What do I have to do to encounter the pregnant zil?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2016
On Mengha there was an update to the female zil where she can get pregnant and you can find her. However, I don't remember what is needed to encounter her. I am fairly certain one is pregnant since my rut disappeared after a little round I even used cheats to advance time by 30 days yet I don't seem to encounter her.

Does anyone remember if its at a certain place or are there specific requirement.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
Wander in jungle until you encounter some pleasant smell and investigate it. Just happens to me.


Happens again:
You pick up a strange scent as you walk, strong enough to make you blink and look around. It smells a bit like zil pheromones, you’ve got enough experience by now to recognize them, but there’s something different about it. Something more noteworthy. The smell seems to be coming from a specific direction, and you could probably follow it...

Do you investigate the mysterious aroma?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2018
You can check if she is active in the codex under mheng'a encounters. It tracks how many days she is pregnant. If she is wander around the topside of mehn'ga until you encouter a smell.