Vi, a V-Ko IV for Gildenmere [Writing]

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
From what I've read so far, Vi seems to appeal to me more than the other one from M'henga in looks and actions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Can't wait to see what you do with the ona-hole scene. Are you going to be making a comedic version of it or will you be making the scene serious?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Gildenmere hospital indded will be interesting place to visit once it open. V-Ko, Red Doc and who knows what else will be there.

Aside that as usualy your writing is S+ grade Jim. As others mentioned this model seems more interesting to interact than other one we so far meet (hmm I wonder if this model unit won't ends up on our ship later as was meantioned plans for owning our own V-Ko on ship)
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Sep 2, 2015
Well every ship needs a doctor. A nurse is the next best thing right? I'm certainly excited for the addition be it crew or just more robot lovins  :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For robot lovin we soon will have them amybe as many as organic crew members. To name some...Bess/Ben (already on board), Hand So (technicaly we already carry her with us and just need to make a server room with all toys/sexbot body for her, Gianna (someday she will be) and well V-Ko (possible addition to crew but I think it will happen sooner or later). Now look at organic crew we got atm...Celise, Reaha and Anno. In TBA future we can expect Ember and Syri. So well so far we can end with half crew been som kind of robotwaifu/husbando ^^ Not like I complain for since more crewmembers then more fun (as long theire will be some between follower interaction not just like each treat like on ship is ony herself/himself and PC ignoring all others).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Doesn't it step on the toes of the Taivra dungeon reward shield, which offers no fortification, to have the Elite Joyco Shield Generator offer 5 points of it?

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]It's been a long while—I apologise if I'm a little uncalibrated..."[/SIZE]
Aren't American spellings standard for TiTS? Or am I misrecalling?

I feel it's a bit odd that she runs off to get the box of supplies the second and subsequent times you ask about supplies, citing that no one has asked. Since you asked before.

Haven't read through the whole doc yet, but it looks good so far. Unexpectedly lewd, even.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This shield belt isn't free like the one gained of princess encounter. It may have 5 pts of fortification but also 10 less sp than Reaper mark 1. For resistances JoyCo got 5% less kinetic resistance. So I think it's fair deal for what we need pay for to have such stats (well I think Jim talked with Fen/Savin to know what stats on JoyCo shiled belt give, if not I think while codding it will be adjusted to fit).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 > Jim finally gets his JoyCo robot waifu into game.> People ask for two JoyCo robot waifus.;_;

Doesn't it step on the toes of the Taivra dungeon reward shield, which offers no fortification, to have the Elite Joyco Shield Generator offer 5 points of it?

Aren't American spellings standard for TiTS? Or am I misrecalling?

I feel it's a bit odd that she runs off to get the box of supplies the second and subsequent times you ask about supplies, citing that no one has asked. Since you asked before.

Haven't read through the whole doc yet, but it looks good so far. Unexpectedly lewd, even.

Thanks for the catch with the box. I'll fix that.

I'm Australian, sometimes I forget to write like the master rac... I mean, ahem, U.S. Style. Will fix.

And as Ormael said, I gave that shield 10 less SP, 5% less kinetic resistance, and a fairly high price. I'm not sure, but do you always get the shield from the dungeon in 100% of instances? I tried to make it a slightly underpowered version of that. Of course, I have *no* idea how to value the fortification score, so I just tacked 5 on that as per someone's suggestion and figured Fen or Gedan would nerf it if needed. They're pretty astute when it comes to adding new EQ. 

Can't wait to see what you do with the ona-hole scene. Are you going to be making a comedic version of it or will you be making the scene serious?

Little of column A, little of column B.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm Australian, sometimes I forget to write like the master rac... I mean, ahem, U.S. Style. Will fix.

Considering we were once a colony of Britain, would Britain be our Master Race?

Besides, the true master race are the Penguins of Antarctica. Those ones in Madagascar is proof of their plans.

And how many robot waifus/husbandos do some people want?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
 > Jim finally gets his JoyCo robot waifu into game.> People ask for two JoyCo robot waifus.;_;

If that was pointed at me please would you kindly reread my posts? I just said if I would need to choice which one type of V-Ko line of droids I would instal on my ship it would be version you writing atm NOT THAT I WANT IT TO HAPPEN ASAP OR WANTING ANOTHER ROBOWAIFU. Ok now that this possible misunderstanding if off the way I still claim I like this stuff you write for her.

Aside that hospital in Gildenmere should be name St. Jim or smth similar due to all npc there been your excelent pieces of writing to make it lively place ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If that was pointed at me please would you kindly reread my posts? I just said if I would need to choice which one type of V-Ko line of droids I would instal on my ship it would be version you writing atm NOT THAT I WANT IT TO HAPPEN ASAP OR WANTING ANOTHER ROBOWAIFU. Ok now that this possible misunderstanding if off the way I still claim I like this stuff you write for her.

Aside that hospital in Gildenmere should be name St. Jim or smth similar due to all npc there been your excelent pieces of writing to make it lively place ^^

No prob, I was more amused than really upset. :3 I actually like Vi as I'm writing her, and I'm trying... trying REALLY hard not to give her the waifu treatment. It's like swimming up a raging waterfall through.

And thanks!  I, uh, don't know what to say when people compliment me. Embry mode turns on and I want to hide behind a serving tray.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
No prob, I was more amused than really upset. :3 I actually like Vi as I'm writing her, and I'm trying... trying REALLY hard not to give her the waifu treatment. It's like swimming up a raging waterfall through.
And thanks!  I, uh, don't know what to say when people compliment me. Embry mode turns on and I want to hide behind a serving tray.

Yeah as long her model doesn't ends up as "our onboard v-ko unit" it won't be another case of making waifu by you. Reading more deep into gdoc noticed meantioning of V-Ko model III that well knowing ant planet is massively tilted toward females could be some use. Then again does naitives got enough money v-ko accepts and not feel akward having relief with machine? (totaly unrelated I liked meantioning of maia series in codex part mainly as explanation for various upgrades of model IV).

Hahaha hiding behind serving tray of typing mchine to create more excelent writing? Thou the more writing you making the longer all of them get ingame. Plus V-Ko for Ant planet at least getting in line for what we lerned on Mhen'ga that each plannet should have have their own nursedroid. That makes me wonder why Tarkus not have one yet....unless it's just that noone written it so far.


Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
Why? Why am I so attracted to tail genitalia?

Wish there was a way for her to use it on the pc's tail pussy.


Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
One of these days, I'll get around to writing a tail-cock on tail-vagina fucking scene, while the two people also rub their loins together and perhaps use them in tandem.

Sex gods bless you sir.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Are there male doctor versions of the V-Ko created separately from the Nursedroids or are the nurses all which have been created.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Are there male doctor versions of the V-Ko created separately from the Nursedroids or are the nurses all which have been created.

If my lore is okayed by Fen, the third version of the V-ko model line was a male nurse line. There's probably some kind of variant model to make either gendered robot look like a doctor, but they'd probably be functionally the same, since all V-kos are designed to work in communities where they may be the only medical practitioner available.

Political correctness aside, IMO nurse outfits don't look anywhere near as hot on guys as a doctor's coat, whereas chicks can rock either very well.
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New Member
Sep 26, 2015
You make a good point about the healing. It is kind of silly that we can heal just by sleeping. It would make more sense to have to visit that V-KO. However, that would probably annoy people, and I personally try to justify the healing via resting/sleeping because of those fancy microbots we have inside of us.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
I see JoyCo has been Vanae hunting. That going to come up?

Things I want:

Duplicate pocket pussy from her or maybe bess that I can use to masturbate in the field, secure in the knowledge that somewhere someone is getting an unexpected surprise. probably best if limited to travel companion, because distance.

Drone healing upgrade. If it is just spraying from a nozzle, your drone can do that, either a small amount every turn or as a special. Could replace damage, but you would need to rework tech perks probably.

My own Joycord with nervous system integration. A healthier alternative to parasite tails. Cock and vagina attachments sold separately. Cyborg it up.

Kinda want the option to offer to fix her as a tech and getting a choice to actually do so or tamper with her further. Either ramp it up and make her useless as a medical bot, or, more to my taste, restrict the pleasure interface to only activate with you by interfacing with the nanobots in your system or something. I imagine she'd become very happy to see you afterwards.She would probably have to have some level of acquaintanceship for the topic to unlock.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I see JoyCo has been Vanae hunting. That going to come up?

Things I want:

Duplicate pocket pussy from her or maybe bess that I can use to masturbate in the field, secure in the knowledge that somewhere someone is getting an unexpected surprise. probably best if limited to travel companion, because distance.

Drone healing upgrade. If it is just spraying from a nozzle, your drone can do that, either a small amount every turn or as a special. Could replace damage, but you would need to rework tech perks probably.

My own Joycord with nervous system integration. A healthier alternative to parasite tails. Cock and vagina attachments sold separately. Cyborg it up.

Kinda want the option to offer to fix her as a tech and getting a choice to actually do so or tamper with her further. Either ramp it up and make her useless as a medical bot, or, more to my taste, restrict the pleasure interface to only activate with you by interfacing with the nanobots in your system or something. I imagine she'd become very happy to see you afterwards.She would probably have to have some level of acquaintanceship for the topic to unlock.

Actually, I wrote a pocket-pussy removal scene for Vi, then removed it due to not wanting to make this project too complicated off the bat. But that thought definitely occurred to me and it will be in my smut-book for the future.

Have JoyCo been going Vanae hunting? I thought it was Xenogen.

Drone healing upgrade. Also thought about that, but wasn't sure how to mechanically suggest it to dev team. It's in the back of my mind.

Joycord with nervous system integration falls into cybernetics, which dev team are probably going to want to take the lead on. Better them than someone outside just dumping a wierd ass mechanic in their lap and expecting them to code it.

Tampering will probably be a thing if she turns out to be popular. Right now I want to keep within the bounty guidelines and keep her somewhat self contained and simple.



Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Actually, I wrote a pocket-pussy removal scene for Vi, then removed it due to not wanting to make this project too complicated off the bat. But that thought definitely occurred to me and it will be in my smut-book for the future.
Have JoyCo been going Vanae hunting? I thought it was Xenogen.

Drone healing upgrade. Also thought about that, but wasn't sure how to mechanically suggest it to dev team. It's in the back of my mind.

It most certainly was Xenogen. As for the drone, it would be a neat addition to the Drone Master's arsenal, but not a very useful one, since even they'll be relying much more on shields than on their piss-poor hp pool. Making that Drone use-able by other classes or just making a good purchasable healing item out of whatever Vi sprays for Smugglers and Mercs to use may be more relevant.

I will also hazard a guess that Vi will be quite popular.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Now I'm wondering if you could make a drone that would deal lust damage without it being horribly broken.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wait, are we talking about some kinda Accessory thing where you buy a drone from V-ko and it heals you via combat, or some existing tech dude ability, or something like Tam-Wolf that already exists?

Kinda out of the loop RE: Drones since I play almost exclusively Smugger during my testing runs.

I will also hazard a guess that Vi will be quite popular.

I try not to count my Raskvel spawn before they hatch.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
I mean a Tech Spec thing like Tamwolf. It'd be fun and lewd to have an autonomous floating sex toy as a robot battle companion.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
It most certainly was Xenogen. As for the drone, it would be a neat addition to the Drone Master's arsenal, but not a very useful one, since even they'll be relying much more on shields than on their piss-poor hp pool. Making that Drone use-able by other classes or just making a good purchasable healing item out of whatever Vi sprays for Smugglers and Mercs to use may be more relevant.

I think the path of tech specialist like classes in games should be a relatively complex build with lots of abilities. It is probably too much to ask, but what I would really like to see is for drones to have a number of modification slots. The healing one would be best as a special I think? Health doesn't recover like shields, so there are times it could be useful. You could also have modules that had a chance to blind every turn or make it do a different type of damage.

You don't have that much inventory in tits so i don't like carrying more than like two types of battle consumables.