[WIP] Weapon and Combat expansion and augmentation


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
As discussed here (the OP here also outlines my goals for this undertaking) https://fenoxo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3496-weapon-and-combat-expansion-and-augmentation/&_fromLogin=1

I present to TiTs, the weapon skill expansion!

I'm starting with JUST the base submission to get things going. This is the foundation for each of the 7 expansions that will be required to make this work. After this initial submission is polished, I shall get immediately to work on the Pistol and Blade segments of this expansion (after getting permission from the owners of Anno and Fyn, as small events utilize both characters in a non-smutty fashion)

Please give me any and all feedback you deem necessary, this is my first ever attempt at submitting content for TiTs, and I would like to do it right!

Expansion baseline: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JFpBEhW8gnGZY5k55zk-dkC_DMllLFg4OecmOSvwRbg/edit?usp=sharing

Blade weapon Expansion 

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Sep 8, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nice seeing you start actual work on this idea so it can be given more substional comments ^^

I been wnadering about something. You in one place meantioned that when PC end fight by lust win (it sounded like not using any lust rising weapon so it probably mean tease or...maybe goo based weapon) this fight will add 1 point to both melee and range weapons pc wield atm. But IF we assume PC not even once used any of those weapons during fight how come he can get mastery of them? (I could find reason merely code-wise to not make code more complicated to even check in each fight if melee and range weapon was used to attack). So that may be minor thing but still wanted bring your attention to this ^^


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
Pyro thank you for pointing that out. That actually simplifies things immensely 

Ormael i doesn't in the slightest. It's more of an "antifrustration" feature for both the coders and the player. I'm not sure of the complexity of having a check for each weapon category at the end of combat (because players can swap weapons) would be. And after playing Warframe for 3 years and counting, I'd like to avoid making unnecessary grind wherever possible. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah not meantioned this but also was wondering how would in fight change of weapons affect it. If it as you said to make players and coder less cringe over adding checks for weapon use and etc. I not mind if it would be the way you wrote it now.

Thou it would be funny situation to bet enemies with tease and grind weapon score at the same time...

Dat that tease grinding on naleen at Mhen'ga *chuckle*


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
Nah, that's what I am trying to avoid.

So 1 point per combat will be the norm for now. It may increase with the number of enemies, but for now it shall be simple.

Life threatens my writting time. But I'm slowly stabbing it in the face.

Work has started on the blade segment, it's currently a VERY rough draft, but I want to show everyone that I will see this through.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You could tie amount of points gained to amount of enemies fought. SO with typical one on one it jsut 1 pont but in group fights it would be even up to 4 points.