Why is Androgyny a race exclusive perk?


Active Member
Dec 10, 2024
Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that Flexibility - which requires you to have the race specific face, arms, legs, and tail - isn't race exclusive and sticks around even after you change your limbs back but Androgyny - which only requires you to have your gender and lip scores set to specific values - doesn't stick around despite the description implying that it should? Am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
A comment in the code, which I assume was the logic that Etis (Catnip's author) used to justify Androgyny requiring you to have a muzzle: "it unties face description from femininity stat, so you can use femininity to change gender aligment without having feminine face - you can't really recognize gender from animalistic muzzle!". I don't really agree with that last point, but as a non-furry, I don't think I'm best suited to judge that.
As for Flexibility, it's basically contortionism, which is something that already happens in humans IRL (and in-universe, presumably other humanoids, too) - it makes sense that it could stick around if you TF away from its prerequisites. Remember, this isn't a "blind" TF; it's entirely possible that those prerequisites are a result of its microsurgeons' programming, rather than something inherent to the perk itself.
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2024
A comment in the code, which I assume was the logic that Etis (Catnip's author) used to justify Androgyny requiring you to have a muzzle: "it unties face description from femininity stat, so you can use femininity to change gender aligment without having feminine face - you can't really recognize gender from animalistic muzzle!".
Oh for fuck's sake, seriously? A muzzle isn't even a requirement to get the Androgyny perk! I've been spending the past hour trying to troubleshoot why it's been giving me the perk only to then instantly losing it with my Frog character and you're telling me it's because it needs a muzzle to stick? I'm sorry but that's so dumb. Should at least put the muzzle requirement on to get the perk or something like that.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Oh for fuck's sake, seriously? A muzzle isn't even a requirement to get the Androgyny perk! I've been spending the past hour trying to troubleshoot why it's been giving me the perk only to then instantly losing it with my Frog character and you're telling me it's because it needs a muzzle to stick? I'm sorry but that's so dumb. Should at least put the muzzle requirement on to get the perk or something like that.
Especially when there are other ways to have masculinity and femininity with a muzzle. Just literally look at EVERY furry art in existence. Jaw structure, eye look, body structure, some feminine and/or female furs have actual lips. It's way more than a single muzzle thing, so I always found that perk in how it works stupid bc it makes no sense on principle, so I'm surprised it got past the drawing board by that logic way back, must less stayed that way after Etis fucked off (or got banned, which I think was more likely given his beef he had frequently here)