TiTS is pretty much limitless


Jun 16, 2022
I spent way too much time on this...
So, I like to play TiTS and CoC2. And I like to play with "all or nothing", "go big or go home" mentality. Works well most of the time. Anyway, while playing I noticed that on CoC2 the maximum cock length is a bit over 3 feet, so I decided to find out the true limits of these two games. The limit for boobs is Jacques size in both so enough bout that.
For CoC2 the genital limits were ReAsOnAbLe, cock I already told and balls if grown with the orc dude's virility booster, came near 6 feet, across, each. That's a ball size of a standard guy in height, and there are two of them! Oh, over 9 feet across if you're blue-balled by the way...
So that's pretty ridiculous. But trust me, when compared to TiTS, CoC2 is almost plain in size play.
So, I turned my Steele into gooey fellow, got fucked by the potent people in the game, absorbed bio-mass, and used that bio-mass to transform my cock bigger. after 500 feet I kinda came to the conclusion that there is no upper limit, I just decided finding out wouldn't be that fun since I can only add 2 inches at a time. Still, that's pretty funny, considering it's thicker than my Steele is tall, weights close to 300 thousand tons, and still that snake gurl throats the "entire thing easily". Truly the throat goat. Also I guess no one notices the thing because of one set of clothes...
Balls, however, are another thing.
While the game has a set limit for the number of balls that you could add with bio-mass and then getting blue-balled only allows you to store so much, there are three things that can make Steele a universal scale cum-producer; perk nuki nuts, item equilibricum, and third, the Kally and Kiro scene milking parlor threesome.
Nuki nuts is obvious, as it allows you to store cum indefinitely when being blue-balled.
Equilibricum is not as obvious, but there is a hidden exploit within the item; if cum efficiency is too great, using this item will give you two more balls, completely disregarding the limit set within the game. Also each new ball is as effective as the last, so this will help you increase the sack's overall effectiveness quite fast.
Finally, going for a threesome with Kally and Kiro while being blue-balled gets you to the milking parlor scene, where you're given a choice; while most other choices have what ifs and limits, electro-sensory stim WILL increase your refractory rate, always.
So, using most other balls' bettering options will stop working eventually (though I guess you could use bio-mass to add size to balls), these three ensure that you'll be able to store cum infinitely faster, always. So I decided to go for it. Basically, I let a video run on the side, while spamming the item and scene religiously on the other side. It came to the point where right after a scene Steele was already blue-balled and moving one tile would get my dear Steele completely full.
So I decided to do no-nut-november (which should totally become an event/scene in the game) to see how far it would go. And then that nnn went on a bit longer since the video was so long, and I decided to put it just a bit longer to round up the number.

And so, from the stats menu, I got this number;
With 690 balls and after 690 days since last orgasm, Steele's ball sack's combined volume was 350 trillion cubic miles, weighs over 550 septillion tons, and contains 50 quadrillion gallons of cum. Even one of the hundreds of testicles would be large enough to eclipse the earth, one ejaculation enough to wipe out nations, and together weighting enough to cause a gravitational pull of mass destruction to any planet Steele approaches.
If you're wondering how Steele can move, don't worry, they have a pink hoverboard.
Yeah that is so much weirder and funnier than it is hot, but interesting thought experiment. Also now it is proven that Captain Steele can indeed move around with a potentially infinite amount of weight and volume with them, meaning that they have a universally scaling amount of strength and reality/space-warping powers, and can beat Goku.