The "Why live?" Thread


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
Don't you ever think about something, maybe a situation with a fictional character, then suddenly feel down because you know that nothing of this is ever going to happen? Don't you ever have those typical "Why live?" moments?

>You will never have a neko girlfriend
>She will never snuggle up to you on a cold evening
>You will never wake her up by gently nibbling on those fluffy ears
Why live?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Things you want tend to be not what they seemed to be when you finally get them. So... Meh.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Don't you ever think about something, maybe a situation with a fictional character, then suddenly feel down because you know that nothing of this is ever going to happen? Don't you ever have those typical "Why live?" moments?

>You will never have a neko girlfriend
>She will never snuggle up to you on a cold evening
>You will never wake her up by gently nibbling on those fluffy ears
Why live?

The story of my life...

Things you want tend to be not what they seemed to be when you finally get them. So... Meh.

Beware what you wish...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Just keep going with life. Soon the magic of virtual reality will make your dreams come true. Soon relationships with people will be a thing of the past as we completely merge with our technology more and more until we transcend to literal gods in our virtual world to make as we see fit. We will reach a singularity to were you cant tell the difference between man and machine.


Jul 11, 2016
You may want a doggo-eared, fluffy-tailed girl to put on a leash and fuck, but then you realize she'd probably shed like fuck in your bed.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Not really. Sure, a little more affection in my life would be nice, but a masturbation fantasy with a little extra cuddling probably wouldn't translate well into reality, and it can't be translated into reality anyway. I'll stick to wanting affection from real people, who're better suited for real relationships. I feel I gotta watch out for that Willy Wonka pure imagination stuff or I'll set myself up for nothing but unnecessary disappointment.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Technically this only requires a yes or no answer but since you clearly want more introspective thought on the subject.....

A fantasy is a fantasy because it cannot be had. If it could be had we would be endlessly striving toward those fantasies.Trying likely to the exclusion of all else to grasp the dream. One's ideal in their imagination is always far more perfect than anything reality can produce. So we perpetually settle for what we can get 'the next best thing' in some cases or 'the best we can hope for' in others.

If all we lived for was a fantasy would we really be living? I for one don't think so. So many other experiences, things we may not have even known we'd enjoy, would be missed living that way.

The other important thing to remember is fantasies are by their very nature self indulgent. They exclude the wants and desires of the the person/thing being fantasized about. Which is the chief reason the reality often doesn't live up to the dream, you fantasize about this dream girl, then finally meet her and she doesn't like the things you like and she wants things get the point. People who don't have shared experiences don't often agree on....a lot of things....and I'm rambling at this point but I'm sure I made a valid point or two in there somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
In the grand scheme of things, my life is nothing, but so is my pain, and that's why I carry on.

As for fantasies, they'd be robbed of their special quality if they were reality. The sedentary life we take for granted today, for example, was a fantasy at one point. Maybe not exactly the same as their fantasies, but I'm sure some human some time ago wished he could just sit down and not worry about anything instead of having to do backbreaking farm work.

It too pains me that I can't own a $6 million dollar super yacht, but GTA5 lets me do that :p
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
On a more introspective way, made me think fantasies are made to fight to improve our lives trying to realize our dreams, that said...

Just keep going with life. Soon the magic of virtual reality will make your dreams come true. Soon relationships with people will be a thing of the past as we completely merge with our technology more and more until we transcend to literal gods in our virtual world to make as we see fit. We will reach a singularity to were you cant tell the difference between man and machine.

Damn, you made me think on BTL in Shadowrun, Trance in Technobabylon, VR in Halcyon, Dreamtime in Dreamfall, etc.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You not going to college to genetically engineer catgirls and become a valuable member of society is 100% your fault.

Me not doing it is also my fault, I'm just saying.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
>All text image

It's 2016, god damn.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Catgirls are too lazy to be contributing members of society. You can't properly tax people ("PEOPLE!") who sleep 16 hours a day and spend another four grooming! Stop the catgirl madness! #NoDucatsForCats #DontScratchMyBack

Anyway, I think that what you're feeling is just loneliness, and catgirls happen to be (I mean it must be accidental because there can't be a commercial interest behind it, right) idealized portrayals of the qualities in a partner that you feel is lacking in your life. It's easier to idealize things that are similar enough not to be threatening, yet different enough that you feel comfortable with not assigning them realistic or human complexity, where there's always bad alongside the good. Not to mention that it's easier to imagine a generic catgirl embodying those aspects than it is to imagine a real and again complex person when you don't have a crush on anyone particular. Or at least that's what I think, and I might obviously be wrong.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Wait who are you talking to?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
Catgirls are too lazy to be contributing members of society. You can't properly tax people ("PEOPLE!") who sleep 16 hours a day and spend another four grooming! Stop the catgirl madness! #NoDucatsForCats #DontScratchMyBack

Anyway, I think that what you're feeling is just loneliness, and catgirls happen to be (I mean it must be accidental because there can't be a commercial interest behind it, right) idealized portrayals of the qualities in a partner that you feel is lacking in your life. It's easier to idealize things that are similar enough not to be threatening, yet different enough that you feel comfortable with not assigning them realistic or human complexity, where there's always bad alongside the good. Not to mention that it's easier to imagine a generic catgirl embodying those aspects than it is to imagine a real and again complex person when you don't have a crush on anyone particular. Or at least that's what I think, and I might obviously be wrong.
And I think you're just overanalyzing shitposts on the internet.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Wait who are you talking to?
First you, then CloudStriker's original topic. My bad.

Speaking of whom@, not so much overanalyzing as wondering aloud about the logic behind the phenomenon itself, because that "no cosplaymonster gf why live" thing is all over the internet. What I said in the sentence before this one is mostly bullshit though, because honestly I just didn't want to shitpost without also saying something relevant to the thread's topic.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Oh I mean, yeah, I was just shitposting. But I get you.
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