Hey all, I was hoping someone could help me understand the notation used for the formulas used on the Smutosaurus wiki?
These are both from the description on the Constrict attack on the wiki. I'm not familiar with the usage of the double dots, or the single dot after "0..[7]. ", and I've been unable to find any breakdown. I thought "x . . y" would mean anything in that range, but I'm confused with how that fits in. Does the game perform a random roll within that range and then use the output of that roll? And what exactly does that single dot mean?
orBase lust damage 6..[9]+0..[7]. (6..[16])
Succeeds if 0..[Player's Speed + 40] > Target's Speed.
These are both from the description on the Constrict attack on the wiki. I'm not familiar with the usage of the double dots, or the single dot after "0..[7]. ", and I've been unable to find any breakdown. I thought "x . . y" would mean anything in that range, but I'm confused with how that fits in. Does the game perform a random roll within that range and then use the output of that roll? And what exactly does that single dot mean?