Wayfort Warden


Active Member
Dec 10, 2015
I really liked the idea of acting as a warden for the corrupted, and not killing everything for the crime of becoming corrupted. Perhaps wishful thinking on my part but it still felt alright when I dealt with Alraune. But bringing in the Behemoth and seeing my Champion being so horny about him had me wondering if there was even any merit to trying to handle things like that or if bringing in the corrupted folk is just a thing for corrupted characters to do. I don't know much about future development plans and the only people I've got there are the Alraune and Behemoth. I've half a mind to start the game over here because my character just wasn't acting how I wanted them to despite 0 corruption.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Reminder: The Champion is not you, they're a character you just happen to have a lot of control over and be guiding through the game but they're not always going to react exactly how you imagine you would in your head..

Also, the Wayfort started out as 'a place to send corrupted characters rather than killing them' and it wasn't planned to become the Champ's personal seat originally; that role was meant to go to Castle Hawkstone at first. It was only after both realizing that the wayfort made more sense in that role and some behind the scenes rewriting that it became the Champ's seat. Consequently there's a bit of a shift between content written before the revision and after it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
But bringing in the Behemoth and seeing my Champion being so horny about him had me wondering if there was even any merit to trying to handle things like that or if bringing in the corrupted folk is just a thing for corrupted characters to do
I think that the content that will establish varied and meaningfully different ways for the Champ to deal with the corrupt folks in his care is planned, but doesn't have any announced ETA. In addition to that, the devs mentioned that some of the creatures that we can send to Wayfort are too far gone to be meaningfully helped, with the Behemoth being the specific example they used.

At the very least Savin was partial to the idea of allowing the player to lay down the law and make Alraune, Behemoth and the like toe the line, no longer allowing them to force themselves onto other or corrupt them - or to conversely give to them a major go ahead for dragging even more people to the Horni Side.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Letting Corrupted characters live when there are execution alternatives is rarely if ever meant to be pointing towards a rehabilitation arc, but rather a "I enjoy this brand of horny and want to continue" opt-in. That said, yes, you'll have some measure of control over hornt up the fort itself becomes; if you go with minimum horny, presumably that will at least temper your corrupt occupants' tendencies. Especially if you're on the pro-elf route, because Daliza has a literal horny bat she can bonk people with.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Letting Corrupted characters live when there are execution alternatives is rarely if ever meant to be pointing towards a rehabilitation arc, but rather a "I enjoy this brand of horny and want to continue" opt-in.

That's surprisingly helpful information. That means, when I'm playing anti-corruption characters, I can execute corrupt NPCs without being worried about missing out on content.

Or at least being too worried... the cat merchant, at least, has a use if you let her stay.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Given that her big thing is being one of the people who can help you refurbish the Wayfort, more content for her is necessarily gated behind that huge chunk of content being released (presumably in stages) so it's not surprising that she doesn't have much to do right now. What little we know is that it's implied she might try corrupting people behind your back and that if so, you'll be able to Do Something about it. I feel like I saw some more specific teasing that she could corrupt Daliza if both are present but I can't find it right now and don't remember what the source for the claim was, maybe someone seeing it on Discord? So take that with a grain of salt for now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Yeah my main save only has alarune because I fuckin misclicked on save or kill, wish there was a way to change that post without save editing.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I can't find it right now and don't remember what the source for the claim was, maybe someone seeing it on Discord?
"I saw it on Discord" is the source of misunderstandings, plans that are eventually shelved, and outright fabrications in addition to genuinely correct preview material. Obviously the solution is for allyall to actually get on Discord to see for yourselves~


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
I feel like I saw some more specific teasing that she could corrupt Daliza if both are present but I can't find it right now and don't remember what the source for the claim was, maybe someone seeing it on Discord? So take that with a grain of salt for now.
I might have to futz with my save on the editor if this comes to pass.

Obviously the solution is for allyall to actually get on Discord to see for yourselves~
I'm trying.... T.T

Though when I pop online the people are usually heading off and it's a bit tiresome reading back on pages and pages of messages...
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Jan 14, 2017
Letting Corrupted characters live when there are execution alternatives is rarely if ever meant to be pointing towards a rehabilitation arc, but rather a "I enjoy this brand of horny and want to continue" opt-in. That said, yes, you'll have some measure of control over hornt up the fort itself becomes; if you go with minimum horny, presumably that will at least temper your corrupt occupants' tendencies. Especially if you're on the pro-elf route, because Daliza has a literal horny bat she can bonk people with.

Looks at the the corrupt people chilling in my wayfort because I didn't want to lock myself out of stuff/kill things/thought there might be some purification uh... whoops. Guess I better reboot my main file. In my defense, we DO have purification possibilities brought up for at least two corrupt people (Kasyrra and iirc Cait will mention you might find a way to purify Farrah if you let her stay) so there was some precedent for the idea.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
IMHO, unless you are roleplaying as an extremely purist and bloodthirsty version of Champ, keeping most of the corrupt folks you can currently send to the Wayfort as is still beats murdering them for crimes that are nowhere near severe enough to warrant it and that argueably are not entirely their fault.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
IMHO, unless you are roleplaying as an extremely purist and bloodthirsty version of Champ, keeping most of the corrupt folks you can currently send to the Wayfort as is still beats murdering them for crimes that are nowhere near severe enough to warrant it and that argueably are not entirely their fault.
In my case I only finished off the alraune because as far as I'm aware she's the only creature that really doesn't stop being a menace. She still kidnaps people and uses them to spread her corrupted plants through the forest so I reloaded and broke out the round-up.

The others (Elf guard captain, your friendly blue demon cat and the Behemoth) at least stick to the fort and don't randomly assault people.
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