Where be da Reducto?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2016
No, seriously. Like.. doesn't it seem odd that the entire galaxy is apparently all "Oh, yeah, let's make everything super big and bloaty without any way of undoing that so none of us can ever move again!"

I mean.. it's a porn game, I get it, there's not much in way of sense.. but.. come on.. Surely the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ breasted porn actress with the football field sized cock would want to live a normal life at some point.

Or maybe just one of the hazardous waste disposal people accidentally gets stabbed with a needle that has THROBB and suddenly grows a huge dock dick.. having something to undo that would just make /sense./

So.. if a mostly blind rat can magic up some paste that reduces all the round bits in size then surely the not-blind UGC can science-magic up something similar that isn't just the "DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING" that Dr. Lash offers.

I mean.. surely women that grow into breasts they feel are too big don't have to rely on specialized microsurgeons and eating greasy Raskavel treats to get what we already have today, breast reduction surgery.

I mean technically through simply abstaining, distraction elsewhere, and willpower one should be able to lower their libido.. but here it seems more like some enterprising scientist would have at least developed some shot or the like to decrease their libido.. some asexual six-armed geneticist scientist, perhaps?

Sorry, don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, but, gosh, I find it weird that there isn't something like Reducto in this game. I mean.. if there is I haven't been able to find any hint of it.. so.. sorry if there is.

Though I wouldn't mind some sort of meditation or studying or the like to decrease libido, too.. yet that's another topic all together.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
We don't have a Reducto item in the game yet... and it is very much overdue for one imo.
Same goes with a libido reduction item, with all the ways to RAISE it? You'd think a way to lower it outside of Lash (And he doesn't lower it past 50 so...) would be in by now. >.>
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Aug 26, 2015
Urthra Sap will reduce balls and breasts.

Condensol will reduce cocks.

Terran Treats reduces most assets towards human norms, I think.

A more universal size-reducer probably isn't a bad idea, of course. I believe a few of those have been written, but got stuck in the coding pipeline. I also wrote a libido-reducing item at one point, but I've lost it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2016
We don't have a Reducto item in the game yet... and it is very much overdue for one imo.
Same goes with a libido reduction item, with all the ways to RAISE it? You'd think a way to lower it outside of Lash (And he doesn't lower it past 50 so...) would be in by now. >.>

Right? And you'd think Lash would be the first person to lower it to pretty much zero.

Like.. he's totally ANTI-SEX.. it makes no sense why he doesn't do the exact opposite of Badger. She's all about super-libidinous super-endowed things.. he's currently just about no-endowed things.. screw libido, more or less.

Yet I digress... I'll just be sitting here save scumming my boobs smaller via raskavel treats since I don't want them completely gone and don't want any of the other effects from the treats. YAY! Three hours of save scumming. XD
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2016
Urthra Sap will reduce balls and breasts.

Condensol will reduce cocks.

Terran Treats reduces most assets towards human norms, I think.

A more universal size-reducer probably isn't a bad idea, of course. I believe a few of those have been written, but got stuck in the coding pipeline. I also wrote a libido-reducing item at one point, but I've lost it.

You are a god. Also isn't Condensol only temporary?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2016
Take three doses and it reverts the cock to normal but permanently knocks off a few inches.
Huh! The more you knoooow!

Though I'm still with you on the whole "universal shrinker" thing. Finding your shrinkage in things that also do other things feels a lot like a cheap work around, imo.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Take three doses and it reverts the cock to normal but permanently knocks off a few inches.
Though if your cock is 16 inches of lower it will make your dick disappear completely after the third dose.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I feel like condensol should have a smaller size be the requirement to dedick the PC. 16 inches is an absurdly large number to be dedicking from.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
There are lots of items that reduce things toward one standard or another as part of their general framework but no general use sort of thing that can just shrink whatever.

though on the flipside I -think- there are only a couple of items that specifically grow things, too. Most of the increases are part of the whole "the developers and many of the contributors like hypersized bits" thing so many of the racial transformations include it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And now I'd like to address a few inaccuracies in your OP. No offense meant.
No, seriously. Like.. doesn't it seem odd that the entire galaxy is apparently all "Oh, yeah, let's make everything super big and bloaty without any way of undoing that so none of us can ever move again!"

I mean.. it's a porn game, I get it, there's not much in way of sense.. but.. come on.. Surely the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ breasted porn actress with the football field sized cock would want to live a normal life at some point.

Or maybe just one of the hazardous waste disposal people accidentally gets stabbed with a needle that has THROBB and suddenly grows a huge dock dick.. having something to undo that would just make /sense./
There probably are such TFs in the TiTS universe, but none have been written/coded into the game to describe their effect on the PC. Just because it doesn't exist in the game as an item yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist in the setting universe.

So.. if a mostly blind rat can magic up some paste that reduces all the round bits in size then surely the not-blind UGC can science-magic up something similar that isn't just the "DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING" that Dr. Lash offers.
That's a different setting altogether with different rules. Fantasy magic =/= "space magic". Most of the TFs you can buy in various shops in the game are made by different corporations and are treated like real life drugs produced by modern pharmaceutical companies (with clinical trials and ect.).

I mean.. surely women that grow into breasts they feel are too big don't have to rely on specialized microsurgeons and eating greasy Raskavel treats to get what we already have today, breast reduction surgery.
Most folks coreward don't even know that Tarkus even exists let alone the Raskvel.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2016
And now I'd like to address a few inaccuracies in your OP. No offense meant.

There probably are such TFs in the TiTS universe, but none have been written/coded into the game to describe their effect on the PC. Just because it doesn't exist in the game as an item yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist in the setting universe.

That's a different setting altogether with different rules. Fantasy magic =/= "space magic". Most of the TFs you can buy in various shops in the game are made by different corporations and are treated like real life drugs produced by modern pharmaceutical companies (with clinical trials and ect.).

Most folks coreward don't even know that Tarkus even exists let alone the Raskvel.

Wow, uh. . . Was your /entire/ post just to nitpick? That's literally pointless. You contribute nothing to the discussion 'cause you know as well as I do that you very much understand the actual point here, bringing up what you did is you just going out of your way to be one of those people that no one likes at parties.

Seriously. It's time to stop, okay? Just take a step back from the forums, take a breath, relax, and re-evaluate what you're doing here. There's no need for this. It contributes /nothing/ to the conversation and only makes you look bad because no one on this forum, including yourself, is stupid enough to think that prefixing a post with "no offense meant," and then going out of their way to "address a few inaccuracies," which completely overlook the actual point of the thread, actually means you mean no offense. It's like saying "don't be angry, but" or "with all due respect," they're just catch-all phrases that people use to try to not sound like a bag-o' when they're about to sound like a bag-o'.

They mean nothing and serve no purpose other than to antagonize the person you're trying to communicate with because more often than not the person you're trying to talk to is smart enough to realize what you're actually saying behind your thinly veiled words.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wow, uh. . . Was your /entire/ post just to nitpick? That's literally pointless. You contribute nothing to the discussion 'cause you know as well as I do that you very much understand the actual point here, bringing up what you did is you just going out of your way to be one of those people that no one likes at parties.

Seriously. It's time to stop, okay? Just take a step back from the forums, take a breath, relax, and re-evaluate what you're doing here. There's no need for this. It contributes /nothing/ to the conversation and only makes you look bad because no one on this forum, including yourself, is stupid enough to think that prefixing a post with "no offense meant," and then going out of their way to "address a few inaccuracies," which completely overlook the actual point of the thread, actually means you mean no offense. It's like saying "don't be angry, but" or "with all due respect," they're just catch-all phrases that people use to try to not sound like a bag-o' when they're about to sound like a bag-o'.

They mean nothing and serve no purpose other than to antagonize the person you're trying to communicate with because more often than not the person you're trying to talk to is smart enough to realize what you're actually saying behind your thinly veiled words.
I'd say less pointless than your post you typed that started this.
Also urging me to "take a breather" when I have posted less threads than you in the last 24 hours and following to nitpick on me "prefixing a post with 'no offense meant,'" when you chastised me about "nitpicking" before. Projecting much?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2016
I'd say less pointless than your post you typed that started this.
Also urging me to "take a breather" when I have posted less threads than you in the last 24 hours and following to nitpick on me "prefixing a post with 'no offense meant,'" when you chastised me about "nitpicking" before. Projecting much?
Of course you'd say so, you're biased to your own opinion. Yet the fact that you derailed the thread for no purpose other than to nitpick says more about /you/ than a novel ever could.

I'm done with you, I urged you to take a breather because you didn't seem to realize that you were shitposting and completely missing the actual point here, but since you refuse to be anything other than antagonistic I'm just done with you. I will not continue this with you because you are not worth my time.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
There's about the same level of point to everything surrounding your question as there was to addressing it. He may've been trying to be "Actually..." guy or he may have just thought you wanted the specifics of your ramblings to be addressed as if you were actually asking questions and not just talking rhetorically to yourself but either way responding to them is no worse than posting them if they were truly so worthless that your point stood without them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2016
There's about the same level of point to everything surrounding your question as there was to addressing it. He may've been trying to be "Actually..." guy or he may have just thought you wanted the specifics of your ramblings to be addressed as if you were actually asking questions and not just talking rhetorically to yourself but either way responding to them is no worse than posting them if they were truly so worthless that your point stood without them.


The point- the question, was if there was something like Reducto. Nothing else was needed, but that really was kind of the point of all the other stuff I said. The point of the thread was asking about Reducto. In such commenting on anything other than that after me is derailing the thread and utterly irrelevant.

If the other things were points I wanted addressed or actually needed addressed they would have been less ramblings and stated as actually intelligent questions. As it was they were simply there to frame the question, to point out the absurdity of lacking such an item in what could be a somewhat entertaining way, though they were utterly unnecessary they really were for entertainment value more than anything.

They were just some way to draw you in more than what a simple asked question would. It's akin to starting a seminar with a joke or two that pose ridiculous questions that obviously aren't the real topic. They're there just to warm people up and encourage a little more than a mechanical response to the /actual/ topic.

Yet that was clearly missed.

I'm done here. The topic's been answered, I've explained why his shitpost was a shitpost and there's nothing else to say. If you still feel he's undeserving of what I said then that's on you, there's nothing more I care to do.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Most people got it but what I'm saying here is that you really shouldn't take it so personally that someone didn't and thought you actually wanted to talk about some or all of those other things when 99% of your post was stuff like that. You instantly shifted gears and went from zero to sixty assuming that he was trying to pick a fight or something. And if you don't want anything like that to be responded to at all then there's no point in posting it. As long as it's out there someone might.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2016
Most people got it but what I'm saying here is that you really shouldn't take it so personally that someone didn't and thought you actually wanted to talk about some or all of those other things when 99% of your post was stuff like that. You instantly shifted gears and went from zero to sixty assuming that he was trying to pick a fight or something. And if you don't want anything like that to be responded to at all then there's no point in posting it. As long as it's out there someone might.

I know I said I was done, buttfuckit. This needs to be said.

You're right. I did feel he was intentionally trying to derail the thread and snapped at him for it. The worst thing is that I didn't really care what he said so much as that he said it and I didn't really care about that, either. I shouldn't have even bothered with a reply in the first place. This happens from time to time to everyone, we all reply to something that we have no idea why we're replying to it and then immediately regret the decision to do so once we see a reply to what we said. This was one of those times for me, I didn't even want to reply but still somehow ended up doing so for no reason other than it being a split-second reaction.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
En...why does none of you in middle of this seemly verbal warefare that thread trying drift to meantioned about Kitteh attempt to recreate Reducto in TiTS. He even me thread about it some....some long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I happen to have a code saved somewhere that contains such functional item. It works in the same way as Reducto.
The item in the code is named ReductPro. I still have yet to check to make sure the texts are up to quality.

I would have intended the ReductPro to appear in four shops: Sera, Gene, V-KO and VI. There may be more shopkeepers I would intend to add to the list.

Here is the pastebin.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
Thank you so much!! I'm sure a lot of people (including me) appreciate this! Thank you so much!