So I was looking was the Wiki and the attack formula while comparing as few weapons an I'm still a bit unsure on how certain parts work.
Specifically how does the Attack mod work in the presence of other Attack modifiers like Blunt or Slash and thrust?
And according how do the weapons in game actually turn out in physical damage ranking against nuetral resistances.
((3*Strength+Stamina+Dexterity)/2)*Attack Modifier
Are all of them added? Like with the Great-sword. atkmod 1, str+4, slash 1 Would it be a mod of 2? Half neutral Half Slash? or a mod of 1 All Slash?
Or the Halberd, atkmod 0.3, defmod 0.3, slash 0.5, pierce 0.5 A mod of 1.3 mostly slash and pierce? How's it work.
Specifically how does the Attack mod work in the presence of other Attack modifiers like Blunt or Slash and thrust?
And according how do the weapons in game actually turn out in physical damage ranking against nuetral resistances.
((3*Strength+Stamina+Dexterity)/2)*Attack Modifier
Are all of them added? Like with the Great-sword. atkmod 1, str+4, slash 1 Would it be a mod of 2? Half neutral Half Slash? or a mod of 1 All Slash?
Or the Halberd, atkmod 0.3, defmod 0.3, slash 0.5, pierce 0.5 A mod of 1.3 mostly slash and pierce? How's it work.