Your Steele's Apartment


Mar 28, 2016
The game's description of your Nursery apartment leaves pretty much everything to your imagination, which is a lot of fun and helps build your PC's backstory and personality. I've always liked designing interiors and houses in games so you bet I'm a happy camper.

My primary character's room would be super girly, with pastel pink walls, marbled floors and fluffy rugs. A huge canopy bed would sit in the middle of the room, piled with tons of pillows and stuffed animals that covers nearly half the bed. There'd be two bedside tables with tall lamps, a few gemstones and a scented candle jar. Fairy lights would be all around the room, and there'd be posters of some Terran jazz band and a few pin-up girls (and boys, and herms). Maybe a record player in one corner, and a pretty big holo TV on the wall facing the bed. The closet would be so huge it might as well be a separate room, jam-packed with clothing that probably wouldn't even fit anymore considering my Steele has been severely modded. And of course, a large display shelf with a shit ton of Bad Dragon-esque dildos that are TOTALLY FOR THE AESTHETICS, and have never been used at all, no sir.

Okay, I had a little too much fun with that. Now I wanna see what everyone else's apartment/room looks like.  :allears:


Military Bunk Beds
Military Camo Beast PC
Gun Collection on Wall
Drawer full of physical money,cum producers,ammo


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Large bed, spinarran design, water prof of course.

Desk with a PC, loaded with porn & games.

Mini fridge with favorite soda with chips nearby.

Favorite puppy slut lounging nearby.

Its all I ever need anyways. :p

Daft Hellian

New Member
Aug 30, 2016
Favorite puppysluts lounging nearby.

Because why limit yourself to one? Mine would be a lot like this (uh, what does a spinarran bed look like?), but with several book filled bookshelves, some armor and gun racks. The desk would be a nice mahogany or ebony wood. Oh, and a nice fluffy, stain-resistant couch for cuddling and/or fucking. In front of a good sized holo screen (terminal?).


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
My main Steele would be a mix of nerd and jock.

A fancy hightech game system in one corner along with book shelves filled with philosophy novels and comic books.

Shelves covered covered in toys and models spread around.

A weight bench and equipment. 

Posters of athletes and scantily clad manga/comic characters.

porn mags.... don't judge

A totally boring normal bed.

Kaithritt body pillow

Bedstand next to the bed has whatever book she's been reading on it and a framed photo of her and her girlfriend


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
(uh, what does a spinarran bed look like?)

No different, they'd design it off our styles. Its just woven in there practice. Which seems really really good for comfort and fluid resistance if that store on Uveto is anything to go by.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
My main Steele´s apartment:

Large bed, big enough to include a lover or two, self cleaning. Unless Bridget sweeps by unknowingly to my Steele, and he just assumes it´s self cleaning :p  

Holo screen to watch movies and porn

A book shelf or two - cause it´s hard to resist the cute bibliophilic android

A library room, storing all the books, comics, various memory storage devices, and possibly games, if they still exists in hardware, all organized by my beloved robo waifu.

"Toy" room. For storage of the fun stuff, like bionaholes, dong designer, grav-cuffs, puppyslut  leashes etc.

Bathroom with a large bathtub and a shower.

A gaming room. Maybe even a holo room.

Utilizing the same kind of technology that power shields, hardlight projectors are used in high-end holographicprojectors, interfaces, and holodecks. They are considered a luxury by most captains, and should someone be found owning one and an AI, it is usually assumed that the owner is some kind of AI-fucking pervert. Such statements are usually made with a hint of envy.

My Steele would be true to his nature.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It would probably look something like my Fallout 4 home plate home with junk and "collector's" shit strewn about the place in random locations. Mostly because I'm kind of a hoarder in real life anyways and that matches how I sometimes play, even in games I tend to hold on to useless stuff just so I have it on hand in case it ever becomes more useful later. TiTS hasn't been that dissimilar really.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Walls would be papered with "classic" terran movie posters, most notably Tony Scott's 'True Romance', David Lynch's 'Lost Highway' and Stanley Kubrick's 'Lolita'. Huge bed with some metallic bars on the headboard to tie people or whatever likes to be tied there. A huge bar containing a huge collection of whiskey, gin and vodka. Some comfy seats and a wall-sized monitor to screen movies and porn and play videogames. Lava lamps are a must have, as well as a huge and heavy one-piece desk made entirely of solid oak wood, adorned with tons of books.

EDIT: I think this is more 'me' than any of my Steeles is, but these are all stylistic devices I could not live or imagine myself without, even in whatever distant sci-fi future.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Walls would be papered with "classic" terran movie posters, most notably Tony Scott's 'True Romance', David Lynch's 'Lost Highway' and Stanley Kubrick's 'Lolita'.

Given the time period, by "classic" you apparently mean "ancient".  ;)

As to my Steele's apartment…

Fairly simple, spartan design. Bed made, dresser and closet empty. A little dusty, as she's never actually bothered to spend a night anywhere but her ship.  :p  
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Classic sounds way nicer than ancient. I use nice words whenever I deem it possible xD .


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Single bed, two shelves filled with books, two shelves filled with video games, modest TV with every (half decent) gaming system known to man attached, desk with computer and lamp, mini kitchen in one corner.  Empty containers of instant noodles littered around the place.  And a cat.  Actually, maybe two cats.  Maybe throw in the Lucid Dreams VR pod. 
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