Utilizing color scheme changes

Tili Cactus

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2022
Something I don't hear people talk about much is how you can actually change the games color scheme, but this ability isn't utilized in any way, what if you could only change the games color for inside your ship but each local had a different color scheme to make it distinct visually instead of just with the initial pictures and descriptions?

default could be for space stations like travos
Mhen'ga could be green
Tarkus could be grey inside the ship but tan outside indicating you entered the desert
Myrellion could have an orange top layer, two color coded cities connected by grey caves and have the deeper area be black
Zheng Shi could be black and red like the black void pirates
Dhaal could have a warm glow

what do you think? would color coding locals like this be good for the game?
maybe you could keep the info bar on the left whatever color you want.
what would be good colors for other locals?