Weird Bugs


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2020
Can't post any screenshots of either of these, though I will probably get one at some point.

1: Gallery (Image Pack)
I've had to completely delete the game (Files in AppData & download location), because the gallery was perpetually stuck "verifying" the status of the image pack being downloaded & installed (After I'd done so). Doesn't seem to be consistent, I don't know what causes it to happen, and it's easy (Just personally inconvenient) to fix. I believe this only started happening after the 0.9.102 public update.
What save files I'm using don't affect this, as it seems to be an issue with the AppData game files themselves (Otherwise just reinstalling and deleting the standard game files would fix it).

2: Taskbar Icon
I have absolutely no comprehension of why this even is an issue, beyond the fact it's likely just some bug with my computer.
The .exe files icon is functional. If I hover over the taskbar icon, it shows the .exe icon just fine in the top-left corner of the preview.
But the taskbar icon itself shows as a blank white page of paper with the top-right corner folded down.
I don't know what is causing this to happen. The only way I've been able to fix it is the same with the Gallery (Complete deletion & redownloading).
A seemingly inconsistent issue.