What character left you speechless?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2021
When you first met a character, which one made your jaw drop, made you go DAAAAAM, HOLY FUCK, HAMANAHAMANAHMANA, CARTOONISCH WHISTLE, took your breath, had you to stop the game because of horny?

Or other reason. Basically what character blew your mind?

My first one was Doireann.

The second was Sariel. Funnily enough I wanted to play a big butt bunny buttslut ranger as my next character and a day later Sariel got introduced.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Brienne blew my mind with her looks and her personality both. Best wife, hands down, edging out Kiyoko by a hairbreadth. I just wish we didn't have to sacrifice the best male companion to get her.

Nakano left an incredibly strong negative impression when I first got to that point in the game, since on top of being a reckless asshole, for me he is an embodiment of a lot of personally hated weeb-y tropes placed among characters that contain a lot of weeb tropes I like. However his variation of the generic Kirsune Den Bad End was hillarious (can't tell if intentionally or not), mostly because it read as something the character himself has broken down the forth wall to write - and because it reminded me of the otome games, a guilty pleasure of mine. Nakano's new barbarian waifu grows to love him dearly and he secretely loves her back, in a stereotypical reserved bad boy manner, he becomes a war hero that helps the armies of good triumph over evil, there is a bunch of kits running around. I should be mad at it, since it came as a result of violating my character's mind and will, but I can't take it seriously, so instead it really helped even out my feelings towards the character.

Edit: Can't believe I forgot Evelyn. She didn't impress me initially, but when I finally got to her sexual content and saw those virginity gifting scenes... they still are at the very top of my lisif of favorite erotic content in this game or any porn game period.
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Sep 7, 2021
Brint in a lot of ways. I was expecting some meatheaded dude-bro of a jock without two pieces of good sense to rub together.

Instead? He's surprisingly personable, and while he's not the smartest person in the world, neither is he a complete moron. I was honestly pleasantly surprised by him.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
I'll admit there are a few characters that gave me the impression. The ones off the top of my head are Berwyn, June, Jin-Jin, Nyze, and now, Vicky because I tend to have a weakness for femboys believe it or not.

Another is Lady Evergreen, and Anna and Morwen when they reveal their "packages".
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New Member
Sep 5, 2021
I think the character that surprised me and loved the most alongside a few others is Kasyrra, I was expecting her to be some one dimension corrupt all type baddy. Don't mean that in a negative way either lol. But whilst she does try to do that she does seem very affectionate, sweet and loving towards the MC on the path I took. On the romance path when you are invited to her waystone residence later on it really showed a lot of who she is, why she does what she does and what she wants. I'm also just very biased to big amazonian demon mommies. >.>
I do also really like Cait, Brienne and Ryn! The Boreal Elves are really growing on me as well...

Another that most surprised me is Mallach as he reminds me of a character of mine I have had for just over a year now. Visually they do have some slight similarities (both flirty catboys) but mostly the aesthetic/attire and what they both represent being similar. ^^


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Kiyoko, Brienne, hmmmmm.....

Ragnild too...didn't expect an orc in the Kervus camp to care about love at all.

DomArona on the opposite end of the spectrum. She, eh... I don't mix well with characters that domimant, they come off as jerks to me. SubArona was much more agreeable to me.

Ancient Lurker

Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2021
Kiyoko - the first character in this game that I genuinely fell in love with.
Then I discovered Brienne and how wholesome she is.
And then Kasyrra got her romance path.
This trio are absolute best this game has and nothing can change it, period.

Evegreen, on the other hand, makes me want to strangle her with my bare hands to this day.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Kiyoko both in the Quality and sheer amount of content that was written for her. Every scene with her feels so immersive and really impressed me. I think Tobs did an amazing job with this character.
This is basically my own as well, a great balance of wholesome lewd and absolutely fucking degenerate. Yeah shes got her rough patches but fuck all of the kitsune do. I'd say Brinne is upthere cause Brint somehow became more of a bro by not being a bro.
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Ria Brew

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
Evelyn for sure. Soft doms are a huge yes for me. That and she's introduced very early so it was definitely a strong first impression when I first started

Also the new mino boy, Vicky. He's uh... whew. He's goals I'll tell you what. I would kill to have that body type. Those hips...
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Active Member
Jun 24, 2019
Horny? Magna.

Actually, that quest was really quite sad at the end - I was blown away by the amount of drama packed into a porn game.
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New Member
Oct 27, 2017
Etheryn. When I first picked up this game, Yeah most of the content was good, I was riding on Bewryn being a brat, But then I saw Etheryn (Dont question how I completly ignored the forest, my natural inuition was to go right to the foothills) and was content with him. I did all the alrune and the other stuff, but then came Etheryn, in her little cage (A double whammy that I didnt even recognize), and after a while, the event popped up to take her (anal) virginity. And let me tell you, when it gave me the option to ruin her, my sadistic heart was SINGING, I knew that I was going to love her, and ever since DCL just decided to glow her up with a art update made me fall all inlove again that it actually made me want to play from start to finish again, ruining her. (Dont worry im not a complete monster, I always have another save where im kind to her, but god do I love the option when I get the chance to do it)

Edit:Forgot to mention shes also one of the few characters that i like that just doesnt automatically tower any character i work with, well I Could always just make myself absolutely stupidly taller but thats just not realistic, and during the sex scenes always point out how much they tower over you when your really not that small, or even taller in comparison, but i beleive that its mostly due to this game being a bit favored in the player character being a bottom, that it just feels a fresh air that theirs a character where you can be a hard dom to, instead of being a sub of multitude of npc hard doms. Either way, I still enjoy the game very much, as it does just enough for me to get enjoyment out of it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
Usually for me it's the ladies who are tall so like Brienne, Vari, Elthara, Hretha, Ragnild, Arona

When I saw Zo i lost it cause i love her entire deisgn. The boys don't usually make me go wild but Jin-Jin does that for me big time I'm so sad there's no more content for him
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
Quite a few did it for me. I've been into adult games for a long time, always meant to play CoC or TiTs but never got around to it because I'm too dumb for flash. But then I saw CoC2 on steam, with a fox girl wife as the main image? Probably the most excited I've been for a game, in a way, since I was a youngling. I liked Cait a lot, pretty cool, I've always been pretty monogamous, but she's a extremely well done example for a free agent relationship style, not a monopoly on either side, and is loveable. I was also absolutely ecstatic about Kass' options, wasn't expecting them at all, the back to back variation was just mwah. I also love Gweyr's arc so far, the dommy mommies in this are just absolutely amazing, just chuck all of them as some of my choices. Not trying to rant, sorry, imo though I think each character works pretty uniquely, not just as fetish bait but also ways to safely explore preferences, and what you're irl comfortable with, and to safely deal with insecurities like open relationships and self esteem. Kinda helps to find yourself a bit. Maybe that sounds too edgy or sappy but I dunno, it's just unique as a sandbox. Some characters are writ well enough it can kinda lean into "well it's really against my orientation but oh my god Berwyn" Final answer, the dommy mommies, lady evergreen, kass, etc etc. God they're great.