Until dawn


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To me, it seems more an interactive movie than a game, but i can't say anythingh


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Feels like that walking dead game. Buts looks a whole lot better.

I don't see it in anyway like the walking dead game. It is more entertaining to me then Walking dead was.

To me, it seems more an interactive movie than a game, but i can't say anything

I would like to see more games like this that take a prospective of a movie like feel and it plays out how you want it. Be it a horror, thriller, action, etc... I like the whole game being done with Mocap actors and the expressions you can see when making choices. I have only recently gotten everything done with all endings seen.

The game is pretty linear in the outcome of your choices. But I like it and have played it since release and haven't stopped yet. I hope for more games like this to become available with longer game times and Oculus Rift first person perspectives.
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The Red Wiseman

Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
After seeing this game, it reminded me of Life is Strange. Both games are awesome, can't wait to see more from both developers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I certainly look forward to getting it.  It's pretty much the perfect game for the type of person who screams at their television because the characters are to stupid to avoid the Main baddy who's killing them.  Now I have the chance to be killed multiple times and have the option for a redo.  Joy!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I certainly look forward to getting it.  It's pretty much the perfect game for the type of person who screams at their television because the characters are to stupid to avoid the Main baddy who's killing them.  Now I have the chance to be killed multiple times and have the option for a redo.  Joy!

You don't get a redo unless you restart the game from the beginning. Also if you get get killed by anything in this game it's because of the choices you make or don't make. I've had some playthroughs go pretty much the same until I did one thing different then the others and it threw the whole game into another spin.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm aware of this.  I was just jesting.  In real life, if you get hacked up by a machete you don't have the option to restart the game, nor in the movies.  People stay dead.  But not in the game! Jokes!  Wheeeeeeeeeeee!


Aug 29, 2015
I did my very best to play through this game without spoiling anything for myself so I got the most out of it. I think it was pretty good! Kinda short and not really worth 60 bucks, but still good. My favorite thing about it was gathering evidence/collectables for the 1952 branch.

MAN, I was disappointed with 100% ending though!! >.< The whole time I had this crazy prediction that after you unlock "The Events of the Past", collect EVERYTHING, specifically evidence from 1952, while at the same time having everyone survive, a "secret ending" would play at the end of the game when the crew is interviewed. Something along the lines of "they know too much" and they'd be imprisoned by SPOILERS(?) 

possible Sanatorium conspirators. The experiments were really inhumane.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Definitely seems like something I'd play. Then again, I DID grow up on games like The Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain (haven't gotten around to playing Beyond: Two Souls, though), so maybe I just have a thing for "interactive movie" games.