Your (main/favorite) Steele?


New Member
Sep 9, 2016
So I was combing the forums and while I found topics relating to specifics about what one's Steele might be like (race, name, etc) I couldn't find any topics that were a complete overview of them as a character. I tend to insert my roleplay characters into games with customization and adapt them to whatever the game's canon is, so my current Steele reflects whichever of my characters I'm feeling most at the moment.

My Steele is a half Kaithrit trans boy named Kohaku. Here's a (nsfw) visual aid! He's kind of prudish and very easily flustered, but goes out of his way to maintain a "cool" disposition; think sullen tsundere trying VERY hard to be kuu. He doesn't socialize very well and was kind of isolated as a kid (though a lot of that was self imposed,) so his default persona is to come off as kind of a snotty punk. He's one of those types of characters that ends up being your friend after you beat the snot out of them. That's not too much of a problem in a universe where near anybody is down to fuck, but Ko usually doesn't party with the inhabitants of the planets to which he travels. When it gets down to it, he's kind of insecure, and just as petty as (rival), so encounters with them end up being kind of ugly.

I'm new here and very new to forums as a whole, so please lemme know if I screwed up anywhere.