As much as I enjoy the frostwyrms and everything they bring to the game, it always felt like consequences outside of their immediate vicinity were always either lacking or entirely missing. This won't completely fix that, but I think it's a step in the right direction: a mini-quest to update the codex entry on frostwyrms to not be so sparse and inaccurate, and to finally get what you need for people to believe you when you tell them you're fucking 3 dragons.
Of course, you can't just go and write up a new entry on your own. The codex gathers data publicly available on the net and compiles them into thorough articles detailing everything it could find. If the entry on frostwyrms is sparse to the point of uselessness, it's because the available information on them across the extranet is possibly even more so. However, this presents an opportunity to kill 2 birds with 1 stone: you can reveal the truth about frostwyrms and set the stage for the long and arduous process of uplifting and integrating them, and you can obtain proof that you are indeed a dragonfucker of the highest caliber. After all, that's probably why you originally agreed to lay Frosty: sweet, sweet bragging rights.
Hopefully that's a good enough summary for a forum post. The google doc is open for suggestions for editing if you're interested.
Of course, you can't just go and write up a new entry on your own. The codex gathers data publicly available on the net and compiles them into thorough articles detailing everything it could find. If the entry on frostwyrms is sparse to the point of uselessness, it's because the available information on them across the extranet is possibly even more so. However, this presents an opportunity to kill 2 birds with 1 stone: you can reveal the truth about frostwyrms and set the stage for the long and arduous process of uplifting and integrating them, and you can obtain proof that you are indeed a dragonfucker of the highest caliber. After all, that's probably why you originally agreed to lay Frosty: sweet, sweet bragging rights.
Hopefully that's a good enough summary for a forum post. The google doc is open for suggestions for editing if you're interested.