What are the games with the most Dynamic player choices and game systems?


May 9, 2023
(reposting since the First Time the post ended up in limbo, dunno why, sry if i messed something up)

Sup, I'm new around here.

I stumbled Upon TITS when i was looking for the android version of CoC and damn, the game was so good that I completely forgot to try and get back on CoC.

The thing that i liked the most about TITS was how mutch you could change your character appearance, going from a bread and butter human to.... basically whatever your mind can come up with..... And more.

Since I finished my second playthrough I've been looking for some game that hits the same spot: something with a nice choice system that allows extensive but meaningful player customiziation.

(And sub themes/bad endings are a huge bonus)

Can you guys help a rookie out?