Trials in Tainted Space Tabletop System


New Member
Aug 31, 2016
So, I've been attempting to set up a full custom system for Trials in Tainted Space as I've been wanting to run a game for some friends and I. Now, I do know that Savin was writing up a conversion for what I assumed to be 5th edition. However, I felt that Dungeons and Dragons felt somewhat lacking for what I've personally experienced in TiTS, so with his permission I've started making my own personal attempt at setting things up.

Anyway, the primary reason for this post is actually that I require assistance in coming up with ideas, and perhaps balancing the system, and I felt that anyone interested might be willing to lend a hand. If so, here is the link to the spreadsheet I've currently got set up.

Edit: Also, if you're able to submit comments to the spreadsheet with your ideas, please, feel free to do so, I'm rather early in at the moment but plan on updating when it's at least at a playable state.

Thank you for reading, and I hope to see your responses soon~!

Edit: So, I realized my mistake in setting up comments on google drive, and now that has been fixed!
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New Member
Oct 30, 2015
This looks really promising I,d love to help with building a more fleshed out system with rolls defense and all the neccessities.


Active Member
May 19, 2017
How can we help with the system I because I am hosting a table top game of TiTS more than a week from now