A Question About Drone Writing


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Drones are the huge mess now, so I don't think that there are strict guidelines. Just keep it sane. And mind that current drones ar mostly vanity, only slightly different from basic one.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Drones are the huge mess now, so I don't think that there are strict guidelines. Just keep it sane. And mind that current drones ar mostly vanity, only slightly different from basic one.
That doesn't sound good for me. Just for clarity, why exactly are drones the "huge mess," exactly?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That doesn't sound good for me. Just for clarity, why exactly are drones the "huge mess," exactly?

There is no set concept what combat drones should be. Originally, they sorta intended to be an offensive fork of the tech class, but now it is not worth taking, which means that drone system would likely be redone in future.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
There is no set concept what combat drones should be. Originally, they sorta intended to be an offensive fork of the tech class, but now it is not worth taking, which means that drone system would likely be redone in future.
If it is going to be redone, that might complicate things. But I might as well write the idea here, if just for closure.

I was thinking of introducing "utility drones," as it were. All the current drones the PC can use simply do damage, and from my understanding (feel free to correct me), they don't scale all that well. So I thought a drone with a different function would be more reliable, at least in terms of scaling. I'm talking drones dedicated to stuns, blinds, shield-links or regeneration, hell, maybe even be a personal energy generator. Those are all just examples.

Too say nothing of the real question I want to ask. But considering the uncertainty of drone direction the future, I'm just going to bury that idea. At least for now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think exactly this "scaling" is reason drones are in deep mess. Savin made them scale good, Fen made them scale poor and called them been in good spot. So Savin ended up doing something I would call using LoL terminology "adding new drone skins". So for now if you would like to do something in erms of new drones it may ends up as msotly new drone skins. Well for utility function of them it all sound great but... I really worried if Fen would let it been added.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Just make a drone that broadcasts shitposts from this domain.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Drone with jsut giving PC let say...3-4 shield points per lvl and some other function that isn't combat related like 1-2 shield points per turn regen or similar energy regen would be nice to have. Maybe Fen would allow such idea (with eventualy slight toned down values as he may as usualy see ti ass too good drone) to be made real quite soon.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Clear the basic function (i.e. deal damage, deal tease, grant accuracy) with fenco before you start writing, and accept that there is a 50/50 chance that it could be horrible to the point of unusable regardless of how well written it is. Let FenCo deal with the numbers bit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Clear the basic function (i.e. deal damage, deal tease, grant accuracy) with fenco before you start writing, and accept that there is a 50/50 chance that it could be horrible to the point of unusable regardless of how well written it is. Let FenCo deal with the numbers bit.
I suppose that's a good idea. But, honestly, this is all news to me. What, exactly, does Fen have against drones?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I suppose that's a good idea. But, honestly, this is all news to me. What, exactly, does Fen have against drones?
Nothing, I believe. It´s just that currently for tech specialists, going for the added shield perk is the much better option. And people keep wanting better drones to balance this.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I was thinking of introducing "utility drones," as it were. All the current drones the PC can use simply do damage, and from my understanding (feel free to correct me), they don't scale all that well. So I thought a drone with a different function would be more reliable, at least in terms of scaling. I'm talking drones dedicated to stuns, blinds, shield-links or regeneration, hell, maybe even be a personal energy generator. Those are all just examples.

This along with the introduction of a separate item slot for drones pretty much sums up the consensus that the part of Fenforum caring about combat has regarding preferred ways to change the Drone system. Hopefully, at some point, re-balancing the classes will make it into FenCo's list of priorities.

Too say nothing of the real question I want to ask. But considering the uncertainty of drone direction the future, I'm just going to bury that idea. At least for now.

That's certainly up to you, especially if you think that it really depends on the way the Drone system will shake up in the end.

Just make a drone that broadcasts shitposts from this domain.

We don't have a sanity meter though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What, exactly, does Fen have against drones?

He not have anything against them just think that drones are in good spot atm and not need any in-depth changes.

But after you make at least roughly wirte down desc of drone effects contact him or someone who can bring his attention to know if he would not outright reject that. Personaly I would go for trying to write down drone that either can regen shileds in combat or regen energy (maybe even if you quite creative then make both). I think for players playing tech those two types may be something their would be glad you create (as long it will pass judgment of Fen :D )


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
He not have anything against them just think that drones are in good spot atm and not need any in-depth changes.

But after you make at least roughly wirte down desc of drone effects contact him or someone who can bring his attention to know if he would not outright reject that. Personaly I would go for trying to write down drone that either can regen shileds in combat or regen energy (maybe even if you quite creative then make both). I think for players playing tech those two types may be something their would be glad you create (as long it will pass judgment of Fen :D )
As much as I get the concept to actually write it to get them to take me seriously, I'd rather they accept whatever concept I have in mind before actually taking the time to write it.

Also, I'm not doing this for Tech Specialists, if that's what any of you are thinking.

I'm sorry.


Aug 26, 2015
Don't wait for the devs to approve of your pre-concept. Actually write it, at least up to a proof-of-concept phase, then put it up for edits and review. This will allow anyone reviewing it a good idea of the quality and style of your work. If the devs like it, they may ask for further edits to make it ready for implementing into the game. To actually get submissions in, you'll have a better chance if you are more proactive. Many times, a potentially good project goes to waste when it is low quality, half-baked and/or incomplete in one form or another.

Basically, what you need for drone accessories are the item basics: What it is called, tooltip description, price, who sells it, etc. Then you need the actual combat actions: what it does per turn (including display text per turn), any missed attack/action texts, what it is like when disabled per turn (again, text too), energy costs (if any), damage types (if applicable), etc. If there are special functions for the drone, do specify, but try not to stray too far from how it already functions (one action per turn in combat). If it has any external interactions outside of combat, also specify and provide text where necessary.

While the drone system may be a slow work-in-progress as the game develops, the core concepts are what has already been established in the game. Hope this helps.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Tech Specialist has been gimped for a long time. Something about having multiple glaring problems while Savin continually says they're OP as frack.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Don't wait for the devs to approve of your pre-concept. Actually write it, at least up to a proof-of-concept phase, then put it up for edits and review. This will allow anyone reviewing it a good idea of the quality and style of your work. If the devs like it, they may ask for further edits to make it ready for implementing into the game. To actually get submissions in, you'll have a better chance if you are more proactive. Many times, a potentially good project goes to waste when it is low quality, half-baked and/or incomplete in one form or another.
I suppose you're right. If I wait for them considering their situations, it'll be months. Is there, perhaps, a template for me to use, or am I just gonna have to wing it? I'm fine with either.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Wait, hold on, quick question: Drones can be attacked, right? I can't recall.
No, the ones PC uses can't be targeted, although they can get turned off by either PC's shields powering down (for some of them) and potentially by a certain status effect being applied.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Alright, thank you, everyone. If you don't hear from me in two days, that means I've given up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Tech Specialist has been gimped for a long time. Something about having multiple glaring problems while Savin continually says they're OP as frack.
Savin has never said Techs are OP he's the one that's been trying to push for them to get buffed. He originally wrote drones and tamwolf to be stronger but Fen was the one who nerfed them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Message from work: Still alive. Still writing. Halfway done, I think. Rejection parameters up there.

So, question: Is it too late to necro that combat suggestions thread? I have some questions.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes. Make a new one. We have trawled through that one and all changes to be made have either been made or been logged for the next class-level update.


Aug 26, 2015
Much too complicated for no real gain. A drone that increases the user's Bonus Shields, in similar fashion to the smart jacket and Steeletech Suit, would do the same thing in much simpler fashion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Much too complicated for no real gain. A drone that increases the user's Bonus Shields, in similar fashion to the smart jacket and Steeletech Suit, would do the same thing in much simpler fashion.
In terms of just shielding, you'd be right. However, the barrier wouldn't just block damage; it'd block stuns, grapples, and any other physical debuffs. Blindness could still be a thing. Thing is, until the barrier is destroyed or the drone overheats, Steele, for all intents and purposes, is invulnerable. I probably forgot to write that in the doc, so I apologize if that's the case.