I want her on my ship- not to have sex, but to just start jamming her devices onto it as my ships engineer, and be damned with the backblast!
Because Tarkus is so much better for a Innocent minor?
Can we get a silly scene with Chris Hansen?
She's at the safest location on that planet
And yes, she's adorable. Question: despite her picture pegging her as 16ish, the writing has me thinking 12 tops. Does she have a canon age? What age did she strike you guys as?
Unless that ship has to go to orbit. Then she literally gets SUCKED INTO SPACE AND DIES.
Or used to. I think Ted wrote a thing where she survives that now.
I probably should go back just to make blowing up Tarkus a cost. Then absolutely no one would do it.![]()
But if you make it a cost then we'll never see any member of her race ever. *sad face* Or do you planning add somewhere another one Aurora-like npc?
Unless that ship has to go to orbit. Then she literally gets SUCKED INTO SPACE AND DIES.
Or used to. I think Ted wrote a thing where she survives that now.
I probably should go back just to make blowing up Tarkus a cost. Then absolutely no one would do it.![]()
What were those shields even supposed to do anyway? Also, isn't it that you can't access Anno's quest until /after/ the save/blowup Tarkus quest?
No, you don't need to do the dungeon before you can do Anno's quest. And I think the shield is for ensuring Aurora lives if the planet does blow up.
Well yes now the shield is for saving Aurora, but according to Jacques00, before he made that change the shields did nothing. Which makes me wonder what the original idea for them was.
Which I guess means Deck 13 is below Novahome's main deck and was supposed to additionally take Steele to the dock as well, but it was never wired up for it. I think entering from the outside was purely for the mission, as post-mission, the elevator works as it should (sans going to the dock level).You’re in the central elevator shaft, looking out into the empty security checkpoint. This can take you back up to the main floor of the Nova, or up to the docks.
Which I guess means Deck 13 is below Novahome's main deck and was supposed to additionally take Steele to the dock as well, but it was never wired up for it. I think entering from the outside was purely for the mission, as post-mission, the elevator works as it should (sans going to the dock level).
The shields were just something in the Tarkus brainstorm document, nothing ultimately really came of it.
Aurora survives because she's fly as hell, at least as far as I submitted her. She spins a yarn on the how.
Who knows?????????