Turning tables at Badger's quest


New Member
Oct 31, 2016

I wanted to turn the tables on Doctor Badger's quest and bimbofy the Doc instead. But whenever I talk with Penny about this plan and giving her the Gun, nothing happens after it. 

According to the wiki I should get a message after one day, but even after a week or so of just resting, sleeping and flying around I still don't get any update on the quest. Am I missing something?


You need to take the gun to Dr Lash rather than giving it to penny iirc


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
There are two options for that, turn Badger in or Turn Tables.  Both looses you the gun, Turn Tables causes the message to get to you, after which you can give the gun to Lash for a recalibration, after which you can bimbo badger.


New Member
Oct 31, 2016
Yes. But I never get the gun back. After choosing "Turn Tables" it says in the end "Penny has taken posession of the bimbo ray." - but even waiting for like a week doesn't trigger anything. Talking to Badger, Penny or Lash also reveals no option that might be connected to it.

Do I have to do anything else, talk to someone or get to some place first until I get the gun back so I can go to Lash?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
tfw Jim's x-pak isn't coded


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well Penny actualy shouldn't take it. Maybe note that PC need to find someone to tamper with it to be used agains Badger so it may be that you picked wrong answers and it ends up she took it and would off scene deal with Badger.


New Member
Oct 31, 2016
Well, the wiki also mentions the following steps:

  • Visit Penny and choose to BadgerWarn and there will be an option to TurnInBadger or Turn Tables.
  • Choose to Turn Tables to have Penny confiscate the raygun.
  • After a day, Penny will notify Steele about the raygun.
  • Visit Penny and she will suggest going to Dr. Lash to reprogram the gun.
  • Visit Dr. Lash and ask him about Raygun? to reprogram it.
  • Return to Dr. Badger and Zap Her! and she will produce a reward. 

I also tried different random stuff, like talking with Penny, Lash etc through all the possible conversations but I still can't figure out how to proceed on this quest. Also found some youtube video of a guy playing while googling - and there it was as stated in the wiki. Choosing "Turn Tables", giving Penny therefore the gun and then getting a codex message 1 day after it to take it back. But this never happens for me.


Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Weird, I never had a problem with it even before the fix.