of him to potentially sex? If so, well played SKoW. And thank you.
Is it just me or does Sanders look like Obi Wan I'm sure I saw someone mention or say it but he does right?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
but why is Azzy so into Lia?
It's either the suspension bridge effect, or Azzy's really into Liaden after the hive problem - hornet girls need to egg, ya know...


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021
I don't get why there needs to be any right and wrong in this scenario. Everyone is free to interpret things as they want. It seems somewhat forceful for one to want others to look at it from their viewpoint, and then be dismissive to other peoples point of view.
Even if the dev tells you that something is true or false doesn't mean that you cannot interpret things differently; as long as you're not forcing those beliefs on others (which seems to be the opposite of what is occurring here).

It comes across as a bit presumptuous to assume that one has to be in agreement with whatever one party states; even if said party has more authority over a specific dominion than another.

In any event, if one wants to RP their PCs a certain way they are free to do so, and if in their vision their PC identifies a certain way or has a specific orientation it shouldn't / doesn't matter what others say (even if others are saying it's factually wrong for x reason or y reason).
I doubt anyone is actually expecting the writing to specifically cater to this "headcanon" that people may have for their PCs, but phrasing it as though that "headcanon" is in actuality "not real" or "wrong" is a bit weird imo.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
I don't get why there needs to be any right and wrong in this scenario. Everyone is free to interpret things as they want. It seems somewhat forceful for one to want others to look at it from their viewpoint, and then be dismissive to other peoples point of view.
Even if the dev tells you that something is true or false doesn't mean that you cannot interpret things differently; as long as you're not forcing those beliefs on others (which seems to be the opposite of what is occurring here).

It comes across as a bit presumptuous to assume that one has to be in agreement with whatever one party states; even if said party has more authority over a specific dominion than another.

In any event, if one wants to RP their PCs a certain way they are free to do so, and if in their vision their PC identifies a certain way or has a specific orientation it shouldn't / doesn't matter what others say (even if others are saying it's factually wrong for x reason or y reason).
I doubt anyone is actually expecting the writing to specifically cater to this "headcanon" that people may have for their PCs, but phrasing it as though that "headcanon" is in actuality "not real" or "wrong" is a bit weird imo.
wow, I'm very surprised that anyone would come to my defense here and yeah this is pretty much what I wanted to say. Savin can decide what's cannon, I'm not going to argue with him or anyone else about that. but he Doesn't get to make decisions for MY character. I don't give a flying fuck who or what the champion is canonically, but if he's saying that my champion isn't actually MY champion then yes he is absolutely 100% wrong.


Jul 11, 2018
There's a whole 10 save slots, plus an extra ten autosave slots, and the capability of backing up your saves outside of the game by saving to desktop. So, were you only saving your game in one single save slot, or perhaps only two (I do that often, but that's because I have like 18 different characters split among Chrome, Firefox, and download game version, along with saves made to desktop for characters who's in-game saves were then deleted for space)? You said it was your first CoC2 character, and you mention having to create a new character afterwards rather than deleting and swapping to an alternative character, so the saves wouldn't be competing with other characters. So, that means that, despite ten different save slots and no other character to take them up, you were only saving in one single save slot.

Also, you didn't think to check the autosave slots. The autosaves happen on a scene transition, with a cooldown timer of 15 real life minutes (or something like that, you can adjust the time in settings) between them, so unless you proposed, went off and did like 5 other quests (aside from the Centaur Village quest, I'm fairly certain the proposal happens at the start of the dungeon), and then came back to do the marriage scene, I'm fairly certain you could have loaded an autosave that happened before you proposed to Ahmri.
I was playing on Chrome Incog. at the time, and saved the file onto my pc. I was going to download the game but never got around to it. I mainly use 2 file slots per character on Tits, the second being before a choice to see the outcomes, but I forgot and only used one that time, saving right before talking to her father about it [also I read what he said differently (possibly wrong, its been a while) in that she'll take other lovers while mc is gone but only truly love mc, still cuckoldry in my books imo ]. The true proposal/start of marriage can be initiated right after the quest, which I did, forgetting to save in an extra slot...and I was quite attached to that character too.
That is, in fact, exactly how Savin has put it. You're entirely free to roleplay the character however you like in terms of sexual preferences (I have one Champ that I play as strictly monogamous with Ryn and another who's a switchy and non-monogamous lesbian for example) or motivations and you can invent a backstory as detailed as you please, but the point is the writing does not and will not ever take that headcanon into account.
Preface this by stating I'm new to CoC2 forum, visited a few times on the TiTs thread, and never seem the CoC thread, so I'll apologize in advance for accidentally beating a dead horse, just wanted to state my views on the matter relating to one of my favorite game franchises.
Sorry for making this about something other than op post, but those quotes...don't sit well for me. I'm sorry to be rude to the developers, but a customizable smut character that is made for the player to project into , is then forced to be okay with poly and lovers sleeping around with or without consent is pretty...yikes. One of the reasons why I love CoC and TiTs is the customization and player choice, and why I finally picked up Coc2 this month. Taking both of those away by stating that (especially outside of the game, in a forum that some rarely if ever check, in a post on sub-forum that most might not see) doesn't feel right. If in the prologue of the story it states in bold letters, "This character isn't you, you can customize their body and tell them where to go, and sometimes tell them what to feel, but sometimes that choice is taken away because it's really not you." then fine, I and many others won't get upset. These games are escapism for me as I don't like my real body/identity, and if I want to be a trap/feminine male in a smutty video game that have a small handful of female/trap/futa lovers in a nonpoly harem, fine. Again, as a coding standpoint, I completely understand, what with multiple mc combinations and npc combinations. This is the work of the developers and artists, who spend their time and effort creating an amazing work of art that some people, no matter what the developers do, will find faults in. Again (beating a dead horse here) sorry if this seems rude or confrontational and for the little rant. Thank you developers for allowing others to play your game for free, and I hope everyone has a good day! - Sincerely, a concerned, random internet denizen.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
but a customizable smut character that is made for the player to project into , is then forced to be okay with poly and lovers sleeping around with or without consent is pretty...yikes. One of the reasons why I love CoC and TiTs is the customization and player choice, and why I finally picked up Coc2 this month. Taking both of those away by stating that (especially outside of the game, in a forum that some rarely if ever check, in a post on sub-forum that most might not see) doesn't feel right.

This is an issue in most porn games, but I think the amount of customization makes it more obvious here. We can customize our name, backstory, skills, and appearance. But the customization ends when we're in a sexual situation that is written as always liking and being hot and bothered. It makes sense. They can't account for everyone's likes and dislikes and headcanons, but I'd much prefer a neutral description of what's happening rather than the assumption I'm into what's happening. I personally am not into guys and avoid sex content with them, so it's jarring to click an option where even if not participating I'm told the champion likes watching. I give bad endings a pass though since they're non canon obviously and being forced is kind of the point of them. The thing is, all those scenes can't be changed or have a not interested version made without a significant time investment. So while I don't like it, I'm in camp "not touching it and if it happens anyway I'm reloading or clicking through it depending on length and level of my discomfort.", I get why it is written with the standpoint of the champion being pan and poly. It's much easier to write and account for, especially in a sort of writing by committee style. Otherwise, things would be all over the place.


Jul 11, 2018
This is an issue in most porn games, but I think the amount of customization makes it more obvious here. We can customize our name, backstory, skills, and appearance. But the customization ends when we're in a sexual situation that is written as always liking and being hot and bothered. It makes sense. They can't account for everyone's likes and dislikes and headcanons, but I'd much prefer a neutral description of what's happening rather than the assumption I'm into what's happening. I personally am not into guys and avoid sex content with them, so it's jarring to click an option where even if not participating I'm told the champion likes watching. I give bad endings a pass though since they're non canon obviously and being forced is kind of the point of them. The thing is, all those scenes can't be changed or have a not interested version made without a significant time investment. So while I don't like it, I'm in camp "not touching it and if it happens anyway I'm reloading or clicking through it depending on length and level of my discomfort.", I get why it is written with the standpoint of the champion being pan and poly. It's much easier to write and account for, especially in a sort of writing by committee style. Otherwise, things would be all over the place.
Yeah, I understand completely. I'm probably just making a mountain out of a molehill. It's just really jarring when it happens and makes me disinterested/slightly disgusted to continue playing for a while. An example being the polar bear character from TiTs, I (and the characters I play) are not attracted to male characters, and is physically disgusted by bara characters (sorry to those who like them, can't control my body) so when I checked on the new mystery character in that random bar with the game telling me my player is getting hot and bothered by this character, when said character has only slept with futas, females, traps, and women w/dicks, its really jarring.
Sorry for going off topic again but I liked the way romance was handled with Cait and the TiTs character Embry. Upfront expectations of romance with Cait, and specifying the specific type of relationship with Embry (Mono, Open, Poly, Harem). I would love to see this in other, if not all other, characters in every smut game I play, but that's a tall order. And like you said, I (along with apparently a lot of other people)dislike scenes where mc see some other characters going at it in completely different character's scene and liking it when I in no why want to see Cait x Brint, Cait x ?, Brint x ?, Companion x ?, or anyone other than the mc x some other character for that matter. Again, sorry for bringing up something that may be a old and divisive topic for this community without knowing. Meant no disrespect to others, merely wanting sharing my viewpoint on something I care deeply about.

Back on topic, I love bee-morphs (hornets as well), any plans or ideas that people want to see such as a large expansions on Azy, the Prince, and hopefully mc usable Vesparan tfs? If so, what do people want to see?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Are we really arguing about this again. Can't you guys just make this a separate thread for the PC customization "WAAHHH BUT IT'S MYYYYY CHARACTER!!!1!11" shit and get back on topic?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
What is pansexual? I'm 27 and I don't get all these labels. Why not stick with straight, bi, gay or lesbian? After all Bisexual covers both genders.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
What is pansexual? I'm 27 and I don't get all these labels. Why not stick with straight, bi, gay or lesbian? After all Bisexual covers both genders.
Pansexual is often defined as "feeling attraction, regardless of gender," while bisexual is generally "feeling attraction to two or more genders." Note, this is under the framework of nonbinary genders existing. If you don't think that nonbinary genders are a thing, you will feel like there isn't a difference. And honestly, as someone who calls himself bisexual, even if technically other labels (omnisexual) may be more accurate, I don't think it really matters. Bi is sort of an umbrella term, which I think includes pansexuality or omnisexuality. Side note, omnisexual is attraction to all genders, which is distinct from pansexual because pan means that gender is unimportant for attraction while omnisexuality finds things hot specifically about the gender identities/expressions.
If memory serves, Pan folks favor an emotional connection over a physical one compared to other bi folk.
Sort of. As I said, Pan is attraction regardless of gender, so emotional stuff may be more important, but for a real emotional focus there's demisexuality, which is also that you can feel sexual attraction to someone regardless of gender, but only after forming an emotional bond.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
As someone who is bisexual I don't care what you are as long as you're still a decent person. I'm not any other label because I define my attraction as all instead of what the internet wokesters wanting to be inclusive shifts it to constantly to make people feel exclusive when using it, which unfortunately I've seen happen a lot, especially with the lesbian label nowadays (And trying to make Bi-ness exclude people like those nb or trans when it actually never did that way back then and meant attraction regardless of how you identified, people are just too stuck on the damn binary/latin shit, hell pansexual came later and used to mean attraction to literally everything, even stuff abhorrent (You can actually apply this definition to the PC in an extent perfectly, as TiTSs' PC for instance will fuck things like plants and cuntsnakes)). Bi people don't "favor" physical looks, we all care about personality in dating choices, it is a factor, regardless if you're gay or bi or straight and it is not some sexuality thing to be into someone's personality because frankly that idea was always dumb and implies the other sexualities only care about someone's body over personality which is uh.... yikes...

Anyways, get back on topic, please, because this one that ya'll decided to shift to certainly makes my stomach crawl.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
As someone who is bisexual I don't care what you are as long as you're still a decent person. I'm not any other label because I define my attraction as all instead of what the internet wokesters wanting to be inclusive shifts it to constantly to make people feel exclusive when using it, which unfortunately I've seen happen a lot, especially with the lesbian label nowadays (And trying to make Bi-ness exclude people like those nb or trans when it actually never did that way back then and meant attraction regardless of how you identified, people are just too stuck on the damn binary/latin shit, hell pansexual came later and used to mean attraction to literally everything, even stuff abhorrent). Bi people don't "favor" physical looks, we all care about personality in dating choices, it is a factor, regardless if you're gay or bi or straight and it is not some sexuality thing to be into someone's personality because frankly that idea was always dumb and implies the other sexualities only care about someone's body over personality which is uh.... yikes...
Yes, people are too stuck on the latin origins and stuff like that. Most sources which aren't just seeking to demonize bisexuality essentially just use it as a widespread descriptor of people who like more than one gender. Anyone not acting in bad faith or ignorance will recognize that bisexuality is not inherently exclusionary. The people who claim it excludes trans people are 1: acting in bad faith to try to paint bisexuals as evil, and 2: probably transphobic themselves, since their statement essentially claims that trans people are not the gender that they are. That said, demisexuality doesn't imply that other sexualities ignore emotional connections and personalities, because it's specifically about how a person simply feels no physical attraction until after a bond is formed, rather than a mix of physical and emotional attraction like most people. Aside from that, though, claiming pansexuality as focusing more on emotions than bisexuality does have some pretty shitty implications, yeah.
Anyways, get back on topic, please, because this one that ya'll decided to shift to certainly makes my stomach crawl.
Honestly, what is the topic? The topics of consent, misleading presentation, and the importance of being informed about things, in regards to Azzy's relationships, which is what the original post was about, have, I feel, already been discussed enough that any point that can be said has been. So it must shift to topics which are tangential, so what tangent is on topic? I feel like the bit that's been discussed above should probably be moved on from now, since it was supposed to just be answering a small question about terminology so it'd be better to discus something closer to the original topic, but still, I'm not sure what truly is on topic.


Active Member
May 20, 2021
This has turned into something else entirely from the original (had to point it out or it was going to bug me. I don't mind at all there's a lot I don't know so in some way it's enlightening like the Rose by another name thread.
Tbh I'm just glad that the thread got a little visibility at all lol, I assumed just, in general, I was going to get flamed the living shit out of because it's the internet and that's what happens when you post an opinion. I don't think the discussion is really that far off, a lot of my original points were in regards to Azzy and how she is originally presented in dialogue and interactions, and it's definitely a fact that there's a lot of poly relationships in the game, and a lot of them honestly feel pretty good and wholesome for the most part, but it's not bad to chat about the other characters too.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Tbh I'm just glad that the thread got a little visibility at all lol, I assumed just, in general, I was going to get flamed the living shit out of because it's the internet and that's what happens when you post an opinion. I don't think the discussion is really that far off, a lot of my original points were in regards to Azzy and how she is originally presented in dialogue and interactions, and it's definitely a fact that there's a lot of poly relationships in the game, and a lot of them honestly feel pretty good and wholesome for the most part, but it's not bad to chat about the other characters too.
I was not giving it viability you trying to make me a fuckin target. I was just saying that it was broading what I know.


Active Member
May 20, 2021
I was not giving it viability you trying to make me a fuckin target. I was just saying that it was broading what I know.
I'm kinda confused? Sorry if I said something to make you mad... or a target or whatever, was just chiming in on my thread since I hadn't looked at it in a while. The thread I think went off the rails a while ago and I was just trying to say it's nice there's discussion going on....

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Chill out. I think you're misinterpreting what they said.
I'm kinda confused? Sorry if I said something to make you mad... or a target or whatever, was just chiming in on my thread since I hadn't looked at it in a while. The thread I think went off the rails a while ago and I was just trying to say it's nice there's discussion going on....
Well sorry I miss understood.

PS I just woke up so not all of my thinking power and stuff is there yet


Active Member
May 20, 2021
Yes, people are too stuck on the latin origins and stuff like that. Most sources which aren't just seeking to demonize bisexuality essentially just use it as a widespread descriptor of people who like more than one gender. Anyone not acting in bad faith or ignorance will recognize that bisexuality is not inherently exclusionary. The people who claim it excludes trans people are 1: acting in bad faith to try to paint bisexuals as evil, and 2: probably transphobic themselves, since their statement essentially claims that trans people are not the gender that they are. That said, demisexuality doesn't imply that other sexualities ignore emotional connections and personalities, because it's specifically about how a person simply feels no physical attraction until after a bond is formed, rather than a mix of physical and emotional attraction like most people. Aside from that, though, claiming pansexuality as focusing more on emotions than bisexuality does have some pretty shitty implications, yeah.

Honestly, what is the topic? The topics of consent, misleading presentation, and the importance of being informed about things, in regards to Azzy's relationships, which is what the original post was about, have, I feel, already been discussed enough that any point that can be said has been. So it must shift to topics which are tangential, so what tangent is on topic? I feel like the bit that's been discussed above should probably be moved on from now, since it was supposed to just be answering a small question about terminology so it'd be better to discus something closer to the original topic, but still, I'm not sure what truly is on topic.
Ya, I'm not sure what archiving posts look like or what the proper conduct is on the forums here. This was like my first post ever and I got what I needed to off my chest about the whole Liaden/Azzy situation. Which frankly was what I made the post for in the first place, mostly venting, but I didn't want to come off as ungrateful to the creators (SKoW or anyone else) in terms of the content they've created for us.

In all honestly, I think I took the CG a little too personally considering they're fictional characters but it just kinda struck a chord with me emotionally that I didn't enjoy and writing helped me (and hopefully anyone else) get out there how I feel in general about the relationship. It was honestly hard to even say most of it because once again we're all playing and participating in a game that has a literal (no pun intended) FUCK ton of polyamorous relationships and is expecting to engage in multiple sexual escapades, so to complain about it is hypocritical to the umpteenth degree. It's obviously not convenient for a porn game otherwise, but I also think that it makes it in some ways even MORE important on the presentation of the consent and dynamics of the relationship.

If anything though, I think COC2 has given me more insight and appreciation for these kinds of relationships/sexualities IRL. I think I'm still more on the monogamous side personally, but appreciate the others a whole lot more now that I've had some experience seeing them written. Which is really what RPing is all about ya?

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
I know that this is off topic but dreams mean something right.

I had the weirdest dream the weirdest yet it involves TiTS and CoC2 anyone interested in it I know that this is off topic.

Edit: I'm putting this here because it looks like the Wayfort Discussion thread is dead so here image if you could have a Kitsune presence there or something of a like if you choose to be Kero's Champion and others as well.
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member