[WIP] Uveto; Lenore's Junkers.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

Just to ask though, how rich is she?

Those who keep on living on because of surgery, mods, etc, who are virtually immortal, are generally those who are rich, particularly high ranking corporate members, politicians, crime bosses, rich novelists, any other person in an occupation where they gain a lot of money. The poor and middle class don't get the same opportunity.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015

Just to ask though, how rich is she?

Those who keep on living on virtually immortal are generally those who are rich, particularly high ranking corporate members, politicians, crime bosses, rich novelists, any other person in an occupation where they gain a lot of money.

That's a good point. I'd say she's moderately wealthy, not on the scale that Victor and Max are wealthy mind you, or mega-corps like KihaCorp, but still wealthy enough to comfortably employ a crew of technicians and mechanics to help her refurbish acquisitions to be resold profitably.

The fact that she prefers to deal in used goods on the fringes of rush space might be attributed to eccentricity, or perhaps she just likes helping rushers out?

EDIT: I just read your post again @Number13 and I think I processed the question wrong last time. She's not on any longevity-enhancing medication or treatments. Gryvain life expectancy naturally sits at 350-400 terran years according to the Codex and they deliberately avoid that stuff because of it, if they did take such medications they could live for millennia
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Promising to be an interesting character, though totally not sexy for me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Promising to be an interesting character, though totally not sexy for me.

Aww D: I guess that's okay though... can't win em all, we don't want another Bess incident.

EDIT: For the record, I don't generally go for breasts above D cups, but the snippet about pregnancy inducing a permanent growth spurt of three cup sizes (on average) kinda clinches it. I can't imagine a fertile Gryvain going 223 years without mothering at least one offspring.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For the record, I don't generally go for breasts above D cups, but the snippet about pregnancy inducing a permanent growth spurt of three cup sizes (on average) kinda clinches it. I can't imagine a fertile Gryvain going 223 years without mothering at least one offspring.

Why not? I doubt that sterilex is new on market. Childfree person from race of breeders can be interesting. And, after all, there are transformatives which can remove... Excesses. Or surgery. As long as you can find reasonable backstory, you are free to improvise.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Why not? I doubt that sterilex is new on market. Childfree person from race of breeders can be interesting. And, after all, there are transformatives which can remove... Excesses. Or surgery. As long as you can find reasonable backstory, you are free to improvise.

Good point, I'll think about it but I'm gonna wait for word of god before I make any decisions on this matter one way or another.

That said, the codex and Smutosaur doesn't name the author for the Gryvain race which means word of god = @Savin @Fenoxo
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I wrote it.

Gryvain are generally on the stacked side, but like Etis said, this is transformation fantasy land so you can do pretty much whatever.

I might have known, should probably amend that Author tag in the codex though. :p

We'll see what happens, while I certainly do prefer the middle-ground personally, I can most definitely appreciate a pair of big ol' F's. Which is probably why I wasn't off-put by it.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I think I'm more or less done with the skeleton, still undecided on the weight value but that'll come in time. @Savin How long are their tails? Like on average, also are they cold-blooded like lizards or do they have liquid fire pumping through their veins like true classic dragons?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
@Savin How long are their tails? Like on average, also are they cold-blooded like lizards or do they have liquid fire pumping through their veins like true classic dragons?

That long, proportionally. Probably 6-7 feet, given how tall gryvain are.

They're probably cold blooded.

Gryvain Alt Colors.png


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
That long, proportionally. Probably 6-7 feet, given how tall gryvain are.

They're probably cold blooded.

View attachment 3358

Ah, I'd tentatively noted her tail as 4 feet, good to know. #BraceforTailpeg

Cold blooded huh? Then I can't imagine she'd be comfortable planet-side, I'll keep that in mind and write the room descriptions for Uveto station.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Station-side probably makes more sense for her being a ship dealer anyway -- closer to the merchandise and all.

That's true, but it also means she'd have to rent hangar bay(s) from Camarilla bureaucrats.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Perhaps she has her own huge ship she works out of in geostationary orbit nearby the station?


lol no I'm kidding, put the pitchforks down people. xD

Update: Deviantart is a shitty resource for inspirational dragon girl pics. At least one with the kind of curves Lenore has.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
This is a great start on the path to Dragon-Waifu dominance! I support this future with whole press! 


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
This is a great start on the path to Dragon-Waifu dominance! I support this future with whole press! 

Heh, I did wonder when you'd show up.

In all seriousness though. I kinda like @Xeivous' suggestion, and I sort of had something like it planned already. (Just not at that scale) Definitely x-pack stuff though, don't wanna get too ambitious with the initial project.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Yaaawn... I think its time to hit the sack. Hammered out most of the appearance blurb and got stuck on her clothes. =/ Leaving the doc open to edits and comments while I'm away, I'd love to see some when I wake up in the morning. <3


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
That long, proportionally. Probably 6-7 feet, given how tall gryvain are.

They're probably cold blooded.

View attachment 3358

So THOSE are Gryvain. For some reason I keep mixing them and Fafnir (or however you spell it) up in my head. When the Half-Gryvain PC was mentioned a week or so ago, I was confused, trying to imagine a Half-Fafnir by mistake. 
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
It begins.


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lenore di Cirno is a six-foot-nine Gryvain, toned and chiseled like you’d expect from a mighty dragon, but with motherly curves that lend a perfect hourglass figure. Her face is human but for a pair of slit pupils, accompanied by a coy, winning smile and framed in a near-perfect vision of femininity the intense yellow-and-black orbs demand your attention. She has webbed fin-like ears accompanied by a pair of black horns that curls in on themselves slightly as they stretch six inches behind her and a well-kept mane of snowy white hair flows fifteen inches down her back in waves.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Her four leathery wings each measure a total wing-span of 12’ and are usually draped around herself like a mantle, but you can usually make out her generous cleavage behind them. Her lower body is covered in cobalt blue scales that match her wings, and six foot long tail extends from her vertebrae, swishing lazily to and fro or coiling itself around her leg when she’s idle. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She’s wearing a an ensemble that could pass for “formal” business attire, if you stretch the rules a little, an open black blazer and low-cut white shirt that shows off her impressive F cups, and a knee-length skirt that hugs her hip and fails to conceal the bulge of her half-hard Gryvain tool nor the glistening of her feminine fluids trickling down her scaled thighs.[/SIZE]

I'm no biologist but I'm pretty sure tails extend from the vertebrae? -.^ correct me if I'm wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm no biologist but I'm pretty sure tails extend from the vertebrae? -.^ correct me if I'm wrong.

They are vertebrae. So kitsune tails should be actually furred tentacles rather than tails to work... Kaithrit as well.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
They are vertebrae. So kitsune tails should be actually furred tentacles rather than tails to work... Kaithrit as well.

Oh my god, you're right. Never thought about that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
They are vertebrae. So kitsune tails should be actually furred tentacles rather than tails to work... Kaithrit as well.

 Sionach tails are prehensile, and exceptionally sensitive to the touch, owing to the masses of nerve endings found in them that allow them to be prehensile. 

Sounds legit.

(Sionach are one? of the kitsune races currently not implented in T.i.T.S. The tails btw. is not the only part them that is tentacle like. If you know what I mean)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
They are vertebrae. So kitsune tails should be actually furred tentacles rather than tails to work... Kaithrit as well.

Their vertebrae could theoretically split, rather than just being one long line. These are supposed to be alien species and such.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Their vertebrae could theoretically split, rather than just being one long line. These are supposed to be alien species and such.

Well. sort of possible, but I don't sure how split point should work. Boneless tails version is easier to imagine. Though I'm not biologist too.