Recent content by FatGuyInLittleCoat

  1. F

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Yep. Just wishful thinking at this point.
  2. F

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I mostly want more preg content in general, and Azra is already a milf. Let her knock up and get knocked up by Steele, even if only to add yet another variety of Steele-spawn with which to flood the galaxy. :p
  3. F

    What content would you like added?

    I'm half joking here, but taking inspiration from certain recent releases... How about dual-wielding 1-handed crossbows?
  4. F

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Check the Personal Statistics section of the Codex.
  5. F

    Fruity Milk Flavors

    The elderberry could work for an indigo fruit, though it might be a better fit for a Silly Mode variant.
  6. F

    Looking for a game! M/M Furry (I think)

    Maybe it was Rags to Riches? I was browsing through older games on TFGamesSite, and an item in the change log reminded me of this topic.