How did you come up with your usernames?

Bad axe

Apr 21, 2016
I got this name because I wanted to have a name with bad and for the second part is just because I like using axe in game 
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Oct 6, 2015
Somewhere in late elementary school or early middle school I made a user name that combined my nickname "D.J." and "junk" (pronounced dee-junk) for no reason and have been using constant variations since. The variations generally use 101 or 411 or 365, after the three various "news" buffers they had on Disney Channel during commercials for a while, or more rarely 855, after the end of the username I had on Runescape a long time ago (the 855 was added to the username I was originally going use as a suggestion for an unused variant).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Oh yeah I never commented on this topic.

I got mine from one of those old "Gamertag Ideas!!!" videos. It's completely unoriginal nor do I know what the fuck it means. But it's mine now I guess.
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Active Member
May 7, 2016
Way back in the olden days of MSN, I'd introduced a friend of mine to Starcraft 2 right around he started taking spanish classes. He was mostly a protoss player and one day decided to change his name to "Acechador" (spanish name for the Protoss Stalker) and soon after "El Acechador". Fast-forward a few years later, Microsoft pulled the plug on MSN, and said friend hardly plays video games at all anymore. I needed an alias for porn-related websides so I just used that because it struck me as memorable, plus you can simply shorten it to "Ace".
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
My two favorite movies are psycho and american psycho...So I just started to use the username Psycho. More often than not some one already used Psycho so i lust made it pSYCHO. I thought it was a killer name.....Heh heh *starts crying*
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I started off trying to think of a name for my Xbox live account maybe 4-5 years ago.

So I came up with TJesterTV, thinking I would make a Youtube channel at some point in the near future (about 1 years time).

TJ= First and last name.

ester= Add in the J from TJ and you get Jester (I love to laugh and take it easy).

TV= My upcoming channel.

But after awhile do to so much bad luck going through my family, I couldn't afford the equipment needed.

Then I became bedridden, and was unable to leave my bed for certain periods of time do to a bad heart.

So I thought having a channel at that point was not going to happen, so I started making myself known as ThatOneJester.

Since I love the sound of being called a Jester so much, I couldn't stay away~ <3
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Came up with my for an ORPG one day, due to me remembering what little Latin I knew and combining my love of hiking (earth) with my love of dogs/wolves and thus Terra_Lupis was born. Rough translation is Earth Wolf.
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Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
Back before the Internet when the big "online" thing was various BBS hosts like CompuServe (yeah, I'm old, I know), I used the name 'Digital'.  A new game was added to that BBS in 1989 or 1990 called Legend of the Red Dragon, and I became one of the top ranked players on the BBS I played on.  A friend told me I was a real terror after I'd hunted him every day for about 2 weeks.  Thus, Digital Terror was born :)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I've raised dogs all my life and I've only adopted mixed breed dogs from shelters since I've been on my own.

I train them using positive techniques and repetition. Currently have 3 dogs. All are mixed breeds and are 10, 8, and 6 years old. The older 2 are 80 lbs each and the younger female is 52 lbs. The oldest dog is the one in the pic. She is very well trained and she communicates her needs/wants VERY clearly. The male has a seizure disorder and ocd due to his meds. But he's so friendly and calm that I've used him to tow kids in wheelchairs. He loves doing that and hearing the kids squeal and laugh. The youngest dog was severely abused prior to being put into a high-kill shelter so she was really nervous around obese people and small dogs. She quickly became very bonded to me and is like my lap cat. Now she's doing much better. The worst she'll do is get right next to me and give them some side eye to let me and them know that she's nervous (always because of very loud talking and they way they approach us) so I'll intervene, explain what to do, then tell them to ignore her until she's relaxed and ready to mingle which usually takes a few minutes. I've come across idiots that didn't listen to me so I kept her leash close and walked away from them. I always walk away and ignore those morons cuz I won't take the chance that they rightfully get bit then my dog gets killed for defending themselves and me. 

It also describes my personality. I'm easy-going but that can change instantly based on how you act. I'm very loyal and protective of my family, I love being outdoors, and can be as tenacious as a dog with a bone.  :shibe:  <-- Me
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Originally I was going to use the name Acedia (look it up) but it sounded too feminine for my liking so I used Callis a character I created and the calloused because I'm kind of a bastard or so people tell me I don't really care so I tend to be and sometimes brutally honest which results in mixed reactions (turns out people cannot handle unbridled honest opinions) so I've become a bit well....callous.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
Originally I was going to use the name Acedia (look it up) but it sounded too feminine for my liking so I used Callis a character I created and the calloused because I'm kind of a bastard or so people tell me I don't really care so I tend to be and sometimes brutally honest which results in mixed reactions (turns out people cannot handle unbridled honest opinions) so I've become a bit well....callous.

We all need a friend like that. We need people to tell it like it is and stop stupid things from becoming worse or happening. I really hate the ass-kissing head-nodders who agree with you just cuz you're their buddy. Had a buddy like that. HAD. In the late 90s, I was meeting some friends at a party and saw my friend's wife getting a little too cozy with this dickhead and there's ass-kisser just watching and "agreeing" along. I pulled ass-kisser aside and asked him why the hell he didn't drag her outta there or put a stop to this and he said she's a friend so he's supporting her. I got pissed and walked up to the dorkwad that had his hands on my buddy's chick. I asked him if he knew my buddy and he replied he did so I told his wife "you're f#^king busted" and suddenly there's ass-kisser pleading with me to remain calm. I told him I hope he remains calm once my buddy finds out. Never heard from ass-kisser again. I told my buddy and he blew up at me and I stood my ground then my girlfriend showed up and verified my account with proof. He's doing okay now but he's never been the same since he also found out one of his kids wasn't really his and this his ex was running around with a pencil dick cuz he had more money. At least he's a great father to his son that's actually his.
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