Motherfucking CoC Week


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I agree with you on the story. While cliche, saving an apocalyptic world is a much more interesting plot than trying to get your inheritance.  That's why I've always thought that it would be best as an act 1 plot, with the main goal of the game coming up later and raising the stakes considerably.

You'll quickly be swept away by spectacle creep and scale that way. I'd prefer not having to save the universe on my trip to claim daddy's money. Steele is not the chosen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You'll quickly be swept away by spectacle creep and scale that way. I'd prefer not having to save the universe on my trip to claim daddy's money. Steele is not the chosen.

It doesn't have to be like that.  Actually running your company and/or dealing with a major antagonistic power like the Black Void or a malevolent alien race is plenty to give a greater meaning to the PC's actions beyond just getting rich.  There are lots of ways you can raise the stakes without going into cliche stories or ruining the player's interest in the game.  The Stellar Tether is a good example of having higher stakes involved in the PC's actions.  It's ultimately up to Fenoxo and his team to decide how they want to do this, if they decide to do it at all.  My opinion is just that this would make the main story more interesting.  Lots of disconnected major events or storylines is fine, but doesn't have the same impact as having something big that ties them all together.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It doesn't have to be like that.  Actually running your company and/or dealing with a major antagonistic power like the Black Void or a malevolent alien race is plenty to give a greater meaning to the PC's actions beyond just getting rich.  There are lots of ways you can raise the stakes without going into cliche stories or ruining the player's interest in the game.  The Stellar Tether is a good example of having higher stakes involved in the PC's actions.  It's ultimately up to Fenoxo and his team to decide how they want to do this, if they decide to do it at all.  My opinion is just that this would make the main story more interesting.  Lots of disconnected major events or storylines is fine, but doesn't have the same impact as having something big that ties them all together.

Ah, so that's what you meant. A larger plotline overarching multiple probe retrievals or some such. Ex: I bet Han Solo was happy just making smuggling runs, but he got pretty caught up in things. Given how mobile Steele needs to be, being dragged into something huge and long lasting is quite possible. For some reason after reading your earlier post, I was thinking "Get Rich > baddie > bigger baddie" sorta thing. My bad on that.


Sep 6, 2015
That's why we can't have nice things. Curse those unnamed pestering wankers. The only thing I've left to ask is this: would you look at and approve someone else's Hellspawn x-pack made for the mod, provided it's decent/good?

I don't see why everyone keeps asking for Savin's permission to finish Helspawn given CoC is open source. Though I have some doubts about how well it would be written.

Though not just saying "god damn you fuckers finish your fucking helspawn fine" is a grade-A bitch move.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't see why everyone keeps asking for Savin's permission to finish Helspawn given CoC is open source.

Because just up and making your own artistic decisions on someone else's literary work without their consent is even more of a dick move?


Sep 6, 2015
You can look at it that way, sure, but the fact of the matter is that Savin got an unimplemented character put into CoC and left a lot of people who cared about the game waiting, what, years? for it to be finished, then up and went "im not gunna finish it bc muh whiny bitches". He left it unfinished and it's in the interest of anybody who wants to improve CoC to tie up it, and any other loose ends. It's not a problem of somebody wanting to, say, take Amily and edit her so she's a purple futa who's dedicated to sowing corruption all over the world, it's the problem of people trying to finish an unfinished project whose creator abandoned it for a non-morally justifiable reason.

Besides, as I said, CoC is open source. If you want to keep the rights to your dream salamander waifu you don't stick her in free internet games. :^)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You can look at it that way, sure, but the fact of the matter is that Savin got an unimplemented character put into CoC and left a lot of people who cared about the game waiting, what, years? for it to be finished, then up and went "im not gunna finish it bc muh whiny bitches". He left it unfinished and it's in the interest of anybody who wants to improve CoC to tie up it, and any other loose ends. It's not a problem of somebody wanting to, say, take Amily and edit her so she's a purple futa who's dedicated to sowing corruption all over the world, it's the problem of people trying to finish an unfinished project whose creator abandoned it for a non-morally justifiable reason.

Besides, as I said, CoC is open source. If you want to keep the rights to your dream salamander waifu you don't stick her in free internet games. :^)

Whine more, you entitled cunt.

And like I've said to Kitteh and the mod team several times: they technically CAN finish Helspawn, in the same sense that I technically CAN ban them and delete the content from the site. The mod's a stain, but if somebody like Foxxling or whothefuckever actually writes her incest shit up for ACTUAL COC? Sure, whatever, have at it. I even gave Foxx my express blessing ages back. 

Not that it'll ever actually get CODED because lol CoC, but hey.
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Sep 6, 2015
And like I've said to Kitteh and the mod team several times: they technically CAN finish Helspawn, in the same sense that I technically CAN ban them and delete the content from the site.

I don't know if you'd actually do this but it'd be pretty funny for the 'bluh bluh huge bitch' factor. Though from what I've seen of the mod nothing of real value would be lost. Unfortunately I think everyone who's actually competent at writing at this point has recognized CoC as a sinking ship and either moved on or settled for TiTS. 


Oct 9, 2015
I don't know if you'd actually do this but it'd be pretty funny for the 'bluh bluh huge bitch' factor. Though from what I've seen of the mod nothing of real value would be lost. Unfortunately I think everyone who's actually competent at writing at this point has recognized CoC as a sinking ship and either moved on or settled for TiTS. 

Hm, I agree that some of the content in the mod is shite, *cough* pure jojo sex scenes *Cough*, but it does have some strong points. Although I pretty much hate the corrupted side of things and thus never delve in that part of the game, so I definitely can't speak for the whole mod. I don't consider it a lost cause however, since it's obvious that COC is coming to a close, and the mod can offer the chance to continue what the creators want to move on from to work on other things. The value in it is that those who still love the game can implement new concepts and content that is either unique, expansive, or completive (Yep, that's a real word.   XD), given they have half decent writing skills. So, I guess what I'm saying is don't shoot down the mod yet. Some pretty shitty writing was included, true, but it has potential.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
The mod has its ups and downs but overall I like it.

I could write up everything I like and dislike about it but that'd take more time than it's worth.

The biggest problem the mod has is cringeworthy writing in my opinion.


Oct 9, 2015
Whine more, you entitled cunt.

And like I've said to Kitteh and the mod team several times: they technically CAN finish Helspawn, in the same sense that I technically CAN ban them and delete the content from the site. The mod's a stain, but if somebody like Foxxling or whothefuckever actually writes her incest shit up for ACTUAL COC? Sure, whatever, have at it. I even gave Foxx my express blessing ages back. 

Not that it'll ever actually get CODED because lol CoC, but hey.

Excuse you? If you're not joking--in regards to calling someone a cunt and threatening a ban+erasure of content--you really need to grow up. 


Oct 24, 2015
I was glad to hear that something was going on with CoC. While I know it's run it's course, I just couldn't get into Tits the same way. 

I tried TiTS once and I just wasn't attracted to it. CoC always seemed more interesting and more fun to me. :(


Aug 28, 2015
After playing Vanilla CoC so much that my moral center was thrown slightly askew, the Mod was a breath of fresh air. I understand that CoC is basically finished but that is like saying a under-cooked cake is basically presentation ready. It would just be nice to have the official ending wham-bam done. The Mod gives long term players a reason to come back. But seeing as I came into this game right as TiTS was having it's keel laid means I don't really get to have a say in it.

As for TiTS, I have enjoyed it but I have run across a major flaw. If you get even slightly comfortable with a developed profile, trying to go back to play as another class is practically impossible. I have a tauric smuggler and the amount of stuff that taurs are excluded from means you are constantly getting smacked over the head for choosing an interesting character. I made a new herm merc and went to M'henga where my ass was promptly handed to me about 37 times. Now if I want to play another class or body type, I have to grind my forehead against a jungle tree trunk until I start seeing grey matter ooze out. Thus I am stuck with a crappy leveled character and a new character that cannot fight his/her way out of a wet tissue bag. Not to mention the Zil are nowhere to be found so I can't even try for the bow and have a decent starting weapon.

Whew..... Had to get my gripes out. Sorry guys and girls.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Because just up and making your own artistic decisions on someone else's literary work without their consent is even more of a dick move?

He already gave blanket permission to literally anyone to modify it without consulting him. He did that when he published his work as open source. This is literally what the words "open source" mean
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
People seem to forget(or ignore) that most smut games never make it past the demo stage, let-alone to 100%, no loose-ends completion. In the very rare case of the latter, I'd say it's mostly because there's only one writer behind it. With every additional writer comes an exponential increase in possible complications. With Fenoxo's games having a multitude of writers, it's amazing it's this finished.

It speaks a lot that he's trying to give it a decent ending, instead of just tacking on a "PC done beat Lethice. THE END."


Aug 26, 2015
After playing Vanilla CoC so much that my moral center was thrown slightly askew, the Mod was a breath of fresh air. I understand that CoC is basically finished but that is like saying a under-cooked cake is basically presentation ready. It would just be nice to have the official ending wham-bam done. The Mod gives long term players a reason to come back. But seeing as I came into this game right as TiTS was having it's keel laid means I don't really get to have a say in it.

As for TiTS, I have enjoyed it but I have run across a major flaw. If you get even slightly comfortable with a developed profile, trying to go back to play as another class is practically impossible. I have a tauric smuggler and the amount of stuff that taurs are excluded from means you are constantly getting smacked over the head for choosing an interesting character. I made a new herm merc and went to M'henga where my ass was promptly handed to me about 37 times. Now if I want to play another class or body type, I have to grind my forehead against a jungle tree trunk until I start seeing grey matter ooze out. Thus I am stuck with a crappy leveled character and a new character that cannot fight his/her way out of a wet tissue bag. Not to mention the Zil are nowhere to be found so I can't even try for the bow and have a decent starting weapon.

Whew..... Had to get my gripes out. Sorry guys and girls.

All three classes play the same at first.  Stab cuntsnakes, shoot mimbranes, tease zil, naleen and vanae.  Kerokeras are very rare unless something's fucked up with your save from using debug mode.  If you're using debug to have infinite items, stop.  The code "furfag" enables it now without needing debug.

Five wins agaimst zil or cuntsnakes and you'll get to level 2.  From here on out it's about teasing, Overcharge/Volley if you're a techie, or Power Strike/Rapid Fire if you're a merc.
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Aug 28, 2015
All three classes play the same at first.  Stab cuntsnakes, shoot mimbranes, tease zil, naleen and vanae.  Kerokeras are very rare unless something's fucked up with your save from using debug mode.  If you're using debug to have infinite items, stop.  The code "furfag" enables it now without needing debug.

Five wins agaimst zil or cuntsnakes and you'll get to level 2.  From here on out it's about teasing, Overcharge/Volley if you're a techie, or Power Strike/Rapid Fire if you're a merc.

Holy crap I forgot about Debug Mode. I never realized that I left it on. Thanks dood.

Addendum: For some reason even with a new character the Kerokeras keep showing up instead of Zil. WTF?
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Nov 5, 2015
All three classes play the same at first.  Stab cuntsnakes, shoot mimbranes, tease zil, naleen and vanae.  Kerokeras are very rare unless something's fucked up with your save from using debug mode.  If you're using debug to have infinite items, stop.  The code "furfag" enables it now without needing debug.

Five wins agaimst zil or cuntsnakes and you'll get to level 2.  From here on out it's about teasing, Overcharge/Volley if you're a techie, or Power Strike/Rapid Fire if you're a merc.

Um how do you turn the debug off now that it's no longer in the options menu?  I forgot about it as well but I don't see how to disable it.  I haven't seen a ZIl in many builds.
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Aug 26, 2015
You didn't disable it back when the update notes said you should months ago, so now you need to start over.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Or Minerva it off.

Bestest Minerva Guide to Save Editing Ever

Online: Go here, click the big green button
Offline: Download and install Adobe Air > Download and install Minerva

0) Backup
1) Open a .sol file. This means a normal save. Save To File creates a different save type which is not compatible
2) Read this and this, then read the big purple warning on the second page again
3) Change numbers*
*Don't change a lot at once. Seems the more you do the higher the chance of the save not popping out right

You can skip step 2. You want: TiTs_#/gameOptions/debugMode=False
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Or Minerva it off.

Bestest Minerva Guide to Save Editing Ever

Online: Go here, click the big green button
Offline: Download and install Adobe Air > Download and install Minerva

0) Backup
1) Open a .sol file. This means a normal save. Save To File creates a different save type which is not compatible
2) Read this and this, then read the big purple warning on the second page again
3) Change numbers*
*Don't change a lot at once. Seems the more you do the higher the chance of the save not popping out right

You can skip step 2. You want: TiTs_#/gameOptions/debugMode=False

I hate to be that guy but where are the save files located? I am using safari.


Dec 13, 2015
I'm  really just hoping Excellia doesn't  make it  in still. I  mean if it were anywhere else in the game or  a side thing  that'd  be  fine  but  to  put it right in the final  dungeon? That shit  doesn't make sense  and I honestly have not even  touched CoC since that was announced.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I hate to be that guy but where are the save files located? I am using safari.

Safari means you're using a mac right? I haven't used a mac in a while, but the mac search is way better than a pc's in my experience. Unless the saves are located in with the system files, you should be able to type .sol in the search, wait half a minute, and have all your .sols from CoC and TiTS pop up.

If that doesn't work, a quick wiki glance says they should be: ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/
If the file's not sitting there it would be a little deeper in: #SharedObjects/<random numbers and letters>/localhost

Not related, but Safari's pretty terrible tbh. It's the internet explorer of macs. I seriously suggest giving Firefox or Chrome a shot.

Anyway, since this is concerning TiTS save editing we're getting pretty off topic. But if you have more questions feel free to either PM me or start a topic in the TiTS section. And good luck!


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm  really just hoping Excellia doesn't  make it  in still. I  mean if it were anywhere else in the game or  a side thing  that'd  be  fine  but  to  put it right in the final  dungeon? That shit  doesn't make sense  and I honestly have not even  touched CoC since that was announced.

Could not agree more, but oh well.