Treated Amazon Thinking?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2015
Is it possible for Treatment Amazons to gain "Sexy Thinking" The wiki doesn't say that they do.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
No its not possible through normal means, it's reserved for the female only path. Only way to obtain it via any path that isn't female is through save editing.

Edit: bit of a correction. Cum Cow path appears to support it as well though I haven't tested personally.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
No its not possible through normal means, it's reserved for the female only path. Only way to obtain it via any path that isn't female is through save editing.

Edit: bit of a correction. Cum Cow path appears to support it as well though I haven't tested personally.
Amazons are special because they don't become ditzy fuckslaves, they're essentially lady-bulls, and they may or may not get a dick. The Faux-Cow is the opposite, where a man becomes a ditzy fuckslave, though it seems they still aren't as bad as the average Cow and don't have a chance to get a vag.

Is the CumCow + Dumb4Cum still a thing? I remember doing that on an alt save way back.

And are they ever going to actually add the Faux-Cow?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2015
Then i guess i hit a bug, or a glitch, with that then, because that is what happened to me. XD
I didn't save edit the game on this file so it has to be one. It occurred on a scene where i was getting angry at my ceodex for taking longer to load up a webpage,


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Wait, so you do have it, you're not trying to get it? That really weird. Do you have the Amazonian perks?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2015
Yes, that why i thought it was weird. I got treated milk by getting milkazon, the Amazonian Needs, Endurance, and Virility. Though i think my max lust is 130, will have to check it, but i think i only got one "inhumane desire" perk.-
edit- Yeah my max is 130, yet the wiki (yeah for accuracy) says i should have 140 max lust. The game states the changes correctly. the first one give 20 while the second gives 10.
-edit2- just tested it again, from taking the treatment again (>.>) and got the same perk
You catch yourself glaring at your Codex, like the little tablet did something wrong. All it did was hitch for a second while loading up an extranet page, sometime entirely beyond its control. Still, someone should be held accountable. Perhaps the local relay technicians or the routing center upstream. You make a mental note to look into it down the line. Maybe you can give someone a tongue-lashing over it. And maybe if they take care of it well enough, you can give them an entirely different kind of tongue-lashing.

The thought doesn’t even make you blush.

(Perk Gained: Sexy Thinking - Increases tease damage inversely to how high willpower and intelligence are.)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2015
So, if this is a bug I am going to submit a bug report for this.

What I find a bit weird is that there is a whole scene that leads up to the perk, so it makes me a bit confused as too if it is/isn't a bug.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
I noticed this months ago i don't think its a bug at this point unless someone fucked up the treatment.
It was bothering me a lot cause amazon having sexy thinking doesn't make sense to me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
I got it on my actual Treatment use and on ever test use after, and it bothers me a lot too. But the fact the lines are different from the standard Female Bimbo version of the Treatment seems to imply it's intentional. Which......again makes zero sense because Amazons are willful by definition so why the heck do we have a perk that increases tease with lowered intelligence and willpower? I feel like it should be the opposite even just using the TF description.