Writing my own CYOA project, game and Planet. What engine does TiTs use?


Nov 23, 2015
Too long, won't read:

Does TiTs use a self made coding engine, or does it borrow from the likes of Twine, Inklewriter, or Inky, or any other 3d party engine that anyone can use?

Not too long, will read:

Hi Everyone,

Funny story mine. I used to write for CoC a LONG time ago. I did Raphael, some harpy scenes, promoted a new character called "Rovia" and set Giggly up with the basis for the Eve Parasite before leaving the brave man to it.
My contributions weren't always the best loved by all, but I enjoyed working on it. One of the complaints was that my work read more like a novel, with too few sex scenes.

When Fenoxo launched TiTs, I came up with the idea of giving my "Rovia" idea a new lease on life by exporting the concept into a TiTs jacket. I would write my own planet! Two even!

Needless to say, stuff happened and that mad plan never came to fruition. The old servers crashed and while I saved the work, personal affairs slowed down work on it to such a crawl that I lost people like Belin willing to watch over my progress. Didn't write for years as studies and worked picked up.

Recently however, I've come into quite a bit of free time and the concept of my old "Rovia" submissions started bobbing around in my mind enough, that I've committed seriously again.
However, I've started to admit to myself that yes, maybe my writing style and ideas were not the best fit for either CoC or TiTs. I'm too wordy and put way too much love in background details. My work, or at least the kind I'm most passionate in and and can stick with the longest, reads too much like a novel. I want history, culture, put time and effort into things that are completely superfluous to smut, even though I like my stories to have some in it. I've also got a dislike for gender bending and the ardour of allowing for body modification within my writing, so I guess that my contribution to Fenoxo's products is out the window. I simply cannot stick with the kind of work that TiTs demands for long enough, to be worthwhile to anyone.

I don't think I'll be writing for TiTs anymore.

What I have done however, is start for myself and allow myself the freedom to produce entire fictional worlds that might be too wordy, or where the smut (although intense) might be too sparse for TiT fans to care. What I will borrow from Fen's work however, is interactivity. In my little project, you might not be able to dictate dick or tit size, but you can choose male or female and then have an effect on the world with several different endings, starting several possible relationships.

It's still in its infancy, with more than a little rough edge, but I've started, I've got 60.000 words written, 25% coded, with more to come: https://writer.inklestudios.com/stories/2z26

I'm using Inklewriter for that, later on Inky, and as I do I'm developing a newly found respect for the kind of coding that Fen and co. did in the past.

I also have to thank Fenoxo for having given me the notion and ambition to do so by allowing me to work with him in the past.

My question I will repeat:

Does TiTs use a self made coding engine, or does it borrow from the likes of Twine, Inklewriter, or Inky?

If Fen and TiTs use a third party program, I'm anxious to hear of it. I'm very interested in finding a robust engine to help my own work along if I can use what Fen is using.

And maybe, if mine is closer to turning into a finished product in a year or so, I'll be back here to maybe garner some attention for mine from the playerbase here with Fen's permission. :p
It's not TOO dissimilar and I did help out with CoC, albeit barely.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
TiTS is written using ActionScript 3. It has no engine per se.


Nov 23, 2015
Cheers Etis! Looks more complicated than I'm willing to deal with, but very interesting nonetheless!

I suppose Fen will have to keep track of Graphics and RPG mechanics. All I need is branching text, conditionals and some illustrations.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
@Merauder with all due respect towards your past contributions and this project: it sounds like the thing you present will be a derivative game inspired by TiTS-verse and maybe some parts the story of Captain Steele (edit: though lore differences become apparent right from the start), not a potential chunk of content for TiTS itself. So you should move it to the Showcase subsection of Other Adult Games.

Other than that, I can only wish you all the best in working on this. Pure CYOA game have always been near and dear to my heart, so I'll definitely keep an eye out for it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Cheers Etis! Looks more complicated than I'm willing to deal with, but very interesting nonetheless!

I suppose Fen will have to keep track of Graphics and RPG mechanics. All I need is branching text, conditionals and some illustrations.
I'm not sure that TiTS has support for illustrations aside busts at the moment. Other things are possible, in a many different ways to implement. You probably should read this. If you want to code it yourself... Well, it takes some skill and know-how. You probably should get a look at the source if you really want to do it.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
EDIT: Nevermind, I'm stupid. Everyone please actually read the post, lol.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
IN case of wirting whole planet for TiTS it may be monumental task so I hope you not been unable to take the pressure to finish. Maybe making it some small location as you may noticed whole planets are each quite huge projects. Still rooting for your success ^^


Nov 23, 2015
@Merauder with all due respect towards your past contributions and this project: it sounds like the thing you present will be a derivative game inspired by TiTS-verse and maybe some parts the story of Captain Steele (edit: though lore differences become apparent right from the start), not a potential chunk of content for TiTS itself. So you should move it to the Showcase subsection of Other Adult Games.

Before the server Crash and when TiTs was still new, yes. I tried sucking up whatever morsel I could from the Wiki and I tried to make Sunlash fit into the TiTs Lore.
Now however, now that I've begun writing again? Don't worry. What I'm coming up with now is radically different from TiTs.

For example, TiTs earth is run by the Terran-Space coalition, which is just part of a teeming galactic community.
Earth in my current writings is lead by the United Earth Sphere Federation, which is Isolationist and every other species is too, with just pirate mobs in between.

I might have posted this in the wrong place. :p
LET ME BE CLEAR PEOPLE: All I wanted to know is what engine TiTs is using and giving thanks to Fen and the gang for having given me a chance earlier. Otherwise, my current project is in no way affiliated with TiTs and is its own work.

I mean, I could bring it back into fitting within TiTs, but that would require a major amount of moral-sapping rewrites. Might offer to do that later, but not now.

I'm reworking the title of this Thread.

Again, thanks. I'll lurk around in the Showcase for other Adult Games on Nick's suggestion. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey Merauder, it's been a long time.
I was about to post a link and some stuff to the "how to submit and write content" post but nevermind. Good luck with you projects. And yes, TiTS is its own custom engine.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
60k words and you can't save or go back?


Nov 23, 2015
Hey Merauder, it's been a long time.
I was about to post a link and some stuff to the "how to submit and write content" post but nevermind. Good luck with you projects. And yes, TiTS is its own custom engine.

Thanks for putting in the effort n666. Yeah sorry, front post was a bit too long for people to clearly understand I was looking for the engine and that it was my own work I was talking about, and not something specifically geared for TiTs, although the original notion and concept was.

It's good seeing you again though!


Nov 23, 2015
60k words and you can't save or go back?

Good point. You can recycle back to the beginning of chapters though (There'll be 4-6) and the chapters themselves have 4 different unique outcomes that in themselves, aren't that hard to reach. You might only need to get through 20k words to do that and 60k words to reach a proper end to the entire story. If you want another outcome, another 60k of another uniquely different story flow. Deadly situations can be re-winded to even earlier than that. Also still working on it. Thanks for thinking along though!

Like I said, I'll be lurking in the "Other Adult Games" section once I've finished the first chapter by the end of the year.

Just looking for another engine in this thread and saying hi. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh ok now it different thing if it not a talk about making new planet(s). One of Admins could also move this to proper location. @Savin given you most usualy helpful on this would you kindly move it to more fitting place?


Nov 23, 2015
Ohh ok now it different thing if it not a talk about making new planet(s). One of Admins could also move this to proper location. @Savin given you most usualy helpful on this would you kindly move it to more fitting place?

This thread is served its purpose, so yeah! You can even delete this if you want to. :D

And hi Savin! Can still remember you barely starting out in CoC.

Like I said, I'll be back in the correct thread in a month or two. See ya guys!