(will probably contain)[SPOILERS] How to do Male to Female?

Sep 30, 2016
Hey guys

I wanted to do some different playthrough this time. Usually, I'm just going for a cute female PC, this time I'd rather like to start off with a male one and then make him more and more female (or do it all in just one big hop, depends on the mood).

Now I know about Estrobloom and it's great ability to get a vagina to the character. What I'm wondering now though is if there's any way of removing the penis aswell, so the PC completely becomes female.

Another thing that caught me a bit is the idea of Forced Transformation. Now I know about Badger, but did anyone create some more transformation stuff? Like the explained male to female transformation?

Feel free to spoiler me any way you want.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Estrobloom doesn't give you a pussy, it just feminizes you, but lets you keep your dick as it does. Both Pussybloom and Pussyblossom are the ones to give you a pussy and even multiple ones if you're into that. You can remove your dick with condensol and remove your balls at Dr. Lash if you wanna rid your character of 'em. There's also sky sap and whatnot, it's the go to for getting a pussy.
But other than that? I personally don't know what else does that effect without any other side effects, or anything that forces it, the latter I'm not aware of.
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Aug 26, 2015
Use Sky Sap from the vanae or Bovinium from Lerris on Tavros to become female.  Use Terran Treats to become human again afterward.

You can also use Condensol, sold by Sera, to remove your dick and then use Tittyblossom to grow a pussy.  Tittyblossom will also pull you all the way to feminine and beef up your curves abundantly if that's your thing.

To go back to male, use Mino Charge from Gene on Myrellion in the gold city.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Well there is the content that shall not be named (also known as Doctor Badger on Tarkus). I think she can forcefully transform your male characters into feminine hermaphrodites? You'd still have to get rid of the penis and use some teran treats to de-furry yourself afterwards. Or am I remembering that encounter wrong?
Sep 30, 2016
Yeah, I mentioned that one in OP, but yeah, it shall not be named. Ran into her with my first (female) character without saving for a long time (first character, you see?), which resulted in me just looking at the screen dumbfolded and quiting the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Forced Transformation...

Sadly there is very very little of this in the game. Super super sadly. The developers and seemingly a large percent of the support base seem to have a serious aversion to it. I'd love to see more instituted maybe with added "outs" for those that don't like it. Slow effects that can be cured before taking hold, or more parasites (Or machine parts) you can have removed, etc., but I don't get the vibe it will ever really happen. Which while that is a complaint of sorts don't get me wrong .. I am a patreon backer and adore the game. Just wish there was alot more. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If you can make it to Myrellion before you succumb to other approaches, a roundabout method could involve using Nyrea Rock Candy then TF out of it. I haven't experimented with this, but on paper it should work.


New Member
Aug 12, 2016
If you're into dommy content, Sera can take away the PC's dick and balls and replace it with a vagina, once you become her bitch. Plus, if your dick is big enough, she'll have to shrink it a couple times first, so it's not all at once. 


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Meh.  I'm one of those folks that have a big immersion to forced transformation.  But there still is a fair amount of semi-forced stuff between badger and the treatment (unless you're 100% male, you have no idea if you're going to make your character super sexy or unplayable.  Probably a bit of both).  Fox/Frostfire might also be interesting, it keeps transforming you until you use the immunobooster to remove the status effect.