Version: 0.9.027-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#2710 Bess/Ben title bug


Apr 8, 2020
Changing Bess/Ben's non sex Title also changes their Name. As you can see I gave her the original name "Blossom," clicked "Lady Blossom" a few times, and it still lets me call her "Lady Lady Lady Blossom".
Changing their sex Title does not have the same bug.


  • Bess-Ben title.PNG
    Bess-Ben title.PNG
    134.9 KB · Views: 1


Apr 27, 2016
I looked at the code and I don't see an easy way around it.

Code ramble: the non sex title is just setting her name in the data, the same way you can rename frostwyrm. This section is deliberately set up to loop the way you describe: Take their current name, put a word in front of it, and save that combo as their new name:
To stop players from being able to loop forever, we could perhaps scan their current name for key words and then disable strings, but that's pretty janky.

I have done some recent work in this area, but it won't help you. I fixed a UI overflow issue where we ran out of buttons if many names were available, and we no longer will force all names to be capitalized.

Edit: the more I think of this the more I wonder if I mucked this up myself a while ago. Here's where things are assigned, and if we stuck to this flags pattern we could recover the ORIGINAL player assigned name as a root, and we wouldn't loop:

edit2, no I don't think it was me, looks like we had [] all the way back in the flash days.
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