Favourite Pokemon Game


Feb 25, 2016
I played so much Emerald back in the day. If I had it in my team it was going all the way to max level. Oddly enough I keep my team small, because hey, can't have them wasting away in storage.  Sceptile, Groudon, Rayquaza, Skarmory, Salamence, Sandslash and mightyena is my team. I would have liked an Umbreon as well, but that online trading thing to make it happen kinda gets screwed up with emulators.

Btw, there's a pokemon online for those that don't know.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Gen 2 and their Gen 4 remakes. I loved getting 16 badges instead of just 8 for once as well as being able to explore two regions and see what changed in Kanto after the end of Gen 1. As far as stories go though, the Mystery Dungeon series is my fave. They always have the "human becomes pokemon" setup, but they execute it differently each time in a unique way that I really enjoy. Side note, has anyone seen the Sun and Moon trailer they released today? The starters, region, and legendaries all look awesome and have me hyped for November.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
If i'm stuck with the official series, Explorers of Time.

If not: Insurgence.  No other Pokemon game (except maybe Reborn) will ever truly complete with Insurgence for best Pokemon game of all time. 


      δ Charmander                     δ Bulbasaur                          δ Squirtle

      Dragon/Ghost                      Psychic/Fairy                     Dark/Fighting

Fun fact: Delta Pokemon (mutant Pokemon with alternate types) was actually a thing for a while around gen 3, but the idea was discarded before it made it into any of the official video games.  Insurgence takes the idea, and puts Deltas here and there, sort of as an alternative to obtainable legendaries.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
soul silver and heart gold for sure, i 100% enjoyed having my pokemon follow me around.

also liked the walker thing, i used to use it to train my pokemon or whatever it was so i would just walk around aimlessly. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I may have started with Red version, but I really loved Silver version for the Gameboy Color.

Judge me if you want, but I got it a month after it came out and couldn't stop playing it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Gen 2 and their Gen 4 remakes. I loved getting 16 badges instead of just 8 for once as well as being able to explore two regions and see what changed in Kanto after the end of Gen 1. As far as stories go though, the Mystery Dungeon series is my fave. They always have the "human becomes pokemon" setup, but they execute it differently each time in a unique way that I really enjoy. Side note, has anyone seen the Sun and Moon trailer they released today? The starters, region, and legendaries all look awesome and have me hyped for November.

I just saw it. It looks awesome. I´m currently struggling between whether or not I´m gonna choose the grass or fire starter. The owl was so cute, but the cat one was pretty cool too. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
I've decided to call the starters "The Household Pet Starters" because there is a bird, a cat, and a dog-like sea lion. I might be stretching it a bit with the sea lion and (despite what Harry Potter might make you believe) owl's are not good or even safe as pets, but I'm going to stick to it as a generalization.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Now, about starters....I been always between Grass and Water for starters. The owl seemed cute and all, but I guess that I'll go with the water, Popplio, i guess, that it's called. I'm not too fond of a 4x weakness to ice. Though I'm betting that the cat will end as Dark-Fire and the sea lion as a Water-Fairy.

Kitsune Lord Momiji

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2016
Black/White for story, Black 2/White 2 for minigames.

Blackwater Syn

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(Minus the 4 year olds asking for legendry's for a fucking weedle)

To defend those, some of those are how people move things from one game to another without pokebank or a trading partner.  I used to use Bibarels named "ur mum" to move my legends and shinies about before I wound up with an extra 3ds.

On topic, however, Emerald. I love the pokemon games as a whole, with gen 1 having a lot of nostalgia for me, but not much else. Gen 2 having WALKING WITH YER POKES (which I'd love to have back) is a huge plus, but I wasn't too fond of a lot of the poke designs. It was pretty hit and miss. Gen 3 knocked it out of the ballpark for me, and Hoenn became my favorite region,with several of my favorite pokemon either being FROM that region or from a previous game and being carried over INTO that region. The later games were soured a bit by me getting annoyed at game freaks habit of removing everything I loved.

(Walking with pokemon? Nope, don't need that shit! Contests? Nah, you good.You like that watch? Imma break that watch. Fun side stuff in the major cities? Musicians altering the world? *Yyyyyoink!* Yo dawg, I heard you like the battle frontier? Here's a statue of the battle frontier instead of the battle frontier. Why? Fuck you, that's why.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Black/White version 1. It had just the right combination of compelling story and new features.

Other titles have struggled with that mix and either gone too far in one direction or not tried enough.