Writing Project: A Study in Pink


New Member
Oct 17, 2015
Hi everyone, I'm a first time writer looking for some feedback, on a non-TITs/CoC/FoE related personal project I've started, a pornification of Sherlock Holmes, specifically the first book "A Study in Scarlet," which I'm re-reading, thinking out how to smutify. I've only written academic essays before and one piece of fanfiction for something completely different. I've had a tendency to let my imagination stagnate in my brain, but no more. Since the first 2500 word part derived from only two paragraphs of the original source material,I'm gonna end up writing a lot therefore I've decided to divide, what I put up here into "scenes." No one reads that much in one go on the internet. I write about 500 words/day, so the next part will be out roughly the same time next week. Also given I'm basing this off a previous work (god bless the public domain) there may be occasions in the future where there are chunks of actual plot, as opposed to just porn, but I'll do my best.

Excuses made, I really would like some feedback, re-reading the same paragraph over and over, makes the porn not sexy and disrupts the sense of flow/discovery that a first time reader would have.

A Study in Pink

Part One: Being a reprint from the reminiscences of Johanna H. Watson MD, a.k.a Doctor Strapon, late of the Army Medical Department.​
Editor's Note: The writings presented forthwith were already sticky when I found them; I didn’t masturbate over them, honestly.​
 Ch1. She-cock Holmes

Scene 1: Experimental Therapy

In the year 1878 I completed degree of Doctor of Medicine in the University of London, taking in particular interest the radical theories of Dr Sigmund Freud. His theories of the repressed desires of the id in the make-up of the mind fascinated me as they affirmed my own socially relegated womanly desires. These were looked down upon in polite society, despite my own findings that behind barely closed doors, polite society was not so polite.

Having completed my degree I applied to do a PhD. I was to research the pronounced affects of Neurasthenia, also known as Hysteria, among soldiers in the Afghan war as well as to assist in their recovery, getting them back to front. These were soldiers, suffering from excessive nerves, physically healthy, yet listless and unwilling to fight. According to Freud these men were suffering from an excessive Super-ego. Constrained by the armies’ tight standards of behaviour the violent passions of their Ids had fizzled and died. It was my duty to re-ignite them.

I landed in Bombay and made my way by train to the Peshawar base hospital where I began my experimental treatment upon the soldiers sent back from the front lines.  To maximise the number of soldiers returning to fight I thought it best to treat them in groups. So it was that I found myself in my white washed doctor’s office with seven muscular patients. Each stood facing me in a line, wearing grey hospital gowns and shifting nervously with bent shoulders, unable to meet my gaze.

“You all know why you are here?” They nod glumly. “Today you shall be taking part in an experimental treatment, designed to treat you from the severe case of nerves from which you all suffer, to revive your fighting spirit. You should remain calm and act naturally during the following physical.” Their faces remain expressionless and slightly dour.

 With a sparkle in my eye and a smile on my lips I put down a cushion on the floor and knelt in front of the first; a fairly young boy, but not too young for war, with a finely waxed moustache and  signalled to the others, to cum come towards me.

“Now I want you form a circle around me.” They looked mildly confused but they did as they were bid and stood around me, clearly tense and slightly nervous. The boy I’d knelt in front of jumped back in surprise as I reached out with my hands and made for the lower parting in his robes.

“W-What a-are you doing?” He mumbled, putting his hands down to shield his manhood from attack. Slightly annoyed at this display of “resistance,”* I retorted,

“Trust me I’m a doctor, now get your hands out of the way.” Hesitantly he complied. Calmly and methodically I pulled down his boxers and proceeded to gently fondle balls, which hung loosely in the tropical Indian weather, and stroke his reproductive tool, encouraging it to stand at attention.

As his dick grew to a respectable eight inches, the poor boy’s face turned a deep shade of red. Ah, I’m getting wet just thinking about it; I shall always remember that first patient. God I can’t keep with this formal reporting, it’s so dull. I grabbed that boy’s ass and shoved his dick between my glossy ruby lips, in the name of Medicine and for my own enjoyment! Who says business and pleasure don’t mix? It had been such a long time since my last opportunity to fuck somebody at university. I bobbed my head back and forth and sucked as hard as I could for a good minute or so, as if I was trying to get at his cum with a straw, enjoying its weight and heat in my mouth. The warmth from his delicious meaty cock spread its way throughout my body, causing my snatch to begin lubricating itself in anticipation, dripping down my legs. I should have foreseen how wet my underwear was going to get that day and brought a spare pair.

My actions did not go unnoticed by the other patients from, which whispered exclamations of “Oh my God!” or “Bloody Hell!” could be heard. Each soldier’s little soldier could be seen straining behind their underwear peeking between their gowns.  In my nostalgic cock-sucking I had forgotten, embarrassingly, about the other patients. Rectifying this, I took one last loud slurp of the boys’ cock and shifted my position slightly. I yanked off the boxers of the next man in the circle, much less carefully this time, which flicked out his pecker, slapping it against his toned body and making it waggle in the air..

“Looks like someone’s happy to see me,” I didn’t give the man time to respond as I plunged my mouth onto cock once more and zealously began sucking away, caressing his sensitive tip with my highly skilled tongue. Not wanting to leave the others out I grabbed at the spit slick dick of the man to my left and the organ of the next man along to the right, gently fondling and massaging them. After a few minutes I moved my mouth and hands along once more and continued to stuff my face with schlong and avail my hands to those beside me. I repeated this process for each man, until I arrived back at the boy, surrounded by a circle of bare, red throbbing cocks, which had been thoroughly spit-shined. Ceasingin my relentless dick consumption, I stood up and gave a playful tug on the boy’s wet erection, directing him towards the padded table at the centre of the room.

“Go lie on the examination table!”

“Yes Mam!” He eagerly replied, as if to a commanding officer. Maybe it was just the reflection off of his spit slathered penis, but I could see a glint in his eyes that wasn’t there before. The treatment was working! I’d had the cushioned examination table especially forged out of steal.  The usual flimsy wooden ones, even those of Indian hardwood, would certainly not be fit for purpose. I took the opportunity to take off my clothes and hang them on a chair. I had ordered my corset made with clasps instead of string to aid in easy removal, for cases just like this.  I could have worn nothing from the beginning but that would have frightened the poor men from coming into my office and cuming on me! Ahem, I get ahead of myself.

As commanded the boy laid on the table, cock standing proudly at full mast, spit glinting in the artificial light. But spit would not be enough. I leant over my chair for support and probed the hot, wet, pulsating walls of my excited lower lips with two fingers to transfer some of that wetness to my tightly clenched sphincter. For a bit of fun I made a show of bending over and transferring my natural lube from one fuck-hole to another. I teased my ass open until I could nearly fit three fingers in there, sending waves of pleasure shooting up my body and increasing the flow of girl-cum from my pussy to a veritable deluge. I would have continued until orgasm, but three fingers enabled a sufficient amount of gape and I had a job to do. I clambered up the table and positioned myself so that I was kneeling over the moustachioed mastodon’s legs, facing away from him. I pulled apart my butt-cheeks to reveal my slightly gaping, nicely moistened asshole, poised and ready to be speared.

The soldier that was lying on my examination table was certainly not the same demure ball of nerves that walked in. Instead of waiting, my heart skipped a bit when he planted his hands onto my thighs and pulled my ass down and thrust upwards, shoving his tool into my receptive anal cavity. The prodigious smearing of girl-cum let all eight inches slide in with only a mere token of resistance. The loud slap of flesh on flesh echoed around the room as he hilted me and sent rippling waves across my ass-cheeks.  Excited by this new development my ass tightened around his cock; as if seeking to keep it there forever. I could feel the pleasure building up in my behind, heat suffusing my body. The desire to just start pounding away was incredible. But I was a doctor damnit and I had other patients to attend to; patients who had finally thrown off the super-ego’s shackles and were absorbed in wanking over my skewered form.

“Hold on boy, I need to see to the others,”

“I-erm...Sorry for my... err...eagerness. Do you err... wish to get off Doc?

                “Well yes, but just not yet. Let me get the others into position. You, muttonchops, stand here.” I clicked my fingers and pointed in front of me to the end of the bed. He snapped out of his masturbatory fugue and dashed to the bedside like a dog being told there is food. “You two and you two stand here and here” I commanded, pointing to either side of the table, “And you stand behind me.” Each of them reacted excitedly like the first, stiff dicks wagging happily. The lust was palpable. It was then that the magic began.

                Using the two cocks closest to my arms as handles I shifted legs from underneath me and lay back upon the soldier whose dick was up my rear. I opened my legs to the man in front and indicated to the remaining two on the sides to stick their tools behind my bent knees, gripping them tightly in the hinge of my legs. Finally I lay all the way down so that my head rested, chin pointing up, in the crook of the neck of the man I was lying on. I opened my mouth wide, openly inviting the last remaining member to enter. As if a silent whistle sounded they simultaneously began to thrust into their assigned positions. There was a cock in my ass, mouth, and cunt and everywhere I could grab a hold of one, all pumping away rhythmically. I was floating in a sea of dick. The cock that I was holding onto felt pleasantly warm against my skin and a fiery buzz emanated from each cock hole.  It was glorious. A chorus of fleshy slaps, groans, grunts and cries of ecstasy arose among the assembled mass of pulsating bodies. And I was in the middle of it. Fucking, screwing and grinding away, I could practically taste the delicious tide of cum that was coming my direction.

                At some point they swapped positions, but I was senseless at this point, more concerned with the growing pressure in my nether regions. I could feel the two cocks rubbing against each other across the walls of my two cock-pits and it set my nerves ablaze. My body felt so hot, I was flush with arousal. With a wet slurp I briefly took out the cock in my mouth for a breathless cry,

                “Fuck me harder! Come on fuck me!” And they did. Each sought to shove their dick in me as far as they could, reaching for the deepest parts of me. The man at my head rammed his cock back in my face, fucking my tight wet throat. As an examinee of many “specimens” of varying sizes I had long since trained myself to not reflex at such welcome intrusions, so this was not a problem. His fervour was a sign that the treatment was working, I encouragingly blew him harder in response.  Making sure not to leave out the shafts in my hands, I increased the speed of my hand-jobs, eagerly anticipating the warm cum that would shoot across my body; an anticipation that sent me rocking.

                The mere thought of all that cum seven cocks could supply sent a chain reaction down my body, causing it to contract and reverberate, as if struck by a spark. I greedily clamped down on every dick in my possession. I squeezed down strongly on the ones in my hands and behind my knees; sucked as hard as I could at the one in my mouth; and tightened lustfully at the wonderful rods that were still pistoning away at my quivering lower fuck-holes. The joy emanating from my asshole and pussy fused together and shot across my body, in orgasmic crescendo. I was euphoric, but the cake needed icing, more specifically I needed icing. Once more needing to speak, I shoved away at the spit drenched cock earnestly attempting to reach my oesophagus,

                “Oh God, yes, yes, yes, I’m cumming! Prove to me that you’re men! Shower me in your cum!” Each of the remaining soldiers withdrew their cocks from my grip and began to beat off once more in my direction. With ecstatic cries of, “tally ho!” and “God save the Queen!” their spunk cannons each fired off at the same time, covering my prone body from head to toe in webs of warm, sticky white cum. The smell of sex, sweat and man was intoxicating and I breathed it in deeply, basking in the post-coital glow. I lay to rest on the man below me and took a moment to enjoy the cum’s warmth, rubbing it into my skin and licking off the salty spunk that had landed on lips.

                Having completed their task, the men stood around awkwardly, happy but unsure of what to do with themselves. One of them, the man with the muttonchops, who had until recently been hammering away at my feminine parts, spoke up,

                “Err...Miss...err...Doctor Watson. What would be the next course of this erm...particular treatment?” I snapped to my senses, I had nearly forgotten that this was work, sat up and slid my feet to the tiled hospital floor, dripping a little cum in the process.

                “I will see you each, for an interview over the course of the week,” This drew smiles from many of them,” and see how are you faring and whether you are once more fit for service.” The smiles faded. “As for now, relax, and follow your usually prescribed medical routine.” With that they pulled up their undergarments, rearranged their gowns and walked smartly out of my office.  They definitely left with more of a skip in their step than they walked in with.  I was sure that they would be able to return them to the fight in the next few weeks. Unfortunately unbeknownst to me circumstances would conspire against me, preventing me from seeing any fruits to these particular labours. After taking one last lick of flavoursome cum with a finger I showered, re-donned my vestments, made some notes regarding the session and rested, waiting for the next seven patients to walk through my door. They would be the second of six sessions to be conducted that day. Fuck I loved that job.

* Note of interest. “Resistance”, was a term actually used by Mr Freud, founder of psychiatry for when a patient, did not accept Freud’s interpretation of how their mind worked in relation to how they were feeling. Because of course if someone disagreed with the great Dr Freud, they had to be mentally ill. (Or y’know completely sane, cuz Freud made up quite allot of bullshit.)

   So yeah that was scene one. If your still reading by now thanks for reading all of it, is it fap material? Let me know what you think.


NB: I wasn't sure if I should put this in "art" or not. If I should I'll move it.
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