Game Version: 0.9.013-PUBLIC#2332
You can have a baby name or email address be any length. In either case, a sufficiently long (user)name will break the UI (you can usually navigate away with the 1 or 2 key). See images. Image 1: Signup complete! Image 2: Email with absurd address.
A sufficiently long baby name with no spaces will also break the UI. See final images. Image 1: Sera's response to naming the baby. Image 2: Nursery children listing. The name of the child in question is over 1800 characters long, because why not. The attached saves are before and after naming bebby, so you can do whatever you need. (If you wonder why anything in the save is the way it is, the answer is 'I made this save mainly to get knocked up by Sera and name her bebby')
May I suggest a character limit similar to that found in naming Captain Steele, Bess/Ben, and Nova? I know this is really just saving willful idiots like me from ourselves, but...
You can have a baby name or email address be any length. In either case, a sufficiently long (user)name will break the UI (you can usually navigate away with the 1 or 2 key). See images. Image 1: Signup complete! Image 2: Email with absurd address.
A sufficiently long baby name with no spaces will also break the UI. See final images. Image 1: Sera's response to naming the baby. Image 2: Nursery children listing. The name of the child in question is over 1800 characters long, because why not. The attached saves are before and after naming bebby, so you can do whatever you need. (If you wonder why anything in the save is the way it is, the answer is 'I made this save mainly to get knocked up by Sera and name her bebby')
May I suggest a character limit similar to that found in naming Captain Steele, Bess/Ben, and Nova? I know this is really just saving willful idiots like me from ourselves, but...
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