Trapped in Equestria 3.0 {Stats page}


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
New and improved, just like the forum xD

Both the ooc thread and the ic thread are still in the process of being created.  As for right now, this is a thread where the stat sheets and character appearance sheets will go.  Any further level ups or significant appearance changes will be posted here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Race: Unicorn

Level: 37

Weapon: 225

Armor/Shields: 245

Dark Magic: 315

Metal Magic: 257

Earth Magic: 352

Water Magic: 230

Tracking: 108

Smithing: 75

Singing: 19

Reputation: 650

Bits: 299,400


-Crimson Witch of Victory: Access to Furniture, Chiester Sisters Royal Guard Corps. 7 Stakes of Purgatory, as well as the ability to teleport via his Red Swallow familiars.

-Eiserne Jungfrau: Golden Longswords

-Upgraded Float System [Specs currently classified]

-x8 Rifles with Beam Bayonets and Fire/Thunder Runes

-x12 Shields with Beam Swords and Fire/Thunder Runes

-Aura of Submission: His insecure and tendency to worry wafts out of him causing Mares to want to own and keep him so they can dote on and reassure him.

-Fusion Magic- Amity has been able to combine Magic Types into one Spell his whole life

-Touch of Mary: Smells like a Fruit-Salad

-Blood Runes: Eliminates Corpus Conversion Bonuses

Shield Wall: -25% to enemy Attack Rolls when they surpass Amity's. If it lowers it below Amity's Roll he successfully blocks it [a Tied Roll]

-Luna's Crown- 150% Dark Magic Strength [one time]

-Segment's Chosen MK-II- Complete Immunity from Mind Control and Mental Influence. Amity has also become World Famous due to his status as Segment's Champion.

-Luna's Wife- 200% Dark magic and Water Magic [one time]

-Omniscient Tracking- due to his highly enhanced spacial awareness it is impossible to sneak up on Amity unless he is highly distracted to the point of his mind going blank.

-Changeling Whisperer- Roll two d20's, unless both are over 11 the Changeling won't attack Amity

-Goo Butt- Amity can change the size of his butt via Goo-infusion.

-Swallow Hair-Clips- Raised Metal Magic by 33% Earth + Dark total

-Summon Jewel Golems

-Use Dark Water

-[Something about Luck Tres will have to explain again]

-Singing packs extra emotional power

-Boy Pussy- Amity no longer produces solid waste and thus his bum is as clean as a whistle and damn close to lady-bit. [His body converts food to pure energy he discharges like a "Vagina-Shotgun" in Alice's words]
-35% Light Magic Resistance

-29% Fire Magic Resistance

-83% Dark Magic Resistance

-78% Water Magic Resistance

-83% Earth Magic Resistance

-77% Metal Magic Resistance

Roll Boosts:

Earth Magic: +70

Metal Magic: +50

Dark Magic: +63

Water Magic: +46

Armor: +25

-Shield Protection: +48

Rifles: +25

-Riflery: +44

Dissolution Grenades: +15

Witch Abilities: +39


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Gwyndolin [Gwy] (Level 32)
Dark Magic: 420
Divination: 10
General Magic: 399
Martial arts: 200
Charisma: 70
Reputation: 40
Endurace: 80
Flexibility: 160
Agility: 150
Strength: 140 (280 in combat)
Alchemy: 160

Bits on person: [Unknown]

Aura(s) of Virtue:
Aura of Chastity{Level II}["Blessing" from the Voodoo queens]: This aura was given to her from birth.  This aura curbs the sexual appetite of those around the mare.  This is to enforce Chastity. 
Aura of Patience{Level VI}: Your natural virtue of patience has been greatly magnified by the saintly magics. In your natural state your patience in all things is extended to seemingly unnatural levels far beyond even the most patient person's but you are also able to bestow this patience upon others as well.
Aura of Diligence{Level II}:  It fights against all attempts to distract, sway, or otherwise influence Gwy's mind and those Gwy wants to influence.

Other Aura(s):
Aura of Hope{Level III}: Gives good hope andd faith for everyone in the causes Gwy champion.
Aura of Courage{Level III}: Fear does not chill your hear or freeze the blood in your veins. Your heart burns bright with the flame of courage enough that you will do the right thing.
Aura of Holy Fire: Gives her a +10 to attack and one free attack unless someone can teleport to her immediately.
Holy Radiance: Heavily burns those that Gwy see as enemies.{Active, close range, and offensive}[Level 5]



Blood Magic: 70%

Spells: 16%
Acid Magic: 10%
Cold Magic: 10%
Fire Magic: 10%
Holy resistance: 50%
Light resistance: 95%
Unholy resistance: 12%
Other magics:

Tantric Magic: 1170

Blood Magic: 310
Soul Magic:  610
Mind Magic:  345
Voodoo Magic: 212
Illusion Magic: 365
Life Magic: 80 
Holy Magic: 200

+40 Angelic Regalia

+1 Natural Armor
+25 Segmented Garter Daggers
+18 Illusion magic
+6 Flexibility
+6 Agility 
+25 Twin Clam fans
+25 Stained glass/Story Ring Blade
Other magics:

+20 Dark Magic

+21 General Magic
+23 Sex Magic
+18 Blood Magic
+16 Soul Magic
+23 Mind Magic
+8 Voodoo Magic
+23 Illusion Magic
+30 Natural Armor
+30 Gore[Granted by the two horns on your head]
+30 Trample[Due a Terrible Gaze]
+4 racial bonus on saves against poison[Become an imuuinity to Poison]
+50 Holy Lightning Ring. Implanted onto the ring blade for further damage.  Imbue it with the full power of the lightning. When it hits it will shatter into scores of smaller orbs which in turn fire some lightining.
-Magic Circle against Evil[Major] - which means a stack of bonuses best changed to a +30 in total modifiers.  Forces out all mental control/possessions/evil summons.
-Greater Teleportation
-Tongues: Speak with ANY creature that has a language, which means a being only needs to be able to perceive the world for Gwy to perfectly understand it and it understand her

Friends on the other side: Spirits are more inclined to accompanying you with whatever you want them to do due to your spiritual affinity.  
Mastermind[Level IV]: Your illusions seem so real, that many will react to all stimuli as real.  +5 for every time an illusion is created.
Bones's gift: Refinement: After your union with the necromancer, your body was created in the image of your soul, that being a herm.  Depending on how others will react, your charisma bonus will fluctuate from +1 to +5
Student of Enigma: Due to your name getting out enough Voodoo queens, you were recommended to being the student of the city's ruler.  To those that know of the Alicorn, you are rewarded with +2 points reputation.
Sand Mother's blessing[Healing milk]: Along with gaining four constantly lactating breasts, the milk inside each breast can heal those of your choosing.  With enough training and enough control over the muscles, you could fill practically anything with your milk, no matter how huge and empty it is.
Awaken Blood[Gorgon]: The once dormant blood of your being was woken up, granting you the perks of the blood of your ancestry without the risk of losing yourself to it.    
Love's Shield: You have invoiced the very one power everyone seems obsessed with but you did it for no reason than to share what you had with the one you love. As you bond deepens you are able to draw on that connection for power to protect yourself and those you love. (Love Magic +15%, Uncharmable)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Chroma (Level 47)
(Current total combat modifier: 361)

Stats: (combat modifier in round brackets)
(total combat modifier from stats: 280×75÷100=210)

- [earth magic]: [126.5] (25×2)
- [wind magic]: [132] (26×2)
- [fire magic]: [133] (26×2)
- [water magic]: [130] (26×2)
- [aether magic]: [124.5] (24)
- [light magic]: [126] (25)
- [dark magic]: [126] (25)
- [elemental mastery]: [75]
- [gap magic]: [80]
- [chaos magic]: [25]
- [evil magic]: [25]
- [gemworking]: [85]
- [reputation]: [40]
- [Charisma]: [50]
- [Money]: [1,070,910]
Note: Chroma generally will not use evil magic, chaos magic only in rare occasions.

Equipment (total: 151):

Weapon (total: 25):
- Flaming Thunder Rod: [+25]

Magical accessories (total: 25):
- Elemental Helix: [+16]
- Cracked Amulet: [+4]
- Ioun stones: [+8]

Armor (total: 20):
- Naj's light Plate: [+20]

Specials (total:81):
- Chroma's Robe: [+18]
- Ethereal cloak: [+10]
- Ring of Engagement: [+5]
- Potion of Heroism: [+9]
- Staff of Transmutation [+39]

- Fire Amber: Doubles fire magic combat modifier.
- Water Aquamarin: Doubles water magic combat modifier.
- Earth Quartz: Doubles earth magic combat modifier.
- Wind Topaz: Doubles wind magic combat modifier.
- Pendant of Blood: Chroma can take one more hit before fainting and gains 20% blood resistance.

Mistress of elements:
Chroma is capable of combining different types of elemental magic into spells. Allows (Elemental Mastery stat)% of all her elemental magics to be used (Max 100%).

Elemental Senses:
Chroma has one sense for each of her four elements.
The fire sense allows her to sense temperatures and detect fire (very similar to infrared vision)
The water sense allows her to sense any water around.
The earth sense allows her to sense ores, minerals, metals, fossil materials etc.
The air sense allows her to sense air, which makes everything else inside the air form shapes (similar to a sonar), and electricity.
Physical obstructions have no influence on her ability to sense something behind it.
These senses also render ambush attacks without major cloaking spells near-impossible.

Burning Rage:
Effect: Combat rolls increased by +10.
If Chroma loses control of her anger, she will snap and relentlessly attack who- or whatever made her angry.
She will mainly use fire magic in her rage, but with far greater power.
In this state, Chroma is entirely immune to any kind of fire or heat, as she essentially turns into a blazing pony-shaped fireball.
Her rage will also influence each and any type of fire spirit, demon, elemental etc. and turn them into her allies.
Note that this state is particularly dangerous as she will also attack anything and anyone that gets into her way, be it friend or enemy... needless to say that collateral damage is bound to happen.
She will try to prevent this from happening by blocking all of her emotions. (This happened during the bombing at the Gala while she was interrogating the captured gryphon.)

Aura of Loneliness:
Chroma emits a powerful aura of loneliness that makes any living creature fear her.
The aura is dampened if she is wearing her robe, which is almost always the case.

Flaming Succubus:
Chroma can assume the form of a flaming succubus. Grants access to chaos and evil magic, increases her physical resistance by 10.

Potion Amplifier:
Potions grant one additional point.

Ethereal cloak:
The Ethereal Cloak renders purely physical abilities useless against Chroma, letting them pass through her or rdeflect them from her.

Blessing of the sand witch queen:
Chrom's milk has restorative properties.
Chroma can increase her milk output to insane levels, further boosted by her water magic.
Chroma can lactate milk that tastes like what the drinker wants it to taste like.

Once any of Chroma's elemental magics reaches 100 she gains immunity to that element:
100% resistance against fire/water/earth/wind magic
20% resistance against blood magic
10 Physical resistance
The way her magic works:

Her magic is fuelled by her power, controlled by her mind and catalysed by her emotions.
You can imagine it like a hydroelectric power plant. Her mind controls which of the turbines are used and how much water flows through them, whereas her emotions allow her to use the power more efficiently.

Chroma has a flaming mane, that is magically animated, burning around her head and neck. Her tail is deep blue, long and looks like flowing water. Her eyes look like the eye of a storm, her irises slowly rotating. Her fur is grey.

Consists of magical water with several jewels embedded in it. It wraps around Chroma completely, leaving only her front legs to show. At the bottom of it, there are yellow-orange flames on it, above the flames everything is blue, starting at a deep blue that lightens up the higher you get. She also wears a wizard hat in the same style.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Here is an example of what an appearance sheet will look like. There are a few more that will be posted in the near future. 
Name: Quiet Storm
Mane color: Jet black
Tail color: Same as above
Eye color: Brown
Fur color: Pale white
Mane/Tailstyle: His mane and tail are both braided. However, whereas the braids dangled from his tail, his mane were covered in tiny cornrows, those braids curling around his neck.
Built: More so toned then muscular, but his think forms helps in his favor. He has an intimidating built without the muscles looking like they are hindering his movement.
Most attractive: His eyes and voice. Many would say that would be it.
Least attractive: He RARELY smiles. Smiling slightly hurts him. Then there is the fact that he has scars all over his body, his neck being the worst.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Name: Theta
Mane color: Dark Fuchsia 
Tail color: Same as above
Eye color: Dark Fuchsia 
Fur color: Due to her being a changeling, she has an exoskeleton like all changelings. Her exoskeleton is off black to make way for some Fuchsia undertones. 
Mane/Tailstyle: Her “mane” is bunched up and tied into buns on the top, with the rest let down below shoulder-level. Her bang covers her eyes due to her head usually not upright.
Built: She has a perfect hourglass figure, her slightly longer legs adding to the full effect of them. 
Most attractive: Her curves, color of her mane and tail, poise, and tenacity. 
Least attractive: To a Ponyvillian, everything about her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Bones' and Chroma's foals:

Terra is a filly with a strong bond to earth magic. Her mane and tail are an earthy brown while her body fur is grey like Chroma's. Her eyes in contrast to that seem to resemble pure diamonds in their reflectiveness and colour.

Ignatius is a colt with a strong bond to fire magic. His mane and tail are of a flaming orange colour with highlights and lowlights. His fur is of a blazing red colour while anyone could see the flames burning in his eyes.

Hydron is a colt with a strong bond to water magic. His mane and tail are deep blue with high-and lowlights while his fur is the same colour as an aquamarine while the blue of his eyes is as dark as the deepest sea.

Zephira is a filly with a strong bond to air magic. Her mane and tail are sky blue and cloudy, her fur a pale yellow and her eyes are grey spinning like a vortex that will suck everything in.

Dianthe is a hermaphrodite foal with a strong bond to aether magic. Her mane and tail are pink with strands of purple inbetween. Her fur is also pink, just like her eyes which emit a comforting feeling to anyone looking at them.

Sol is a colt with a strong bond to light magic. His mane and tail a bright yellow like the sun while his fur is more pale than them. His eyes are a bright white colour and always seem to glow with energy.

Umbra is a filly with a strong bond to dark magic. Her mane and tail are both pitch black and her body a dark grey. Her eyes are so dark that onlookers often aren't sure if they aren't staring into black holes since no light comes from them.

All of the foals' have characters traits relating to their element.  They also all feel most comfortable in their elemental forms which they very often use.


Well-Known Member
Name: Jacknife
Race: Diamond Dog
Level: 15 Mercenary Leader/Space Pirate Captain/Gunslinger/Part-time Maid.

Strength: 75 Jacknife has increased physical strength and power, allowing her to break most objects with a well placed punch
Agility: 90 Although seen to some as merely a strict range fighter, what is a gunfighter without some speed? But it's due in thanks to her maid training in the Enygma Manor.


Weapon Handling: 70 The green hound has slowly mastered most all types of firearms, steadily working to master certain melee armaments.
Martial Arts: 50 Jacknife picked up Krav-Maga along her travels, having learned that in most fights a gun is not the best choice for a cornered dog.

A .357 Magnum Mateba Auto-Revolver.
A .45 1911A1.
Checote Family Blade: Untrained.
Daemons Hammer: +10 Damage.
Claws: +25 Damage.
Bloodchain: Untrained, current use as improvised climbing gear.

Dark Magic: 70*1,25
Abyssal Magic: 15

Ichor Eye: +30 to attack, also provides Knife with Devil's Gaze, Doctor's Sight and Healer's Vision.
Abyss' Touch: adds +15 Abyssal Magic.

Due to Knife's time in leadership on her vessel and in command of her mercenaries, she has gained a bit of insight on the inner workings of the "Machine" or, as others would say, learned to play the "Game."

Because of her trips to space and time spent closely examining the small blue marble of Equus, Jackniife has begun to start examining things in a more methodical way. If she can, she will find a way to twist and turn things to work in her favor.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
Characters Name: Valentine

Characters Level: 1

Characters Occupation: Seasoned Adventurer (Jack of all trades, learns from his adventures and hones his skills accordingly.) 

Characters Class: Ascended Human (Think Human+, he is a transhuman. That is a person who has taken evolution into his own hands and improved their body and mind with advanced medical technology like nano-technology, genetic engineering or synthetic organs/glands.) 

Character Appearance: Valentine stands at a respectable 6 foot and 1 inches tall, he is clad head to toe in an antiquated all-white military uniform similar to what the British Grenadier Guards wear today in the real world; minus the ridiculous fur hat. His outfit is finished off by a knee length white cape held in place by a white leather strap and a silver broach, the cape covers partially his left side but leaves his right arm and shoulder free for easy access to the long rapier that rests on his left hip in a black sheath that clips onto the black leather belt that holds up his trousers. The black handle of his rapier can be seen poking through the cape and the thorns that pepper the rapier's golden guard catch the light whenever his cape shifts enough to reveal the hilt of his sidearm. There is one other small difference between the Earthly uniform it resembles, a pair of knee height leather riding boots in black; perhaps Valentine rides a horse?

Character biological statistics:
Sex: MaleRace: Ascended Human, CaucasianAge: 17???-27???Hair Colour: Platnium BlondeHair Length: Waist lengthEye colour: Slate grayHeight: 6"1
Physique: Thin with toned, well-defined muscles

Skills & Abilities:

(Anything related to experience or memory like being able to cook an egg, tie your shoelaces, throw a punch, parry a sword or say High School chemistry classes is assumed to still be possible because of the memory perk. Also, I never wanted to spend my starting points on a starting house. Please do not force me to take the the perk.)

Humanity  - 10 Mana Points.

Basic Agility(10) - 5 Mana Points

Green Thumb - 5 Mana Points

Magic Tuning - 20 Mana Points

Spiritual Connection to Plants - 10 Mana Points (instead of starter house if possible, otherwise swap for more )

Sword - 5 Mana Points (Assuming this swordsmanship/for my sword.)

Perks (The perks are always acquired in the course of the adventure so I fear Valentine at Lvl 1 would not possess any yet but that will hopefully change as he ventures forth in the RP.)


Primary weapon - For the Queen: A long rapier with a golden basket hand-guard made from dozens of intertwined gold-plated thorny vines strangling a blooming silver rose that angles to face towards danger, often Valentine rests his hand on the sword just to be sure an area is safe. (Nerf the sword if too powerful and link it's ability/reliability to level?) The rapier blade can lengthen, shorten and flex in any direction without warning on a whim, consumes magical energy resisting force if the force bending it is considerable, this effect decreases as you travel down the sword blade until you reach the six inches closest to the hilt which are as rigid/inflexible as a sword blade can be possibly be. (Present but special abilities/functions are SEALED until progression unlocks them.)

Silver ring: A small silver ring that Valentine wears on his left wedding finger, it has a large face engraved with a rose sigil has been filled in with rose gold. Signifies bearer as duelist and it can be used to open secret doors. The ring has another function that will not become apparent unless the owner is fighting for or in the name of someone they care about; the power of this enchantment is completely dependent upon the depth of the feelings the owner has towards the person being defended or fought for. Acts as a reservoir of magical energy that is only accessible in the situation described above if the owner is powerful enough to wield to it's fullest extent, the ring has been worn long enough and the feelings for the person at risk/being fought for are strong enough... It's an almost limitless source of magical energy that can be used to replenish your magical energy or channel directly into magical spells and incantations. This ring is said to be incredibly dangerous in the possession of a woman, especially a mother or a girl falling in love for the first time. (Special abilities SEALED until progression allows it.)

Off-hand/Cape/Cloak slot: Valentine's cape: A knee-length white cape embroidered with stylized black roses on the inner lining, it is secured in place by a silver broach and hangs at angle leaving the left arm concealed while the right arm is free to draw his rapier or hold a cigarette. The cape has a small chance to deflect physical attack or magic seemingly at random as it is so impossibly soft that unless it's been stretched taught and braces against something solid it even the sharpest blade will slide across it as if it were a friction-less material. This cape mysteriously reforms after combat if it is damaged, seemingly indestructible. IE: An arrow might strike and implausibly but surprisingly be deflected, a overhead slash from a cavalry Sabre might simply slide across it rather than cut through and cut the wearer. (scales with character, remove if banned. Starts off as a very minor effect, akin to say a bullet being stopped by a necklace or pocket bible progressing to something capable of deflecting an explosion, stopping a hail of high-caliber bullets or trapping a sword without being cut to shreds. (Special abilities other than softness/low friction material SEALED until progression allows it.)

Crystal Rose - The Crystal rose looks identical to a rose with a long cut thorny stem except for the fact appears crystalline and glows pale luminous grey. The Crystal Rose is a defensive item that can be used to parry or can be thrown at an opponent causing it to explode into a hail of razor sharp crystals that tear an unarmoured/untoughened skin to shreds. Supply based on mana or health pool as they are literally made from nanites excreted from an implanted gland and carried by the bloodstream to the skin where they make contact with the air and start tearing apart molecules that can form programmable constructs like the Crystal Rose. (Single use item present, ability to create more/replenished SEALED until progression allows it..)

Specials: (Default, not sure what to put here.)

Perks: (Not sure what to put here yet, still editing the profile to suit this RP.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Name: Shivers (Chill Breeze)Mane color: Brilliant arctic blue
Tail color: Brilliant arctic blue
Eye color: Light arctic blue
Fur color: Black w/ white double nines (Strong cerulean)
Mane/Tailstyle: Unkempt
Built: Average
Most attractive: EyesLeast attractive: Dishevelled appearance

Stat sheet:

Shivers[Chill Breeze](Level 1):
Cold Magic: 15
Light Magic: 10
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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Name: Karnii
Gender: Female
Species: Gryphon
Feather color: Chocolate brown
Fur color: Golden Brown
Beak color: Almond Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Most attractive: Her Eyes
Least Attractive: Her Talons and Claws

Stats Sheet:
Character Level: 1

Talons: +5
Staff: +5

Wind Magic: +15