What're you? [Male/Female]


Oct 25, 2015
Male, sort of bisexual. Most of the times, both in fiction and during a couple of IRL experiments, male sexual organs and masculinity of any kind do absolutely nothing to my arousal. Sometimes it does though, seemingly at random. Reader, due to being lazy and having most of relevant information and desired audience behind the language barrier.

Tits are a pale shadow of butts. Listen to the words of this man wise beyond his years.

P.S.I remember seeing a huge poll about fetishes not so long ago on this forum, and it featured a whole slew of questions about identity and preference. Anyone knows why it's gone?

'tits are a pale shadow of butts'


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Male. Straight for most purposes. Love women and trans women. Can watch and enjoy a small amount of very specific gay porn.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
'tits are a pale shadow of butts'

Actualy you need blame evolution for that. At animal kindomn well with all bodyu build males usualy would see female butt. with humand have straight posture evolution needed somehow come with 'substitude butt' for females thus they started to have more fat around mammary gland turning them into breasts we know currently - so well one can say tits are butt that woman wear on chest :p


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2015
Doesn't really matter to me what you qualify yourself as, wether male or female, straight - gay - bi I goes it's just not something I judge someone by since I've been online so long.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Whether you're writing smut worthy of earning you a seat in hell 24/7 or you just come to visit, everyones someone. 

I have the itching suspicious that a greater portion of this community is female, but I could be wrong. What're you? Male? Female? Trans? Writer or reader? Gay, straight or lesbian?

Gay and Lesbian doesn't mean the same thing?

Anyway, i'm Male and i just read. I have no preference, if I like as it is written everything is fine.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2015
Gay and Lesbian doesn't mean the same thing?

Anyway, i'm Male and i just read. I have no preference, if I like as it is written everything is fine.

I'd be here until next week if I listed ever kind of sexual preference, but no gay & lesbian are not the same I just forgot to add lesbian.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Imma MtF non-op trans. Basically, identifies as a female (sorta?), with tits, but, like Frogapus says, perfectly happy with my 'ladycock'  xD  Yep. Idk. I guess shemale describes me pretty well, which I'm not offended to be labeled as.

As for sexual preferences, practically pansexual. Like to both receive and give where sex is concerned. Like being on top of feminine guys (traps) / MtF non-op trans, or women. Like being bottom for masculine men / feminine guys (traps) / MtF non-op trans / women with strap-ons. Essentially, the only type I'm not into is being on top of a masculine-looking male, or being bottom/top for a FtM non-op (eg: Buck Angel - ergo, guys with muscles, masculine looking, with a pussy but no boobs).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Imma MtF non-op trans. Basically, identifies as a female (sorta?), with tits, but, like Frogapus says, perfectly happy with my 'ladycock'  xD  Yep. Idk. I guess shemale describes me pretty well, which I'm not offended to be labeled as.

As for sexual preferences, practically pansexual. Like to both receive and give where sex is concerned. Like being on top of feminine guys (traps) / MtF non-op trans, or women. Like being bottom for masculine men / feminine guys (traps) / MtF non-op trans / women with strap-ons. Essentially, the only type I'm not into is being on top of a masculine-looking male, or being bottom/top for a FtM non-op (eg: Buck Angel - ergo, guys with muscles, masculine looking, with a pussy but no boobs).

You are quite possibly the first trans woman I have seen who doesn't despise the term "shemale".


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
You are quite possibly the first trans woman I have seen who doesn't despise the term "shemale".

Well that's prolly 'cause most trans are, tbh, wanting to be female, or rather, identifies themselves fully as a woman (this holds true for both pre-ops and most non-ops). Shemale is mostly used in porn, and implies that the trans is male, in some way. That what body they were born in does matter, even though they wish to be a woman, or whether they consider themselves female, they would never be fully recognized as a woman just because they were born as a man, and thus be separated and ostracized for it, even if they underwent surgery to remedy it. She-male. A woman-male, sorta.

Me? Well, I don't want to be rid of my cock. And I have no problem using it. But I'm also the bottom when I want to be. Thus, I think the word shemale quite describes me xD  I don't get all this political correctness and everyone being so sensitive and whiny about the words being used to describe them to be honest.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well that's prolly 'cause most trans are, tbh, wanting to be female, or rather, identifies themselves fully as a woman (this holds true for both pre-ops and most non-ops). Shemale is mostly used in porn, and implies that the trans is male, in some way. That what body they were born in does matter, even though they wish to be a woman, or whether they consider themselves female, they would never be fully recognized as a woman just because they were born as a man, and thus be separated and ostracized for it, even if they underwent surgery to remedy it. She-male. A woman-male, sorta.

Me? Well, I don't want to be rid of my cock. And I have no problem using it. But I'm also the bottom when I want to be. Thus, I think the word shemale quite describes me xD  I don't get all this political correctness and everyone being so sensitive and whiny about the words being used to describe them to be honest.

Well, as long as you're comfortable with it, I suppose.


Nov 7, 2015
Unquestionably Male, and greedy A.F given I'm a reader AND writer of the bisexual persuasion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Male, Trisexual, and Gynephillia. I read and write smut and non-smut. Although I prefer more feminine figures I have enjoyed the company of both feminine and masculine people.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Welp, I'm a dude but I consider myself pan sexual.

In the process of trying to look/be a bit more androgynous because I'm fond the idea of having a little bit of both gender categories. I personally think that androgyny is to be the next genetic step for human beings as we're leaning more towards a gender free society.


Nov 4, 2015
Okay, so I clicked on this poll because I thought it would be an easy response and I could get another +1 to posts but after reading all the replies, I am baffled. Gonna try to recall all of my experiences that might have caused changes to how I perceive ideas like this. Born a guy and raised a heterosexual guy from birth but my parents and teachers seemed to want me to accept everything they said as truth. They knew I was intelligent, enough so that I would hear them but not always agree with everything I was taught (rebellious? maybe, but not in the sense that I would throw their opinions back in there face). I was never outgoing enough to do that, I always thought it was better for me to form my own opinions instead of accepting other people's views blindly. Will reply after my "mind fuck" from attempting to answer this question has past and I can really think about it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Okay, so I clicked on this poll because I thought it would be an easy response and I could get another +1 to posts but after reading all the replies, I am baffled. Gonna try to recall all of my experiences that might have caused changes to how I perceive ideas like this. Born a guy and raised a heterosexual guy from birth but my parents and teachers seemed to want me to accept everything they said as truth. They knew I was intelligent, enough so that I would hear them but not always agree with everything I was taught (rebellious? maybe, but not in the sense that I would throw their opinions back in there face). I was never outgoing enough to do that, I always thought it was better for me to form my own opinions instead of accepting other people's views blindly. Will reply after my "mind fuck" from attempting to answer this question has past and I can really think about it.

Change your avatar while you're at it.  I know this is a porn forum with lots of explicit content, but I don't want to be scrolling through random topics only to come face to face with a picture of some guy's ass.


Nov 4, 2015
Change your avatar while you're at it.  I know this is a porn forum with lots of explicit content, but I don't want to be scrolling through random topics only to come face to face with a picture of some guy's ass.

Didn't realize it was against the rules to use nude pictures of ourselves, I didn't see anything in the rules that banned nude pictures in avatars as long as they were of age. I could always photoshop the boy bits out if it really bothers a lot of people, I had hoped that gender/identity would not be an issue here.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Though there are straight females and gay/bisexual guys who might enjoy that kind of images, there are also people (including said straight females and gay/bisexual guys) who do not want to be subjected to them all the time, or they happen to browse the forums in places that might or might not be subjected to random people passing by.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While not against the rules, it is common courtesy. You may have noticed that you are the only one on this forum who decided the world was better for seeing his ass.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
It's one thing to go actively looking for dongs and asses. It is another to have dongs and asses abruptly thrust upon you. Please change your avatar: I do not want to be subjected randomly to your dick pics. 

As for the actual topic: I'm a gal. I write things. Sometimes those things are smut. I'm predominantly gynephilic, aka 'a lesbian', but there are occasional guys who flip my switch. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm male and straight. 

I`m a reader, but I would love to try writing. I might try it out when there`s less school and exams to worry about...and when I get a bit more drive force...


Nov 5, 2015
I'm male and I used to be straight, but one day I met CoC and TiTS... Well, I think, I'm sorta in "Traps" now.
I write a little, but only in my native language. May be I'll write in English some day, but only after few hundreds hours of study of English grammar.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm a male, and have been told I'm a biromantic homosexual, or an omnisexual heavily leaning towards humanoid males. I've been trying to get myself into writing, but find I take a bit too long for me to do. Also been trying a hand at art.
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Nov 19, 2015
Male reader, Heterosexual... Though I can't find it easy to play male characters in either CoC or TiTS... 
In that aspect I may just be strange. Oh and gotta love dem futas xD .  


Nov 19, 2015
I'm a bisexual genetically damaged bag of flesh with external reproductive organs who identifies to the gender consistent to its appearance. 


Aug 29, 2015
I have the itching suspicious that a greater portion of this community is female, but I could be wrong. What're you? Male? Female? Trans? Writer or reader? Gay, straight or lesbian?

Really? No sarcasm, honest dO,o That's an interesting assumption to hear.

Gay male reader. Any kind of attempt at writing would be cringe worthy.


New Member
Nov 19, 2015
Sex - Male,Gender - Non-binary,Gay. So gay. Quite feminine. Any pronounce are fine. Possible writer?
Oct 10, 2015
Bi guy 'cuz I'm high looking in the fly sky. What else is there to really add to this? Well, other than the fact that I lean towards gynohillia.

I'm also a reader but I write for myself sometimes; I actually wrote a few chapters of a story which was based around seeing fetishes from all psrties' perspectives during sex in a realistic fictional manner... Before my old phone bit the fucking dust randomly one day. I fucking took that phone and put it into a bucket of acetone before lighting it up... Stupid fucking waterproof phone having a rusted charging port somehow
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Nov 28, 2015
Male, "Gamer´ish" Reader, straight (without lying I would see myself tempted by a cute femboi), certainly I want to learn to draw....