Would it be Possible to Give Horn Types Flags?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
--And I don't mean the patriotic kind, hehe.

I'm asking this because of how I saw it used for the Demonic arm type, in that acquiring the "Chitinous," or "Spiked" Flags changed their appearance appropriately. With even a small amount of flags added to horns (or antennae), I believe it'd be easier to have TF-items be able to give players horns that, though they might belong to the same race/species/kind of animal or thing, can still have different appearances. (Goats, Beetles, and different species of Bovines, for example, have several different kinds of horns.) Doing this could also potentially allow writers an extra "slot" for morphs that might change how a player's head looks, but doesn't necessarily involve giving them horns. (Like giving lizan a crest, birds the kind of plumage cockatiels have, or nagas the same kind of hoods that cobras have; and this might also -- and I swear I'm not trying to sell this to anyone, lol -- make it easier for writers to describe faces overall, since could simplify skull/facial descriptions to "Whats atop your head and," and then "What your face looks like," rather than just "If you have horns," followed by "This is how the rest of your skull and face look.")

Or would this add too much work and/or break the game/appearance screen?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nah you can totes do it.