Fazian: Why the Caged Bird Dances


Aug 27, 2015

A commission to fill out Gildenmere's favourite strip bar a bit more.

Key Commitments:

* Cabaret performances which will give the PC a temporary stat boost. Similar to Lane but, y'know, without the extortion.

* Fazian can teach masculine players sick dance moves that they can bust out in combat. Now you too can overwhelm your enemies with pure lust without having to grow a pair of tits!

* An investigative quest. Warning! Contains mild peril.

The word count is for 15k so I'm aiming to meet these goals first, and then head back and give the manbirdwhore some sex scenes if there's time.

Right now I'm considering how to approach implementing combat dance moves. I was thinking that, once learned, the PC could activate them by using specific body part teases in sequence - if hips then chest move activates, if incorrect part used next move breaks down, if correct part used lust bonus increases, for instance. I'd be particularly interested if people had thoughts on this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thoughts immediately drawn to Cveta from FoE, but yeah god speed nonesuch always need more male things, break the matriarchy D: (or whatever you call it when herms/futa's are dominant)

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
My deep and constant ambitions to add dance-fighting to Fen-industries can be finally realized.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thoughts immediately drawn to Cveta from FoE, but yeah god speed nonesuch always need more male things, break the matriarchy D: (or whatever you call it when herms/futa's are dominant)

Seems TiTS has quite a few matri-/patriarchies. Granted, they're generally portrayed in the most negative light possible, as they should.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Seems TiTS has quite a few matri-/patriarchies. Granted, they're generally portrayed in the most negative light possible, as they should.

not literal governments just the majority of submissions and interact-able characters are usually traps/girls/dickgirls 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well with most people this play game been males no wonder most npc tends to been 'females' (even if their got some additional stuff on them). About dancing...why I now have that thoughts of games when you must dance on mate stepping on propper part of it to make combos? Anyway chaining tease atacks in combos....hmmm c-o-m-b-o b-r-e-a-k-e-r ^^ (and yes I would keep an eye or two on this project)


Aug 26, 2015
A few recommendations:

* Add a new button to the tease menu called Begin Dance or something of the sort.  This does the first move in the sequence and overrides normal teases on the following turns.  If multiple dances are available it should open a sub menu to let you pick the opener.  The alternative is to stick all the openers as random results in Hips.

* Each dance has some sort of chain, maybe four to five moves long at the most.  This should be communicated diagetically when the dance is learned and recorded in the Codex for later reference if/when the player forgets.

* Follow the chain to do boosted Lust damage, though it should still take enemy preferences into account.  I.e. a dance which involves a lot of ass shaking should do more against an ass-lover than one focused on the chest.

Breaking the combo should probably result in the opponent recovering a small amount of Lust due to disappointment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
not literal governments just the majority of submissions and interact-able characters are usually traps/girls/dickgirls 

Point taken. And to answer your previous query, when a herm/futa is the dominant partner it's called "futadom".


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Point taken. And to answer your previous query, when a herm/futa is the dominant partner it's called "futadom".

I meant society wise, like dominant society with males is a Patriarchy, females is a Matriarchy


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
While chaining teases using whatever method wouldn't it be kinda fitting that enemy got some debuff (since that would it be probably classified) that makes him/her/it stop attacking us and just watch our performance? Well could be without but....then I imaging fight when PC making all erotic dance while enemy for ex. non stop attacking us with some badass weapon seemly unfazed about our actions beside taking lust damage each turn.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I meant society wise, like dominant society with males is a Patriarchy, females is a Matriarchy

Don't think there's a term for that. Best word I can come up with for it is Hermiarchy. (But that sounds vaguely like a BDSM/Harem Harry Potter fanfic)


Aug 26, 2015
Not sure if this has been noted in the document, but bird-likes are somewhat irked by the myr race, as established by Orryx (or at least partially--another reason is social/cultural, due to politics/trade regulations). It might have to do with the whole birds vs. insects thing, but it can probably be expanded on with respect to this character. While on an instinctual level, myr may fear birds, bird-morphs might have an exotic allure based on presentation and appearance--like if an avian acts/looks threatening, they may be perceived as more dangerous than they actually are; or if they act/look friendly, they may be approached with super curiosity. Not a very huge problem though (given how large the pool of tense racial politics is on Myrellion), but I thought it was worth noting in case there was a consistency issue. Make of it what you will, I guess!

As for learning dances, I would recommend making it a character perk to be gained (or a hidden status effect like how alcohol consumption is handled). Perks work like status effects and key items, where they can not only store the perk's name and description, but also up to four values for tracking purposes. So if there's a need for leveling or stage tracking during combat, it wouldn't be hard to implement (like v1: dance level, v2: dance tease damage multiplier, v3: dance tease toggle, v4: dance move stage tracking number). If Steele has the perk and is in combat, a new button can be taken up under Tease to toggle on/off dance moves. When toggled on, an intro to the dance can play and switches Steele to a dance stance (this can optionally disable weapon use if it's something hardcore). While in dance mode, all the tease attack buttons will lead to a dance variant of that tease (and each can be level-locked if it's level locked--or the row of tease buttons can be changed altogether with specific dance moves learned if that's easier to write). The stage tracking number can change for each dance move used if it's a gradual progression thing. When toggled off or when it is the end of combat, Steele will get out of dance stance and the toggle and stage values are reset. The values do not have to be integers, so leveling a dance can be like +0.5 points for practicing with Fazian, with major intervals unlocking a new move, and possibly a set maximum level. All in all, implementing the dance system probably wouldn't be difficult to do with the given system--it's the written material that is most important and that would just require all the text blurbs with all the variations and parsing that connects everything together.

Hope this helps!


Aug 27, 2015
I can't not think of this now: https://youtu.be/jaaJyAjvajo?t=15s

That said, the tease-combo system sounds really neat. Dunno how easy/hard it'd be to code, but totally has my vote.
Savin approval! The second most important kind.

A few recommendations:

* Add a new button to the tease menu called Begin Dance or something of the sort.  This does the first move in the sequence and overrides normal teases on the following turns.  If multiple dances are available it should open a sub menu to let you pick the opener.  The alternative is to stick all the openers as random results in Hips.

* Each dance has some sort of chain, maybe four to five moves long at the most.  This should be communicated diagetically when the dance is learned and recorded in the Codex for later reference if/when the player forgets.

* Follow the chain to do boosted Lust damage, though it should still take enemy preferences into account.  I.e. a dance which involves a lot of ass shaking should do more against an ass-lover than one focused on the chest.

Breaking the combo should probably result in the opponent recovering a small amount of Lust due to disappointment.

Thanks for your thoughts. I'm not a massive of adding a "Begin Dance" button, because I'd prefer the game to be streamlined, without separate buttons for every single possible combat manoeuvre, where possible. However if there are multiple dances available - and I would like to do at least two, a standard one and one that does more lust damage at the expense of increased physical vulnerability, perhaps - it might be the way to go. It may even encourage others to create their own dance sequences in future events, which would be great.

Seems TiTS has quite a few matri-/patriarchies. Granted, they're generally portrayed in the most negative light possible, as they should.

There are a lot of matriarchies because the writers like femdom/writing females in general. The anatae aren't really a patriarchy though, at least not in the New Texan sense.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Cabaret and combat dances? Even if I end up not being interested in the final product, those two features alone make me want to have it implemented.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There are a lot of matriarchies because the writers like femdom/writing females in general.
Hey if the majority wants Matriarchies, I'm more than willing to put up with it. (Besides, it's a welcome departure from the real world, where it's very much the opposite.)


Aug 26, 2015
I meant society wise, like dominant society with males is a Patriarchy, females is a Matriarchy

Just for clarification, you should only use the "-archy" suffix in a word if you are talking about government or ruling body (regardless of majority/minority status). If you are talking about the general population of a culture or society, you should be referring to male/female-majority gender imbalance with respects to demographics--not sure if there's a simple one-word to reference to that, but that may be a cause for confusion.


Aug 26, 2015
While chaining teases using whatever method wouldn't it be kinda fitting that enemy got some debuff (since that would it be probably classified) that makes him/her/it stop attacking us and just watch our performance? Well could be without but....then I imaging fight when PC making all erotic dance while enemy for ex. non stop attacking us with some badass weapon seemly unfazed about our actions beside taking lust damage each turn.

Lust-based combat is inherently absurd.  We suspend our disbelief because it's a porn game.

Thanks for your thoughts. I'm not a massive of adding a "Begin Dance" button, because I'd prefer the game to be streamlined, without separate buttons for every single possible combat manoeuvre, where possible. However if there are multiple dances available - and I would like to do at least two, a standard one and one that does more lust damage at the expense of increased physical vulnerability, perhaps - it might be the way to go. It may even encourage others to create their own dance sequences in future events, which would be great.
Future-proofing is the main reason I'd do it that way, yeah.  I can't think of any other way you'd do it that didn't either make dances a random event or would cause them to interrupt other things you might want to be doing by accident.

Unrelatedly, working with multiple quotes is really awful right now, especially if you want to edit a new quote in.

EDIT: But apparently if you write two posts back to back they'll meld into one post, which is kind of neat.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
While I like the idea of having more bird people, space Baryshnikov and dancing battle moves in the game, all I could think about after reading half-way through was "OMG, we may finally get Space Commies"!

Stay stronk, comrade Fazian, and make your people proud. Maintain the moral high ground.

que Internationale.


Sep 3, 2015
I like this, It's quite cute, and very interesting.

In regards to the bird vs bug thing, the threat of danger, of that adrenaline rush, can be alluring, more so to a sex-starved race at war with themselves.


New Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sorry if this is the wrong thread for asking this, but is the goblin/swimming pool thing you were doing still going in the game?


Aug 27, 2015
Sorry if this is the wrong thread for asking this, but is the goblin/swimming pool thing you were doing still going in the game?

It's all done, including a goblin TF and revised codex. Fen knows about it, so it's just a case of when he/Gedan can get round to coding it. i.e. you'll see it in game circa 2018.


Aug 26, 2015
It's all done, including a goblin TF and revised codex. Fen knows about it, so it's just a case of when he/Gedan can get round to coding it. i.e. you'll see it in game circa 2018.

Speaking of, here is the Gabilani item with creature and appearance stuff--I think I updated it a little since it was last on the old forum, just in case you need an up-to-date version.

View attachment goblinola.txt


Aug 27, 2015
Speaking of, here is the Gabilani item with creature and appearance stuff--I think I updated it a little since it was last on the old forum, just in case you need an up-to-date version.

View attachment 1664

Thanks a lot Jacques, I'll add the link to the doc.

Sorry I didn't respond to your earlier post. Birds vs. insects is something I was thinking of playing around with in this project, but probably won't get anything beyond a mench simply because of time constraints. I've given the dance "version" numbers like you suggested, but ultimately think your dance stance thing, whilst a cool idea, is a bit too complicated for this game.

All the learning-dances and using them in combat texts are down now, as I envisage it working. I'm sure Gedoxo will have their own ideas about it (after they're done tearing their hair out over the overall complexity of this character). Gonna move onto Faz quest now.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just looking over this, this certainly has piqued my interests, and I don't usually use male characters much. The new dance combat system seems really cool, but it raises a question: What's to stop a fem pc from changing their appearance to masculine, doing the dance training, and then suddenly changing back to female in appearance to gain all the benefits of dance combat (combance)? If this is supposed to be male oriented, shouldn't there be some kind of masculinity gate for whether or not you can use the moves or not?