1:Will you eventually be able to add the ability to mess with perks again like with the old editor? 2: as a less important note than the first will it be possible to edit npc's like we used to with your editor sometime in the farther future?V0.6 update is done. The extension has been updated and many issues have been resolved. If you installed the extension it should update automatically (though you can manually have it check for updates). Added a show/hide function for each section for easier navigation.
pc.createPerk("Black Latex", 0, 0, 0, 0, "Gives you delightful latex skin, but keeps you slightly more aroused at all times.");
pc.createStatusEffect("Latex Skin", 0, 0, 0, 0);
if(pc.statusEffectv1("Latex Skin") < 3) { pc.addStatusValue("Latex Skin", 1, 1); }
//exclusive perk
// these will be needed if you want the perk to have story effect, revert via dollmaker, etc
flags.DOLLMAKER_LATEX_SKIN = [pc.skinType,pc.skinFlags,pc.skinTone,"black"];
You're probably trying to use the Flash editor on the JavaScript version. There's an editor for the JavaScript version in the last couple of pages.Hi, I'm new to this editor and just need some directions. I thought i followed the admittedly old guide on how to use this but can't seem to select my save file at all to edit reguardless to which browser i use or if i click 'save to file'. can anyone please tell me what i am clearly doing wrong if you'd be so kind.
thanks, i'll look back thenYou're probably trying to use the Flash editor on the JavaScript version. There's an editor for the JavaScript version in the last couple of pages.
Perks are a shithole you do not want to touch, I am the main wiki editor and I can confirm this.1. Forget your perk dreams, the chances of this happening are approximately zero. Each perk requires more work than simply adding the 'perk' to the perk list, that bit is actually super easy, but wouldn't have the result you want.
2. That feature was rarely used to begin with, what with the descriptions of most NPCs being static. Such functionality is not on the roadmap.
I have a bug with the save editor he can't read the save of my tits game
[C:\Users\alexb\Downloads\nouveau\TiTsEd.exe: Windows NT 6.2.9200.0:Unknown]
System.NotImplementedException: Unknown endianness
a TiTsEd.Model.AmfReader.ReadStandardFile(AmfFile file, String& name)
a TiTsEd.Model.AmfFile..ctor(String path)
it give me this error and I acan't change anything
where can I get the most current version of your save editor? as the one on github seems outdated?Java is not the same thing as JavaScript. The naming of the languages is very unfortunate, but nothing can be done.
TiTsEd (C#) and JTiTsEd (Java) are only compatible with the Legacy SWF versions of TiTs.
TiTsEdJS (JavaScript) is designed for the modern version but is not a save editor. It uses a plugin for firefox. A lot of people seem to be upset it will not support perk editing, but most transformation editing is possible.
here you go https://github.com/Chase-san/TiTsEdJSwhere can I get the most current version of your save editor? as the one on github seems outdated?
Thank you!
Are you playing a downloaded copy or online?Ok, last month I posted about if I can edit my stats in the editor, but my laptops screen cracked and was not able to take a picture of the editor since I was shown a picture that was completely different thing that I had on my laptop, so I had to wait until I got it fixed, now I got it fixed, but I forgot how to access the editor, can someone tell me again how I can do that?
If you are using the downloaded version it's really simple;Ok, last month I posted about if I can edit my stats in the editor, but my laptops screen cracked and was not able to take a picture of the editor since I was shown a picture that was completely different thing that I had on my laptop, so I had to wait until I got it fixed, now I got it fixed, but I forgot how to access the editor, can someone tell me again how I can do that?
javascript:(function(){var s=document.createElement("script");s.src="https://chase-san.github.io/TiTsEdJS/titsed.js";document.head.appendChild(s)})()
Try alkeiser's version, he has slightly updated it: https://algorhythm99.github.io/TiTS.JS-Save-Editor/Just fyi this legacy editor is likely our best option as recently I have done extensive testing with different char's in relation to the Github.io, I have developed a hopeful baseline for an interesting error. I started with an older save file that had no errors with the github.io save editor; each time I noticed that when loading older saves into github.io there where no issues, but when I made fresh new character save file or made a new save file from an older char github gave me this error. So it seems like there is a compatibility issue with github.io or I am just a lovable baka >_>.
javascript:(function(){var s=document.createElement("script");s.src="https://chase-san.github.io/TiTsEdJS/titsed.js";document.head.appendChild(s)})()
By the way I’m on a Mac laptop, so I don’t know if it’s different on Mac, also, I’m not experienced with the consoleTry alkeiser's version, he has slightly updated it: https://algorhythm99.github.io/TiTS.JS-Save-Editor/
And if you are still having problems just use Chases:
If you are using the downloaded version it's really simple;
hit Ctrl + Shift + I you'll open DevTools, then enter
javascriptfunction(){var s=document.createElement("script");s.src="https://chase-san.github.io/TiTsEdJS/titsed.js";document.head.appendChild(s)})()
on the console tab and it should work.
If you are playing in Chrome you can do the same, and if you use firefox instead, there is an extension;