Venture Seas 2019 -


Oct 28, 2015

I've mentioned my game on the Fen forums before, but there has been substantial progress since the last thread so here we go again! :)

Venture Seas was not only created out of a personal desire to produce kinky smut, but for a desire to provide engaging game-play throughout a grand adventure that’ll stick with you long after the experience.



My Patreon page (and discord channel) has become a hub for the most 'up-to-date' info or news:

There is also a free public demo here that you can try out:

If anyone here is interested in the project, I'd greatly appreciate your input and support in however you can provide it. I'm available mostly every day on discord (and I'll try to be active here too of course) if there are any questions :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
What pairings/fetishes does your game have?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I played this a couple of months ago, from what I remember there's:
Rough sex
Herm sex
Futa sex

Though what I also remember is that the scenes weren't really repeatable unless you used the debug.
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Oct 28, 2015
Evil has covered most of it, although there are some other stuff too (bimbo nuns, bimbofication, slime sex, character viewer for visual TFs, oviposition scene with a hornet gal, chastity, bdsm and more that I cant recall at the moment)

In the 'Kinkster' update, ALL sex scenes will have a method to repeat them, here is the roadmap for this year :)



Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
The main problem last time I played it was simply that the game was very buggy. Going through shopkeeper options would often make their sprite disappear, items you bought in town wouldn't show up in the dungeon, dungeons themselves were quite prone to crashing. And this was on top of things like huge difficulty spikes proceeding through them.

All of the art was the main asset; the writing was just so-so from what I remember. Oddly enough that aspect seemed to get more basic from the -very- early builds, the game might have changed writers at some point.


Oct 28, 2015
I've made a focus on this first yearly build to squash out the crashes, and clear as much bugs as possible, I had a small team of testers help me pick out bugs from this new build.

I did some live playtesting with someone last night through all of chapter 1, and found some more issues which I'm gonna fix and release a patch this week, but in its current state, it should be far far more stable and balanced (difficulty, item value, levelling etc).

I even disabled coin loss from journeys and healthcare until I implement the new 'tax' based system in the [Economy Update], which is my current focus :)

I have commissioned writers for some of the content, with most of the writing being my own. I've added tons and tons of new dungeon written scenes which should be higher quality than the older content I hope (just from my experience gain)

The intro sequence and all sexual content will be refined in the [Kinkster Update], of which I'll revisit the writing and try update that also!


Jun 24, 2016
I'm impressed and glad to see this game didn't die -- I was actually thinking about it a week or two ago and couldn't recall the name but seeing the mirror and font. Now as a writer, I was really wanting to appreciate it and can now properly bookmark it.

Hopefully, this reinvigoration will go well and your additional writers will be enough. There's certainly a pool of them that would take commissions within this community and I'm sure I'm not the only one (as a New Writer, I know I'm a bit more of a forum-dwelling whore than the others) who would love to take swings at commissions and checking the game out. I'm also a big fan of the roadmap -- it's a very classy thing but make sure you keep to it now that you've dropped it. Too many adult game devs fall behind on their roadmaps and it immediately causes their game to BTFU in a bad way.

Edit: Mind you that I understand you put the "subject to change" bit. A lot of devs don't realize that setting the goals with that on the appendage doesn't mean you should miss more than one or two in terms of frame. Any rollback can be a big disaster even if it's for the sanity of the creator.


Oct 28, 2015
The roadmap is to keep me focused on certain tasks and to give myself deadlines on when things 'should' be ready, but with game development, there are always unseen time sinks to overcome.

I will be taking a looser stance on delivering a build by these deadlines, as there is no point in dropping a buggy mess of a build (like I did before for monthly releases). I will be releasing when I'm confident the new builds are 'ready' so that they can be experienced properly :) I already work on the game every day and try to commission help where I can, so there isn't much I can do to speed up the development unless I'm lucky enough to find more skilled people to commission.

Feel free to mail me a portfolio / examples of your writing work c:


Mar 25, 2016
I must say, the last experience with this game was a big mess, I played a build that had errors and functions broken that I knew functioned in an earlier build. I thought I was completely put off on it, but seeing these posts and seeing the dedication to making the fixes made me pick it up again. And I'm happy so far with what I'm seeing. Keep up the good work.


Oct 28, 2015
I must say, the last experience with this game was a big mess, I played a build that had errors and functions broken that I knew functioned in an earlier build. I thought I was completely put off on it, but seeing these posts and seeing the dedication to making the fixes made me pick it up again. And I'm happy so far with what I'm seeing. Keep up the good work.

I really appreciate that you gave the game another chance :) I made the mistake of committing to monthly releases, and releasing regardless of the game state to 'hit deadlines' to show the progress of the game. Now I'm committed to making sure the builds are ready for the release, and trying not to stress about the deadline too much (as I already work almost every day, I can't really put more time in myself).

There are too many unpredictable things that come up so it's best for everyone for me to release when it's stable and ready :)