Old one awakes


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Backstory: Long ago the gods ruled the world. In this world humans and monsters were nothing but pawns in their plans, but then they left. No one alive knows how or why, well the Monster Lord might know but I don't think she'll share. The point is that the world has change a lot since they were here. "Monster" became something to lust after instead of being afraid of. Humans have stopped waging wars with each other. The world now knows the closest it will ever get to "true peace". However peace is boring, one of the Old Gods have returned and he finds this world to be....lacking. Who is he? That is a harder question then you know for he has many names; Asmodeus, Tharizdun, Bhaal, Shar, Luz, Ralishaz, Nuitari, and Laogzed. Now that he is here he will make the world shake and maybe crumble.Setting: Arborea: Is the human kingdom ruled by King Rand Al’Thor III. In Arborea the people hold the law in high regard and have no patience with anyone who breaks it. When the Monster Lord took over her subjects have become more human, the attitude in Arborea is that they should follow human laws. If a man rapes a woman then he is put to death, why should a monster be treated differently? There are laws in place to limit how many children a monster can have. This was put in place to prevent the monster population from growing larger than the human population. If a monster has more children than they are allowed, then the child is put to death for “being a threat to the country’s well being. The law is carried out by human and monster guards known by the common people as “The Heartless” for their ability to carry out the execution of children without blinking. Acheron: Is the monster kingdom ruled by the amazon Queen Aviendha. In Acheron might makes right or should I say, being a monster lets you do whatever you want to whoever you want. The higher ups are mostly amazons but there are some dragons and ogres, basically any monster that proves herself worthy has a chance of being promoted. Men have few, if any rights but many don’t mind or give a thought about it since they have a monster on top of them most of the time. Do to the way Acheron works some monsters have gotten into conflicts with other monsters over which man belongs to whom. These don’t last long thanks to guards who claim the man for themselves. Bytopia: Is the country ruled by the Pharaoh Queen Halisstra. Needless to say Acheron and Arborea are enemies and would like to take the other over. King Rand sees Acheron as a country of savages and slaves meanwhile Queen Aviendha sees Arborea as a country that spits in the face of the Monster lord and all she stands for, at least in Aviendha’s opinion. Bytopia, being in the middle of them, would rather not having them march across her and war in her. All this has put Queen Halisstra in the position of being a peacemaker, trying to keep them from starting the first war in centuries. Do to this she often changes laws and rights to align with the country breathing down her neck the most at the moment. So delicate is the situation that Halisstra cannot voice her opinion on human and monster rights (at least not in public). It is whispered in the low places in Bytopia that Halisstra is a weak queen and the country would be better with a new ruler. The story starts in the town of Tradegate in the kingdom of Bytopia.Characters: Your characters may come from any of the kingdoms and may be human or monster. You may be any monsterwithin reason, also if you want to be an OC monster please link me to its bio so I can see if it will fit in the game. When you are making your character be sure to add in all the good stuff we GMs love, like backstory and personality traits, also when you make a character tell what they are doing during the morning the story begins. If your character can use spells be sure to list which ones they can use and any effects they have and how long it takes to use it. I'm sure I don't have to say this but I shall any way, no spells which let you become an "god character" and no "god characters" in general remember there has been peace for as long as people can remember so you wont be the best around.

Sheet: Start with the character’s name, species, and gender.
Stats: Body: Mind: Spirit: 
Weapons/Spells (Spells still must be approved by me)

Tech is at D&D level

Stats; Body: The stat of the warrior, this stat will help you with physical combat, dodging, endurance, intimidation, and shaking off the effects of poison. For example: A human enemy slashes at you and you have a body of say 4 you have a better chance of parrying that attack and slashing at him then say a person with a body of 1. Note monsters like amazons, krakens, and ushi-oni have +1 to body while monsters like imps, witches, and slimes have -1 to body.

Mind: The stat of the thinker, this stat helps in using magic, remembering important information, perception, and seeing through illusions. This stats magic is Abjuration, Divination, Enchantment, and Illusion. An example of combat using this stat: Say some witch tried to put a spell on you but since your mind is 4 you’re not effected so you cast a counter spell or maybe you pretend to be under her spell and wait for the moment to attack. Not like your friend with a mind of 0 who thinks he’s making out with the Monster Lord herself. Note that monsters like gazers, crow tengu, and anubis have a +1 to mind while monsters like minotaur, ogre, and ghoul have a -1 to mind. 

Spirit: The peace maker’s stat, this stat helps you with charm, reading people, use magic, and think through some one’s charm. This stats magic is Conjuration, Evocation, Necromancy, and Transmutation. An example of using this stat: You could defuse a situation before it can get violent, charm someone to see your side of things, or to cast a spell. If a human has a high spirit stat then monsters will be able to track them. Note that monsters like succubus, unicorn, and lich have a +1 to spirit while monsters like amazon, mantis, and golem have a -1 to spirit. 

Humans have a +1 to one stat. You have 7 points to place into the three stats, no stat can be higher than 6. When you make your character make sure to tell me where you put the point sand which ones you put a +1 and -1. 

Combat: Combat will be "flowing" and by that I mean to try to make it natural. It's hard to put into words so I'll use an example: Say you were fighting a person with a sword and shield, and they go to slash at your arm. You could block with your weapon, combat roll to the side, backpedal away from him, you could parry, dart in and hope your faster then him and stab him, or maybe you have a shield and you block with that then slash at him but he blocks with his shield so you back away from each other to regroup. Really it would depend on what your character has with them and how they would act in that situation. The only trouble with this is that players would have to trust me and I them. I like to think I'm fair when it comes to things like this so I don't think it will be a problem. 

*Lies on the ground panting* If you have any questions please ask.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
This looks cool. I'd be down to play. You want the character sheets to just be posted here?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
Name: Rick Helron

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Background: The youngest of 5 children of a wealthy merchant family from Arborea. Rick never took to the family business like his siblings. It was just too boring for him. He originally wanted to join the Arborean army, but decided against it after witnessing their cruelty toward non-humans. Thus, he decided to become a mercenary and combine his love of action with the business sense his family taught him.

Personality: Rick only cares about two things. Getting paid and action. He'll take on just about any job if the money is good. However, he does have a soft spot for the little guy. He's against picking on those who can't defend themselves and won't allow it to occur if he sees it. Aside from that, he doesn't care who you are. As long as you keep your word and are genuinely friendly, you'll get along with Rick just fine.

Appearance: Rick is 6'0" tall. He has short, black hair and a almost perpetual five'o'clock shadow. He has lightly tanned skin and brown eyes. He is covered in lean muscle that speaks more of endurance than raw physical power. He generally wears leather traveling clothes with a bit more leather plating on the torso.

Stats: Put the human +1 in Body

Body: 5

Mind: 1

Spirit: 2

Weapons: A steel greatsword.

Spells: Lightning Bolt, Electrify Weapon, Summon Shield
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Name: Topaz Akemi

Species: Fire Drake, 

Gender: Female

Backstory: Topaz comes from a long line of blacksmiths and enchanters, she learned from her mother that the art of war can be fought just by making simple weapons and making them better. Upholding the family tradition she took up a hammer and began to learn the craft day in and day out, becoming stronger and smarter each day as she learned from her failures and successes equally. As her mother was taught by her mother before her, she also taught topaz the art of infusing magic into weapons making them better, along with some minor ways on how to manipulate the family's natural magic arts. Topaz's mother warned her that, illusions were beyond the power that she would ever have as her mind like many other Fire Drakes is not as strong. As she grew up, Topaz became strong, kind, but a bit on the sultry side as she often worn armors that exposed herself to the world but she became a great blacksmith, soon enough deciding to take her trade elsewhere to learn new ways to craft she traveled to a new kingdom beyond the realms of the Amazonian lands...

Personality: Topaz loves having a hammer in her hand, or being hammered. Forging weapons, armor, and other metal objects is her pride and passion, and she will spend most of her free time making new weapons and armors,  or taking notes at other blacksmiths at work. When she's not doing something related to blacksmithing she can be found flirting with males and seducing them into bed with her. She takes a very prideful but kind demeanor to those she meets, and is willing to help out those in need but her pride can get the best of her when it comes to blacksmithing.

Appearance: Topaz is a fire drake, they have smooth red scales that appear more skin. She stands at 6'2" with glowing golden slit draconic eyes and flowing golden hair. She has two brown horns that curve upwards from her head and a few smaller red ones that match the appearance of her scales. Her hourglass figure complements the very tight and protective, or exposing armor clothes(although still protective) she normally wears that shows off her E cup breasts and slightly muscular figure from her years of blacksmithing. Her insides are also notably golden such as her mouth and tongue, her pussy, and nipples.

Reference Pic for general apperance: https://static1.e621.net/data/36/a4/36a4b99a64339748f9b1829075252671.png 

Body: 4
Spirit: 2

Spells: Fire Bolt(Shoots a beam of fire), Make Whole(Repairs non magical items), Flame Weapon
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Phil Ein Blank

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Name: Soleil  Helion  

Nick name: Sunny

Species:  Alurane (Mutant)

Gender: Female 

Background:  Soleil is the child of a normal Alurane, Buttercup, and Rufus, a skilled mage of the noble Helion family of Arborea.  The Helion family is minor noble house renowned for their strong magic.  Rufus had a theory that if monsters were made more human they would then behave in a more 'civilized' manner.  It was in testing his theory Rufus fathered Soleil, using magic on his own unborn child to attempt to make her more human.   Having been only partially succesful, Buttercup feared what Rufus might do to Soleil as she grew to womanhood.  An accident was faked and Soleil was spirited out of the country

In Bytopia, Soleil startied going by Sunny.  She waited for several months expecting her mother to join her, but she never did.  To this day She does not know the fate of her mother or father.    Sunny has since settled in Tradegate and works as a shopkeeper.  In addition to being a normal shop, it also acts a waystation for an organization that helps monsters that have difficulty living by the human laws in Arborea. Providing support and often relcation,  some of whom are escaping 'Justice".  

Sunny's appaerance aids in this part of her work.  Soleil is able to appear as a human when properly clothed.    The skin on her arms  head and torso having human coloration, though when upset or blushing she turns green.  Her bright yellow flowers and leafy fringes looking much like decorative ornaments.  A long skirt is able to hide her stem and dexterous walking roots.

Persnality:  Soleil 'Sunny' Helion is a sunny but shy peacemaker and treats everyone as equals no matter their race, status, or place of origin.  Preferring to avoid conflict in favor of negoitation and trade.  Though not one to engage in violence, Soleil is far from defenseless if pushed.  Though shy, Soleil will act in defense of those she sees as being bullied. 

Body: 1
Mind: 2
Spirit: 4

Spells and spell like abilties:
Pollen cloud:  From her blossoms, Soleil is able spread a cloud of pollen that causes various effects to those exposed,  such as sleep, confusion, lust, sickness, or a calm hypnotic like state, though only a single effect can be produced at a time.   Though initially weaker than a normal spell the effect gains in strength and area the longer it is used.   Gentle winds will spread it faster, while strong winds can hinder/weaken the effect.  A busrt of flame will temporairily clear the area of Soleil's pollen, resetting the strength of the effect to zero.

Restoration:  Able to rapidly heal minor injuries and cure most negative effects.  The severity of the injury or effect determine the amount of time needed to restore good health.

Enhancement:  Able to temporairly increase a stat by +1,  But at the cost of  a -1 to the same stat for a period twice as long when the enhancement ends.  Requires the presence of strong sunlight.

Control/Conjure Plants: Soleil is able conjure binding vines or control nearby plants.  The more natural, less urban/town, the evironment the stronger and more varied effects she can produce.  But before doing so, Soleil must root herself deeply in the local soil and remain immobile for the duration.  Requiring time to unroot herself after ending her control to move again.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Name: Lucille/Lucia (Depending on head on/off. Lucille is the stern and serious "whole" form. Lucia is the human-like headless form.)

Species: Dullahan (formerly human)

Gender: Female

Biography: Born to a poor peasant family outside of Bytopia, she joined the military in order to ease the financial burden on her family, and to receive the skills to possibly adventure by herself in the future. Unfortunately, Lucia wasn't very good at soldiering, even somewhat of a coward. After an unsuccessful attempt at desertion, she was court-martialed and put to death via decapitation. Thinking that as she couldn't serve her country in life, her superiors decided she was to serve it in death, and placed her headless body within a large, black suit of armour, and her head atop it on a metal ring with locking lugs, for quick "disassembly", before beginning the ritual that was to cement her fate as one of the undead. She now stalks the alleys, slums and other monster-heavy parts of Bytopia, wielding the same Zweihander that was used to end her own life, looking for those who violate the law. She is truly Heartless. One can only wonder what type of person lies beneath the mask, and if anyone (other than herself) will ever get to take off her head.

Appearance: Lucia is 6'4" tall, 5'7" without the head. She has long, grey hair and faintly glowing, ice-blue eyes. Her skin is pale, and she has an above average amount of muscle on her. She's not particularly curvy, and if not for her undeath, would have a very "girl-next-door" look, being mildly attractive, if you're willing to look past her "condition". She has a pair of D-cup breasts, which are usually bound to facilitate her armour, and her nethers are completely bare, her pubes having fallen off years ago.

Personality: Depending on the status of her head, either a cold-hearted, ruthless snarker (Lucille), or an affectionate and charming woman (Lucia).


Body: 3 (4 if Lucille, 2 if Lucia)

Mind: 2

Spirit: 2 (3 if Lucia, 1 if Lucille)

Spells and abilities:

Horrify: (Lucille only) Cause someone to flee in panic from Lucille. (Uses body to determine success)

From Earth: (Lucia only) Summon a ghoul from the underground to ravage her enemies. (Only works outdoors)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Name: Nyarlathotep.

Species: Jabberwocky (More like a chimera than anything)

Gender: Female

Biography: At Acheron in a district pretty far from the main branch of the city a few people who consider themselves nobles do whatever they want. The queen don’t seem to mind what happens there at all, be it her way of control or if she even enjoy what is happening there no one can be sure. But over there weird things happen be it rigged fights, body modification, experiments unspeakable things of an horrific nature. In there Nya was born, a dragon egg almost broken when toyed with by dark magic. What came out of it couldn’t be called a dragon, it was just a weird creature was treated as a slave being forced to anything the “nobles” wanted, when she was old enough she heard tales of the outside world of places where she wouldn’t be just a slab of meat. She escaped her cell it was easy since she was kept there mostly by her own submission, she wandered the land searching for a place where she would finally be someone and not a thing.

Appearance: Nyarlathotep is 7’2" tall. She has long, purple hair that shows her weird dragon like horns adorned in a weird way with several marks , and red eyes. Her skin is tanned, and her limbs remember of the ones from a dragon, she has wings on her back filled with weird holes that don’t let her use them to fly. She has a lean body completed by her pair of C-cup breasts, to the sides of her breasts two weird creature heads stand, they only got mouths and can bite if needed. Her tail dangles around like a whip moving as she walks.

Personality: Submissive and confused.


Body: 2

Mind: 1

Spirit: 4

Spells and abilities:

Broken dragons breath: A breath of chaos creatures affected by it become confused.

The eyes of flame: The jabberwocky eyes envelop in fire letting her see things that are not meant meant to be seen, dispelling illusions and showing through secrets.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And with that we shall start! The first post shall be up at the latest sometime tomorrow. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
First post of in game is up...I'm sorry about the odd beige with some of the words. Those came from another file and I couldn't get rid of it. 

Phil Ein Blank

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I recently started a new job,  Like two eeks ago.  I have significantly less free time , I still wish tocontinue, but I f I am slow to respond Do not let me hold you up from continuing. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So if you want to you can post a summery of what your character did over the week.