TiTS Starfinder Campaign Guide Progress update


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
As I've said in a few other threads, I'm working on a tabletop RPG campaign guide for TiTS. Not to o much progress has been made since the last update, but there have been some minor changes and a few more pages added. I'm on one of the hard parts, stating up the monsters/NPCs.

I would like someone to look over the list of monsters/hostile NPCs and see if I missed anything major, or if there's stuff that should be included. Interested people should DM me so we don't clog up the chat here. Note that this list uses their level in TiTS not their level as it will be in this system. I did it this way so I can convert between TiTS 10 levels and Starfinder's 20 levels.

The enemy list is here.

The main page of the whole project is here.


Sep 9, 2019
I looked at the Bestiary first not the Enemies by level link and was getting ready to say something.

At a glance, the enemy list looks solid, but depending upon what events you choose to make Canon from the game, and if the events of the game have already come to pass, some of the 'monsters' might not actually exist or even be enemies.

Edit: Upon further inspection, the Naleen Herm and Storm Lancer characters/creatures are not on the list, may edit this comment more if I notice others.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
I looked at the Bestiary first not the Enemies by level link and was getting ready to say something.

At a glance, the enemy list looks solid, but depending upon what events you choose to make Canon from the game, and if the events of the game have already come to pass, some of the 'monsters' might not actually exist or even be enemies.

Edit: Upon further inspection, the Naleen Herm and Storm Lancer characters/creatures are not on the list, may edit this comment more if I notice others.
In terms of canon, I am doing my best to make it canon agnostic. The idea is to allow for game play at any point before, during, or after Captain Steele's quest. As for the term "monster", that's basically just a TTRPG term for "something more powerful than a human". Remember in D&D, Orks are monsters... even though they are just tougher humans with green or gray skin. It's kind of like a Taxonomical classification.

The Naleen Herm is actualy a single NPC, not a sub group of the species. As such I felt no need to give them stats.

As for the Storm Lancers, I have never heard of them. What are they?


Well-Known Member
I'm on one of the hard parts, stating up the monsters/NPCs.

I would like someone to look over the list of monsters/hostile NPCs and see if I missed anything major, or if there's stuff that should be included.
The public GitHub (mainly /classes/Characters) contains all the information on enemies you'd want; though it's 9 months out of date now and thus doesn't include any enemy added since then (mainly Dhaal's gabilani enemies and Feruze encounter), what's there should be more than enough for you to work with for now. Also note that not all of the pages in /classes/Characters are enemies.
Note that this list uses their level in TiTS not their level as it will be in this system. I did it this way so I can convert between TiTS 10 levels and Starfinder's 20 levels.
TiTS is planned to have a level cap of 20 at the end, so there's really no need to convert between the two.
As for the Storm Lancers, I have never heard of them. What are they?
Members of the Stormguard who seek honour in combat. Known Storm Lancers include Gel Zon, Krymhilde Weissman and Astra Irons.

Now on to more fact-checking:
Important Figures:
  • Steele's Crew: Saendra and Tessa haven't been confirmed as future crew members, while Syri, Dane, Emmy and Gianna have. Ardia, Azra, Celise and Eitan are also recruitable.
  • Syri shouldn't be under Steele's Relatives, but rather Crew Members (see above) or Lovers. She won't be Steele's sister-in-law unless Steele marries Anno, and even then that won't mean Syri will stop being one of their more intimate lovers (it's completely possible to be lovers with both of them at the same time, and once crew!Syri is implemented there'll also be incest options (and presumably threesomes) for her and Anno).
  • Bianca should be under Steele's Lovers, as once the second half of her major content has been released she officially falls in love with them by the end of that content.
  • Similarly, Chaurmine falls in love with Steele by the end of his content and should also be included under Steele's Lovers if we're assuming Steele does as much content as possible.
  • Kaede Entara, Sera Landon, Fisianna Luvalle, the Frostwyrm, Nykke and Embry are missing from this list (they're all Steele's Lovers, Kaede is also Anno's girlfriend, and Sera is also a businesswoman). There are also quite a lot of other people missing, but I think these are the major ones that should be included given how popular they are and how much content they have.
  • Beatrice Reasner is the captain of the Inexorable.
  • Captain Morrow and her crew can be installed into new cybernetic bodies instead of the gray goo (assuming Steele helps her instead of stopping her).
Things that could be argued for Important Figures:
  • Ardia can be included under 'Megacorp Agents/Business People', as her sire Arine owns the resort on Haua Mai and it's expected that Ardia is going to take over that position when Arine retires.
  • Kara might be a Big Time Criminal, as she works for Lysander Chow (or at least works with him a lot).
  • Kimber is more of a friends-with-benefits with Steele than a proper love interest.
  • Savin has teased that Anno and/or Kaede might be marriable in the future (and if both are marriable, they won't be mutually exclusive), so assuming that's the case they'd be with Kiro under direct family members.
  • I feel like the Queen of the Deep and/or her potential offspring with Steele should be mentioned somewhere, since they are the last of their race.
  • Once again, 'Zil' is misspelled as 'Zill'; this time, under the 'Type' column and in the brackets for the two Pollen Dancer entries.
  • Selarith is actually Doctor Teyaal's daughter and is in league with her, so she shouldn't be a GHR-type enemy. I'd imagine GHR-type enemies would be combat/security droids and possibly hired paramilitary/security forces like Nova Securities.
  • All the Black Void and Corona Lord units are listed as 'Human [whatever]' even though they, like the Cyberpunks, can theoretically be of any known race (though the Cyberpunks also have the requirement that their members must be cybernetically enhanced).
  • Bothrioc are perfectly capable of implanting their eggs into other bothrioc; Ara Kei's harem seems to be composed entirely of their own species. Also, quadommes are naturally born and not the result of any metamorphosis.
  • You pretty much made up the entirety of the Corona Lord's entry, right? They get their name from their preference for using fire- and plasma-based weaponry, as well as their main ship-raiding tactic being to hide close to stars (to hide from most sensors). From how Kiro describes them ("It's practically a fire cult at this point. Bet they'd snort thermite if you dared them."), the Corona Lord Flamer is pretty typical for them. They also have some sort of huskar broodmother who rumour has it birthed half their numbers (she definitely birthed the Corona Lord Pilot and her >100 siblings, which probably includes the Flamer).
  • Frostwyrms don't appear to be violent or territorial by nature; the one Steele encounters (and potentially has kids with) will only fight them as long as they're posing a threat to her, and will not attempt to chase them if they flee. The reason she's found alone is because the species is very rare by this time and she hasn't found any other frostwyrms.
  • Ganrael don't have mating pairs; they reproduce through a form of mitosis after acquiring and assimilating genetic material from other races (or before assimilating, if they acquire too much and don't have a strong enough exoskeleton to hold it all in).


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
TiTS is planned to have a level cap of 20 at the end, so there's really no need to convert between the two.
Sure, but if I don't do that now, then I wont have a level range spanning girth of enemies. Also BULLLLL FUCKING SHIT a Frostwrm would be a CR 10 monster XD That thing is 14, maybe 15 (as a 10, it couldn't have half of the abilities it has). The CRPG's levels and power scale dosnt match up with Starfinder's. So some tweaking and case by case is needed.
All the Black Void and Corona Lord units are listed as 'Human [whatever]' even though they, like the Cyberpunks, can theoretically be of any known race
Yes. Howeaver, that's not restrictive. It just means their stats are dirived as if they were using the human race features, so they get a +2 to one random stat, usualy the one they depend on most. I'll explain that in doc. Thanks.
Stormlancers added to the to-do list.
Steele's Crew
Fixed, thank you.
Captain Morrow and her crew can be installed into new cybernetic bodies instead of the gray goo
Well aware. That's what I do every time. But since this is meant to be time agnostic and I figure she would be the last one out...
All other fixes made.

You pretty much made up the entirety of the Corona Lord's entry, right?
If I cant find any lore, I have to make it up. People keep mentioning the git hub, but I just... I can't read other people's code. I don't want to dig through pages and pages of symbols looking for text >< If there is lore for these groups, why is it not on the wiki? As in, the Corona Lords had no page at all. Why does this lore exist, but not only not ahve a page, but the Corona Lords page links are red and direct to a null address?!
Ganrael don't have mating pairs
Their wiki page needs edited then ><


Well-Known Member
People keep mentioning the git hub, but I just... I can't read other people's code. I don't want to dig through pages and pages of symbols looking for text ><
I find the TiTS code to be fairly easy to read, and I don't actually have much coding experience at all (I've done a bit of Python; TiTS is written in ActionScript3). At the very least, you don't need to be familiar with that specific coding language to understand a good portion of it - especially the text outputs you'd be relying on, which are mostly plain text with intuitively-named parsers and some conditionals for scene variants.
If there is lore for these groups, why is it not on the wiki? As in, the Corona Lords had no page at all. Why does this lore exist, but not only not ahve a page, but the Corona Lords page links are red and direct to a null address?!
The wiki is maintained by only a handful of fans who rely on the public source code, and it's possible the Corona Lord entry just slipped their minds.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
I don't actually have much coding experience at all
If I can figure out how GitHub works and actually get a copy of the source code that I can read, I'll take a look at it. But I'll probably get mad trying to figure out what the code means >< It's an autism problem >< The problem for me is that I do code... in a DOS/BATCH hybrid script that I taught myself for making small CLI programs that do one specific thing (Usually randomly generate an NPC for a game I'm running). But since I learned that when I was very little, I seem to have locked myself out of learning new programing languages, but my stupid brain keeps insisting that I know code, and therefore I should know what this script says.


New Member
Nov 18, 2020
I'm working on my own Starfinder campaign of this universe, but I smashed both game universes together, so Humans, Elves, so on from Starfinder exist, as does Ausuar, Gryvain, Kuitan, so on from TITs I saw a few things in your thing and I have a bit of constructive criticism if you're open to it.


New Member
Nov 18, 2020
Knockout is a bit too strong for a critical effect of a weapon. Mainly the +5 or the "+ the damage part" to the DC part is a bit much.


Sep 9, 2019
I mentioned the naleen herm, as your enemy list contains multiple enemies who are likewise singular encounters.

The Storm Lancer is an encounter on Uveto, but they are not the only ones in the setting, but I forget the specifics.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
I mentioned the naleen herm, as your enemy list contains multiple enemies who are likewise singular encounters.

The Storm Lancer is an encounter on Uveto, but they are not the only ones in the setting, but I forget the specifics.
Am I mistaken in thinking that the Naleen herm is simply a unique Naleen huntress "skin"? As in, there's just one and the only difference between them is not something that warrants a completely different set of stats? As far as I am aware, the herm huntress is a unique individual who had a run in with an officeholder who jabbed her with Throbb, and is an exile from her clan because of it. That's not a "Monster" in d20 terms, that's an NPC.

When I said I'm trying not to have unique encounters, I meant I am trying not to list anything that is a singular specific NPC. This is for entities there can be many of. While there are specific individuals on the list, they all hold in universe positions of which there are obviously many (Example: Black Void Dread Lord). These individuals are being used as an example for the rough power level that the generic version of that entity should be.

Generally speaking, in Campaign Guides there is a separate list of named NPCs which are unique monsters. The Bestiary is for generic things of which there are many. EX: there will be a Naleen Huntress in the Bestiary, and if you want to have the Naleen herm, you simply take those stats, change equipment a little, and add some fluf that "This one has a dick." OR if I make a NPC list (and I might not since there is an INSANE amount of NPCs in TiTS XD )you'd find her there.

Unless I am wrong and there is more than one Naleen herm. Which I admit I might be. If I am wrong, I'll put her in when I get to them.


Well-Known Member
Am I mistaken in thinking that the Naleen herm is simply a unique Naleen huntress "skin"? As in, there's just one and the only difference between them is not something that warrants a completely different set of stats? As far as I am aware, the herm huntress is a unique individual who had a run in with an officeholder who jabbed her with Throbb, and is an exile from her clan because of it. That's not a "Monster" in d20 terms, that's an NPC.
As far as I can tell, you're correct. However, there is one big difference between the herm and the other two naleen encounters (both of whom are also the same individual each time, BTW): the herm uses a spear, while the others fight without a weapon. That could be a big enough difference to justify making a stat sheet for a spear-wielding naleen hunter/huntress based on the herm's moves, separate from the stat sheet for an unarmed hunter/huntress; alternatively, having a spear could just be literally 'the basic, unarmed version that uses a spear instead of their claws when not disarmed' with an associated CP adjustment.


Sep 9, 2019
Sydian Cuntboy might be the same as the naleen herm then, a singular character which only exists as they are because of the interference of others, though there is more of a physiological divergence between the Sydian C boy and the other Sydians, which differs from the Naleen Herm.

Additionally i believe the Naleen herm is said to be larger then their counterparts, but i get you, The Milodon amazon is similar, but it is stated that they are the result of a practice taken by Milodon females after seeing the physical boost the toxic waste gives.

I am of course not entirely sure about some of the above, and am unfamiliar with the Starfinder Mechanics, i like the verse though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
both of whom are also the same individual each time, BTW
Yes, but we can assume they are typical of their species.
could be a big enough difference to justify making a stat sheet for a spear-wielding naleen hunter/huntress
Now that is a fair point. I'll do that when I get there.
Sydian Cuntboy might be the same as the naleen herm then
Ooop! You're right. Let me remove him from the list.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
My only complaint so far (although it would be more a humble request than a complaint) would be to change the image of the rival on the human page, since we all agree that he / she is a bad example of human! In fact, if he / she was present at the first contact, humanity would have been exterminated!


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
My only complaint so far (although it would be more a humble request than a complaint) would be to change the image of the rival on the human page, since we all agree that he / she is a bad example of human! In fact, if he / she was present at the first contact, humanity would have been exterminated!
I'd be happy too! Do you have an image you'd prefer I use?