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  1. F

    Crash: textHyperlink is not defined

    I loaded the game and went into options and attempted to access the style button, which crashed the game and gave me the below error message. ReferenceError: textHyperlink is not defined at o.get...
  2. F

    Pippa Error

    Get this error any time you try to Pussy Fuck her
  3. F

    Saurmorian scale color bugged?

    Not sure if intended this way, but the only way saurmorian legs or arms match your set scale color is if your skin type is set as scales. Otherwise they set as what your skin color is set as. Save editing-transformatives, changes nothing, if your skin type=scales, no problem. But if you save...
  4. F

    Saurmorian Scale Color

    Don't know if its bugged or not, but saurmorian leg type scale color always goes off my skin color when checking appearance. Even with my scale color set to metallic black like I want through save editing it still goes off skin. Other scaled leg types display correctly, gryvain and frostwyrm are...