Tone and Thickness in COC/TITS

hell lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
Can anyone explain to me how it works with appearance of the PC.

Like for example what would be the build that bethany Carver has?

hell lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
It's just that the only thing the thickness and tone tell you is how soft your ass is and the state of your six pack.
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hell lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
well it's just that coc told you how your body looked. like when with 100 thickness and 100 tone. Your body is like a mountain. i guess that the pictures in tits tend to confuse me on thickness and tone.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Yeah, the artists have different interpretations on how they visualize characters.
But seriously, use your imagination bruh.

hell lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
was joking earlier but yea i guess i'll just use the wiki to help and not think to much about it.

Ratchet Hundreda

Active Member
Sep 30, 2015
I think it's totally fine the way it is currently and i don't have any problems imagining how a character would look like based on the descriptions.

Maybe one day if the character viewer will become a thing again, it could help people like you who have troubles with imagining things. I can hardly imagine it holding any priority over anything currently in development though. Which is the right way for it to be if i may add. This is a text-based game, if you don't have the proper imagination to immerse yourself in it i guess it's not the thing for you.

I would say it's a modern disease in my opinion. People read literature way less thus use their imagination less as well compared to back in the day when books held the only source of fantasy. There is a reason for why teachers and old people nag the newer generations to read books. They have a good reason for doing so.

I'm not saying that modern sources like video-games, movies and whatnot are a bad thing. It's just that you should also keep room for your own imagination to build for yourself.
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hell lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
actually what i meant was that my imagination was to imaginative so i have a tendency to lose focus on a single thing to focus especially when my mind is filled with doubt on if i'm right or wrong.

I have been trying to make characters in Tits based on pictures.

Ratchet Hundreda

Active Member
Sep 30, 2015
...I have been trying to make characters in Tits based on pictures.

That's the wrong direction doing it so. It's fundamentally impossible to force the game to basically describe every possible permutations of character appearances there are based on details of people's imagination. Even to just basic extent.

It is however way easier to base your imagination on the description the game gives you. Which would essentially be what it is supposed to do.

I would say try to be innovative and come up with characters of your own instead of forcing other's imagination on the game.
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hell lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
yea i know. I never meant i was doing 100% picture perfect but instead i meant i was simply copying the pictures with hair and skin color. i originally didn't figure out whether thickness and tone had anything to do with the fat and/or the limbs.