Emerald's Art and Doodle Thread (What's New; Back from the Dead)


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Hoi! The name's Emerald and I'm an artist. I've started drawing TiTS related stuff pretty recently actually!
It's not too often though, infact I like to draw the occasional TiTS thing inbetween other things like Pokemon and such.

I have a Furaffinity account!: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/jayfiregrowlithe/

I was the one that drew the raskvel stuff that is on the blog. Figured I make a thread for any stuff related to Fengames and any other games like FoE and such. I've had some people say I could try doing TiTS busts but I'm giving some time before I start doing some out of the blue.

Edit (6/22/17): Cleaned up my 'will/will not' list to make it easier to read.
Edit (11/9/17): Moved Cuntboys to my 'What I like drawing' list. I've grown a fond to them as of late so it makes sense to do that.

What I like drawing:
  • Straight and Gay themed Pairings (M/F and M/M only, the latter more preferred)
  • Solo/Pinup
  • Femboys/Male Crossdressing/Traps (Male-identifying Femboys/Traps only, any that are seen not identifying as 'he' in gender identity counts as female trans to me and thus won't be drawn)
  • Cuntboys (No actual male TG tho. No Baras/Anything very Masculine either, Twink to Femboi-tier only. Though feminine ones are still preferred due to my preferences for traps)
  • Incest (M/F and M/M combinations only)
  • Furry/Anthro
  • Feral
  • Anthro on Feral; a.k.a beast, no humans
  • Paws (No human/humanoid feet, only comfortable drawing paws, no dirty paws either)
  • Bondage
  • D/S (To an extent)
  • Size-Play
  • Ageplay (Keeping the ages legal ofc)
  • Breeding/Impregnation
  • Cute and/or romantic stuff

What I'm okay with (Not muh thing but not on the blacklist for me, meaning if I draw these, it'd be rarely, but it's not like I won't draw them at all):
  • Maleherms (Not used to the weird genital arrangement)
  • Mild Tentacles

What I prefer not to draw (A.K.A. Do not expect any of this from me):
  • Fem on fem and anything that could give a lesbian themed/flavored undertone (I'll narrow it down to Fem gender on fem gender for simplicity's sake)
  • Female bodies/identity with dicks (Any kind, Femherms/Futa, and Shemales/TG/Sissies, just anything that means it's a 'she'/female gender identity with a penis)
  • Amazons (Not exactly, but I just have no interest in actually drawing them)
  • Bara
  • Humiliation/Degradation
  • Feminization/Sissification
  • Chastity
  • Heavy Bondage (To the point it looks uncomfortable to be in)
  • Vore
  • Gore (Certain 'Candy gore' is fine tho)
  • Bathroom antics of any kind
  • Hyper
  • Actual Pregnancy or anything that has me drawing pregbelly (Live and oviposition)
  • Straight Anal
  • Macro/Micro
  • Extreme tentacles
  • Gender TF of any kind; forced or not
  • Unbirth
  • Pain.
Maybe more Nopes I'm forgetting.

Humans/Humanoids are still hit or miss for me. I prefer to stay away from them like 90% of the time.
I do not take requests/commissions. Don't bug me about the latter plz, I will open a slot or two for them on my own accord

For example of muh arts, have that raskvel fem in all her shortstacked, small breasted glory (Wooo for accurate (GiveorTake) B-Cups):
Raskvel Female.png
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Raskvel Male Pinup. With and without the peen:
Raskvel Male.png
Raskvel Male & Penis.png


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
LizardBuns making more Lizard Buns (Breeding/Impreg kink), this was also on the blog:
Raskvel Male + Female resized.png
No spoiler for this one. I'm very proud of this one and I want you all to see it. ;P
Had to resize it a little though, since it was too big of a file.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Awesome, I noticed you don't have these images up on your furaffinty account any reason?
Simple refusal to at the time. I have yet to post them there. I was gonna earlier today, but had to get some rl stuff out of the way at the time (My mother wanted me to get out of the house for a while).
I'll get to doing that now that you reminded me.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Simple refusal to at the time. I have yet to post them there. I was gonna earlier today, but had to get some rl stuff out of the way at the time (My mother wanted me to get out of the house for a while).
I'll get to doing that now that you reminded me.

Ah no worries I completely understand. Lol I just spent half the day today myself cleaning up my bedroom and my bathroom where I live. It got me away from the PC for a while :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Full res bustshot of my modded Laquine, Avery, as seen in my icon. He's a TiTS fancharacter of mine I really started liking to draw, a pink furred (Obviously not his real color lol), gay hung laquine trap that modded his dick from equine to a more 'vanilla' terran one. So you can say it's not so much 'Laquine' but just bunny morph. But I like to keep calling him by his race. Yes, I'm doing the 'he' shtick with this guy, because traps are rarely done right around here.
Avery transparent.png
The pink fur and character as a whole was inspired by Roa (Best bunny trap <3) from Alders' FoE.
Note that Avery is just a fancharacter, I have no intention on actually writing/submitting him for the game for my own extremely personal reasons, and I want other people to respect that and ask of you to try not to do it yourself, or ask me to write him for submission. He is my character and I only draw/write him for funsies, he isn't for the actual game.

And with that have an added pic I doodled up out of the blue one day:
(Bondage/Suspension, Toys, M Solo, Trap)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Have a more 'recent' finished art. A chocolate colored, androgynous Kui-Tan trap.
Kui-Tan Andro.png
Based off one of my files in TiTS. His name is Sage and he's a lithe little cutie patootie.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i love how you colored the Raskavels with the speckled effect, it gives a very stylistic look.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
So, will we be seeing more of Avery's content?
I do plan on drawing him some more, so a big yes to that.


May 14, 2017
Oh I'm dumb...don't mind me, sorry. Its late where I am and I should fall asleep.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Rough Sketch of Avery in Lingerie. I'll line and color it later.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Finished pic of Avery in his lingerie. Babydoll, sheer stockings and Garter belt, and a gold cockring.
Random blue room, I just wanted to draw something fully rendered after so long, and I didn't wanna have him sitting in blank space. Indoor BG because I need to practice on them, even a simple one.
Hope you guys like your boy traps dressed all feminine and sexy like. Enjoy. <3
(Damn you forums with your 'file 2 big' BS lemme post the full rez! :U)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I'll say it again... that lighting! Everything about this bun bun is excellent! Keep up the great work as usual! <3
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Did you put a layer over top of the image that didn't cover the whole thing, or did you accidentally post a larger image than was intended?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Did you put a layer over top of the image that didn't cover the whole thing, or did you accidentally post a larger image than was intended?
If you're talking about the border around the pic then it's entirely intentional, I do that with most if not all of my more detailed drawings. I just put the border layer on overlay to give it that effect.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you're talking about the border around the pic then it's entirely intentional, I do that with most if not all of my more detailed drawings. I just put the border layer on overlay to give it that effect.
Huh, it seemed really unusual so I thought it had been a mistake. I see now you did the same on your other pic.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Sorry for all the Avery stuff! Hope you guys don't mind. I've really been in the mood to draw him as of late.
This time I decided to slip the bunny trap into something cute and girly. I was looking for something feminine and simple to draw, decided to go with the classic sundress. Plus some white gloves/stockings and a bow on the ear. Figured I was comfortable with my character and where he stands in his trappiness that I could slip him in that without issue for now and the future.
All seriousness though Avery would So wear this. Also DEM HIPS. Ouo
Did a waist-up 'bust art' sorta thing like the other bust artists of TiTS do, transparent and all. This was just to practice in case I ever DO take up doing a few busts for the game for funsies.
Avery_Casual Wear1.png
I originally wanted to have his eyes glow here as well since that's pretty much what they do, but the effect fucked with the transparency, so I had to remove it for this.

And yeah, he has no panties under there. I imagine with balls that big he'd be rather uncomfortable in them normally. lol

Do not use/steal the character in any way/edit and blah blah blah.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Eyyyy I'm back with more.
I decided to treat myself for once by drawing some gay art for my own ladyboner's enjoyment instead of others, the first proper M/M art I'm actually posting here too. I've been kinda hesitant to because it's catering to the minority here (Which I'm a part of) and I know a good chunk of Fenforum go-ers aren't into male on male stuffs. So I hope those that DO like or are okay with looking at gay stuff.. well.. like it!
Although this time it's simple fanart for FoE, since I've been playing it a lot as of late to get my rocks off with ghey stuffs. Featuring Alder 's bunny Roa from the game. A.k.a the very character that inspired me to make Avery in the first place. Pink, big dicked, trappy boywhore cockslut of a bunny, a bit of a mouthful there, he's basically like a Spess Roa. lol Though Avery did kinda become his own character over time, the inspiration is still there.
I'll always love the game despite it's indefinite hiatus and I just had the urge to draw something lewd for it because porn game so.. *shrugs*
And because I am nothing but shipping traaaaaaash I ended up drawing fanart of them together.

I was gonna spoiler this but then I thought "You know what fuck it, it's my thread so LOOK AT THE GAY LOOK AT IT."
FoE - Avery X Roa.png
Decided to play around with Roa's fur, seeing it descripted as 'pink tinged' and all, it ended up with me using a pink colored bristle brush in many areas when coloring him, I thought it looked neat, hope that's okay!
BG was ORIGINALLY gonna be a bedroom or something but my drawing hand started hurting something fierce in the end so nope. x.x
Wow I rambled, Anyways. I'm gonna be sketching another thing of these two in a later drawing, something less lewd and more cute. (HintHintIt'sBunnyKissesBecauseYouCanDoItIngameSoWhyNot)
Hope ya like! <3