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  1. ElAcechador

    Source Code Access

    So you're saying this also applies to TiTS? Man, that's a huge bummer if true. Guess we'll need to individually ask staff members for source code access, then.
  2. ElAcechador

    Game crashes when inspecting Lane's portrait settings before picking gender

    When entering Lane's house,his/her portrait is initially blank until the player picks a gender. Attempting to go in the portrait settings (to see what alternate portraits are available) crashes the game with the following error message: Version: 0.9.013-PUBLIC#2332 Message: Cannot read...
  3. ElAcechador

    [HALP] Scene Tagging

    These should go in the "Tits bug reports" subforum. This thread is for incorrect scene tagging (meaning when the effects a scene is expected to have aren't applied properly because of a programming error), but what you're reporting looks more like just scenes that don't properly check that the...
  4. ElAcechador

    Source Code Access

    It's been several months now since the JS port has reached general availability and replaced the old Flash version. Any news regarding the source code being made public again? I find it to be an extremely useful tool for ensuring that the wiki is accurate, and with the last public build being...
  5. ElAcechador

    [HALP] Scene Tagging

    While it does virtually nothing (it only interacts with True Doll at the moment), the cockHoleChange() function meant for urethral penetration isn't used in most of the scenes involving that. For the player character: Scenes that have it: * getGiantDickTailfilledWhileEatingSeraOut *...
  6. ElAcechador

    Distinction between cum multiplier and balls/prostate efficiency?

    So I've been looking into some of the mechanics for TiTS lately and the game appears to make a distinction between a character's cum multiplier and "ball efficiency" (internally, at least, the latter isn't even shown in the codex) when calculating the final cum output, and digging into the code...
  7. ElAcechador

    Archive of the old releases of CoC?

    e6 tends to delete the old releases as the newer ones get uploaded. They actually had that policy set in place because people were complaining about CoC having too many entries on the website, and since flash files don't have thumbnails, you couldn't tell what it was until you'd clicked it. Ah...
  8. ElAcechador

    Archive of the old releases of CoC?

    Way back when I started playing CoC, I remember you could have access to every version of the game ever released just by visiting (or something similar, can't remember). I'd always found it interesting to see how the game changed between each release, and while now you can...
  9. ElAcechador

    bee girl self-egg scene

    The wiki would be wrong, the actual conditions for "Self-Egg" seem to be : Corruption of at least 75 Strength of at least 60 Have any of the following At least one penis At least one vagina A snake tongue D-cups tits or bigger
  10. ElAcechador

    Alchemy broken? Roa error, And i can't find any Vulpinix?

    Seems to be this line right there, kinda my fault. We could always change it to _.assign instead.
  11. ElAcechador

    Releasing version 0.4u

    Quick question : Does that count as a release on Patreon? I know you stopped taking donations for this on a monthly basis when you went on hiatus, but money is always a good motivation aid. :p
  12. ElAcechador

    Releasing version 0.4u

    Whelp, we made it guys! Version 0.4u is inbound. Thanks, Alder, you rock! I really hope we're talking about branch 1.1 here, but if you were to decide otherwise, I'd completely understand. (I'm just sad it didn't end up being called "Ace Alchemist" in the end, but eeh, you can't have everything.)
  13. ElAcechador

    Releasing version 0.4u

    The way I see it, the stuff in store is mostly just a bunch of incremental improvements that have been collecting dust on the master branch for an unreasonnable amount of time. It might not be as packed with stuff as some of the earlier version releases, but holding it back because we're...
  14. ElAcechador

    Releasing version 0.4u

    How much content is planned at the moment? From what I've seen, the game hasn't seen much love in recent months, and 11 months between incremental releases is a long time for projects like this one. Besides, I'm tempted to pull a dad joke and propose the release be called "Ace Alchemist"...
  15. ElAcechador

    Releasing version 0.4u

    So the developpement pace of FoE this past year has been rather underwhelming, and with the way things are now, it's hard to say if things will ever get back on track. Even if Alder did go back to regular updates, some of the other writers have already moved on and getting the project rolling...
  16. ElAcechador

    Source Code Access

    I know it's probably a bit late, but you guys might wanna try Go Git Service instead, since gitlab is far more ressource intensive than it should be and can slow down to a crawl trying to display simple diffs between commits. Meanwhile, GOGS can run on a raspberry pi.
  17. ElAcechador

    Werewolf form

    Never suspected it might come from the setter itself, I thought it was an oversight from that specific scene which, since it's both a timed event and because you're not supposed to save while it's active, didn't really need fixing. I'd have reported it sooner if I'd known. :confused:
  18. ElAcechador

    Werewolf form

    There's no "proper" werewolf form, the one in the event is just a specific Wolf-morph build. You can apply it by manually by pressing F12, opening the web console while in-game and typing this : Scenes.Halloween.HW = new Halloween(); Scenes.Halloween.WerewolfTF(); Note that whatever equipment...
  19. ElAcechador

    Cheating at FoE

    Hmm, not quite the face I'd make while saying that. That sandpaper is more to punish myself for fapping to the sort of crazy things you find in CoC (and FoE, but it wasn't around when I started using this avatar).
  20. ElAcechador

    Cheating at FoE

    It's actually what keeps me coming back to FoE. (I'd insert an emote, but they all kinda suck)